
  1. 金融租赁债权证券化研究

    The Study on Finance Leased Asset Securitization

  2. 截至9月底,花旗拟出售但尚未出售的贷款和租赁物债权增加到约420亿美元,较6个月前增长了一倍多。

    The bank 's portfolio of loans and leases it would like to sell , but has yet to do so , more than doubled over the same six-month period to about $ 42 billion at the end of September .

  3. 我国不动产租赁权为债权且不具有登记能力,不应成为预告登记的客体。

    Our leasehold of real estate is an obligatory right without registration ability and cannot become the object of notice registration .