
  • 网络Homeowner And Renters;Leasehold Insurance;SEGURO DE FIANCA LOCATICIA
  1. 每家公司都要与银行,租赁公司,保险公司和类似的财政机构有财政上的往来。

    Every business deals with banks , leasing companies , insurance companies , and similar financial institutions on matters of finance .

  2. 在租赁公司进行大型的资金密集型设备租赁时,杠杆租赁较其他租赁方式更为保险更为优越,因此越来越受到有关当事人的青睐。

    Leveraged lease is utilized by more and more parties related because it is better and safer than any other kinds of leases when the leasing company carries on leasing some capital-condensed equipments .