
  • 网络A wave of immigrants;Immigration Waves
  1. 6世纪初,从不列颠涌向布列塔尼的移民潮达到了高峰。

    During the early sixth century emigration from Britain to Brittany was at its height

  2. 近代与当代两次移民潮比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Two Tides of Emigration in Modern China

  3. 他呼吁停止近期的移民潮。

    He called for a halt to the recent wave of emigration .

  4. 到了一九八O年,这股稳定的移民潮才像洪水般涌入。

    By the 1980s , the steady stream had become a flood .

  5. 美国非法移民潮与布什的临时工计划

    The Flow of Illegal Immigrants and Bush 's Guest - Worker Plan

  6. 从逻辑上说,应对移民潮的挑战需要采取集体行动。

    Logic says the challenge from migration demands collective action .

  7. 英国的国境正在被空前规模的移民潮淹没。

    Our borders are being overwhelmed by migration on an unprecedented scale .

  8. 其中一个重要原因是城市移民潮。

    One important factor is the waves of migration to the cities .

  9. 每次移民潮都会对旧偏见带来冲击。

    And each new wave of immigrants gives new targets to old prejudices .

  10. 这是普什图人史上最大的一次移民潮。

    This was the biggest exodus in Pashtun history .

  11. 这掀起了移民潮。

    This set off a wave of emigration .

  12. 最近移民潮中的农民工比他们的前辈有着更高的抱负。

    Recent waves of migrants have grander ambitions than those who came before them .

  13. 然而从最近一次大规模移民潮至今,还只有第一和第二代移民。

    The most recent large-scale wave of immigration has produced only first-or second-generation americans .

  14. 东亚新移民潮及其地区治理

    East Asian New Migration and Regional Governance

  15. 第二个危机是从非洲涌向地中海海岸的移民潮。

    The second crisis is the influx of migrants from Africa arriving on Mediterranean shores .

  16. 欧洲犹太移民潮与以色列国家的移民问题

    The Wave of Jewish Emigration in Europe and the Problem of Immigration in Israel State

  17. 西班牙在上个世纪90年代晚期和本世纪初见证了一场来自拉丁美洲的移民潮。

    Spain saw an immigration wave from Latin America in the late 1990s and early 2000s .

  18. 他也活够了,奥马哈移民潮时他也在场。

    And he lived a full life , he was in the first wave at Omaha beach .

  19. 第四部分主要论述了改革开放以来中国移民潮的影响。

    The forth part mainly discusses the influences of reform and openness upon the Chinese emigration wave .

  20. 你们要决心控制移民潮,保护欧盟边境。

    And you are determined to keep the migratory flows under control and the EU 's borders protected .

  21. 主要从中国移民潮对中国、世界以及移民者三方面带来的利弊进行研究。

    It mainly studies the gains and losses of three aspects include China , the world and emigrants .

  22. 第二部分主要论述了改革开放以来中国移民潮的表现,主要表现为八种移民模式。

    The second part mainly discusses the performances of the wave of Chinese emigration . There are eight emigration modes .

  23. 争执主要集中于过去两年中来到新加坡的中国大陆移民潮。

    Much of it is focused on the wave of mainland Chinese immigrants that has landed in Singapore over the past two years .

  24. 个中缘由少不了提到移民潮。过去十年,前往英语圈的合法移民达到1400万人。

    Immigration trends are also a contributing factor , During the past ten years , 14 million people immigrated legally to the Anglosphere .

  25. 中国移民潮形成的根本原因是国家间经济发展的不平衡,另外还有许多客观原因。

    The essential reason for the wave is unbalanced development of economy between countries . In addition , there are many objective reasons .

  26. 移民潮将继续,但是现在冲突的焦点在于大量的墨西哥人涌入加拿大,而不是美国。

    Immigration was raised again , but this time tensions were expected to be focused on Mexicans entering Canada , not the United States .

  27. 但是当移民潮减退,俄亥俄州人发现现在卖房子变得相当费劲,阳光之州的经济也变得磕磕绊绊。

    But when the influx slows and Ohioans are finding it rather difficult to sell their houses just now the Sunshine State 's economy sputters .

  28. 美国英语在殖民地初期开始从英国英语中分离出来,在移民潮的时候开始具有自己的地区差异和民族特色。

    It began to diverge from British English during its colonial beginnings and acquired regional differences and ethnic flavor during the settlement of the continent .

  29. 这个问题对我们未来的影响比我们决定为将来的美国移民潮设置准入门槛的影响更大。

    It will have more impact on our future than where we decide to set the admissions bar for the latest ware of would-be Americans .

  30. 这次移民潮将对中国产生怎样的影响?中国又将如何面对移民问题带给中国的挑战?

    What impacts will this wave of emigration bring to China ? And how will China react to these challenges that international migration brings to China ?