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xī shū
  • sparse;thin;few and far between;few and scattered
稀疏 [xī shū]
  • [thin] 宽松;不稠密

  • 一片稀疏的树木

稀疏[xī shū]
  1. 在非均匀采样系统建模过程中,由于数据稀疏,样本小、用通常的矩形或梯形法进行数值积分,将会引起较大的误差。

    In modelling a nonuniformly sampled with few and scattered input and output data , the method of the rectangle or the trapezoidal rule for numerical integration would lead to a considerable error .

  2. 研究结果表明,断裂前夕,常规焊接头的云纹条纹稀疏且不均匀,拉伸过程中应力集中在薄弱环节焊趾部位,焊接接头的力学性能指标较差;

    The results show that moir é stripes of conventional welded joint just before fracture are not only few and scattered but also uneven , and the stress mainly concentrates on the poor position welded toes during the tensioning process with the relatively poor mechanical properties of welded joints .

  3. 在城市的这一地区,房屋坐落稀疏。

    The houses are spaced out in this area of town .

  4. 她把一头稀疏的浅黄色头发向后梳,挽成了个圆髻。

    She had pale thin yellow hair she pulled back into a bun .

  5. 他50来岁,头发稀疏,身材矮胖。

    He was a tubby little man in his fifties , with sparse hair

  6. 埃迪四十多岁,矮矮胖胖的,头发日渐稀疏。

    Eddie was a short squat fellow in his forties with thinning hair .

  7. 稀疏的灰白头发披散在她肩头。

    Grey wispy hair straggled down to her shoulders .

  8. 她是一位瘦小、沉默的女子,面容消瘦,头发稀疏。

    She was a small , silent woman with pinched features and thin hair .

  9. 许多山坡都是石头地,植被稀疏。

    Many slopes are rock fields with sparse vegetation

  10. 她的长发稀疏,毫无光泽,两条腿跟竹竿似的。

    She had stringy hair and skinny legs .

  11. 房屋稀稀疏疏地坐落着,每栋都有自己的一片地和粗草坪。

    The houses are well spaced out , each on its own plot of ground and mat of coarse grass

  12. 树木稀疏。

    The trees are sparse .

  13. 稀疏的植物只够喂养少量的动物。

    The sparse vegetation will only feed a small population of animals .

  14. 林木稀疏。

    The woods are sparse .

  15. 地面上稀疏地覆盖草丛

    The ground was sparsely covered with grass .

  16. 那位老人头发稀疏

    The old man has lank hair .

  17. 湿润的土壤,相比有覆盖物或有植物的稀疏、干燥土壤能够吸收更多的热量。

    Moist soil absolves absorbs more heat than loose , dry soil covered with much mulch or vegetation .

  18. 宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院最近的一项研究显示,人们认为剃光头的男人看起来更有男人味和统治力。在某些情况下,他们比头发较长或者头发稀疏的男人看起来更具有领导潜力。

    Men with shaved heads are perceived to be more masculine , dominant and , in some cases , to have greater leadership potential than those with longer locks or with thinning hair , according to a recent study out of the University of Pennsylvania 's Wharton School .

  19. 基于图像稀疏分解的SAR图像斑点抑制算法。

    SAR image reducing speckle algorithm based on image sparse decomposition .

  20. 在计算机视觉(ComputerVision)应用中,自然图像可以在小波域中稀疏表示。

    For computer vision applications , it is known that natural images have a sparse representation in the wavelet domain .

  21. 利用GA实现非对称稀疏线阵旁瓣电平的优化

    Sidelobe Reduction of Asymmetric Linear Thinned Arrays Using Genetic Algorithm

  22. A、B组动物体重略增加,而C组动物毛发稀疏,体重反而下降(P<0.05);

    A slight body-weight increase in Groups A and B , but a body-weight decrease in Group C ( P < 0.05 );

  23. 对于稀疏信号,CS可以保证精确重构。

    For the sparse signal , CS can guarantee accurate reconstruction .

  24. Poisson过程及其稀疏过程在保险公司破产问题中的应用

    Ruin Problem for The Poisson Processes and p & Thinning Processes

  25. 研究了基于多层次B样条的曲面拟合,并且针对稀疏网格模型拟合曲面的起皱现象给出了改进方法。

    The B-Splines surfaces fitting algorithm with Multilevel B-Splines is also studied . And a modified fitting method about sparse meshes is put forward .

  26. 对组合高分辨率航空CCD图像和机载稀疏激光扫描测距数据自动提取城市建筑物的三维信息进行了研究。

    3D building reconstruction automatically using airborne CCD image and laser scanning rangefinder data was studied .

  27. 负荷预测的线性稀疏数AR预测模型

    Sparse number AR model for load forecast

  28. 基于稀疏RAM的神经网络及其人脸识别应用研究

    Research on the Neural Network with Sparse RAM and Its Application to Face Recognition

  29. 稀疏分光WDM网络组播协议设计

    Design and Analysis of Multicast Construction Protocol in Sparse Splitting Optical Intelligent Network

  30. A是nn阶的对称正定稀疏系数矩阵。

    A is an nn symmetric positively definite sparse coefficient matrix .