
  1. 对程菲、李娅平衡木下法技术的比较研究

    Research on Techniques Compare between Cheng Fei Leaving off Balance Bea

  2. 论程菲跳与双冠王程菲

    On the Double - Champion CHENG Fei and " Chengfei Jump "

  3. 程菲在5岁的时候赢了当地体操比赛中个人首枚奖牌。

    At5 , Cheng won her first competitive medal at a local competition .

  4. 在平衡木上,中国队的明星队员程菲落木。

    On the balance beam , the Chinese star Cheng Fei had fallen .

  5. 程菲的表演更加华丽,比赛变成了中国队的完美演出。

    And Cheng was simply magnificent , the perfect close to China 's big show .

  6. 姚菊英是程菲的第一位教练,在她的记忆里,程菲是一个非常严于律己、专心致志的孩子。

    Yao Juying , her first coach , recalled a remarkably disciplined and focused child .

  7. 程菲出生于1988年。由于中国执行“计划生育”政策,她是家中唯一一个孩子。

    She was born in1988 , an only child in a nation with a one-child policy .

  8. 曾经有一次,程菲恳求父母不要让她再练习了,她想回家。

    At one point , Cheng pleaded with her parents to let her quit and return home .

  9. 程菲少儿时期的训练特点可为少儿体操运动员的基础训练提供有益的启示。

    The childhood training features of Cheng Fei can be helpful for the fundamental training of the children gymnasts .

  10. 中国出征者中最有经验的程菲凭借在自由体操中稳定的发挥给胜利画上圆满句号。

    China 's most experienced campaigner Cheng Fei sealed the victory with a solid performance in the Floor exercise .

  11. 所以程菲&那个脸嘟嘟的、喜欢读军事类书籍的小姑娘,似乎并不想成为媒体记者的焦点,选择生活在镁光灯下的职业。

    And Cheng , puffy-cheeked with a penchant for reading military books , seems unlikely to pursue a career in the limelight .

  12. 但她们中间却没有人能像程菲这样拥有如此多的参赛经验。中国的体育官员们甚至不允许记者对程菲进行采访。

    But none are as experienced as Cheng , whom Chinese sports officials declined to make available for an interview for this article .

  13. 十运会程菲跳马踺子转体180°前手翻转体180°直体前空翻动作的运动学分析

    Kinematic analysis on Cheng Fei 's vaulting horse round-off half turn forward handspring half turn straight forward salto move on the 10th national games

  14. 观众们站了起来,为程菲的每次翻滚和跳跃喝彩,她的动作也越来越奔放。

    The audience was on its feet , cheering the twists and flips that seemed to get more powerful as her routine went on .

  15. 雅典奥运会上我国名将程菲获得该项目决赛权,让国人眼前一亮,但最终也没能获得奖牌。

    In Athens Olympics , famous Chinese athlete Cheng Fei accessed to the final of this project , but ultimately failed to win a medal .

  16. 然而,程菲并没有对这项运动表现出多大的兴趣。于是,当父母听到一位体操教练说他们的女儿是块练体操的料时,便开始张罗着为她联系这位体操教练。

    When she showed little interest in the sport , they decided to approach a gymnastics coach , who said their daughter might make a promising gymnast .

  17. 这次失利对程菲来说打击并不大,但是却加重了她右膝的伤,让她无法参加2009年的国家锦标赛。

    The failure not only dealt a heavy blow to Cheng , but exacerbated her right knee injury , which kept her away from the National Championship in2009 .

  18. 程菲曾是中国女子体操队队长,也是队里年纪最大的队员,今年23岁的她曾经获得过奥运奖牌,拿过九次世锦赛冠军。

    Former captain of the Chinese women 's gymnastic team and now the oldest member , the23-year-old Cheng was an Olympic medalist and has claimed nine world championships .

  19. 中国成功的体操运动员之一程菲正期盼着深圳大运,她因腿伤而消失两年后希望从这里再次登上舞台。

    ONE of China 's most successful gymnasts , Cheng Fei is looking forward to the Shenzhen Universiade as a stage for her comeback after a two-year hiatus due to leg injuries .

  20. 程菲父亲学过武术,从小就严格要求程菲。在程菲读小学的时候,他甚至要求程菲每天在上课前需早起先练习体操。

    Her father , a disciplinarian who had studied martial arts , pushed her from an early age , even pressing her to do calisthenics every morning before primary school classes began .

  21. 程菲家的墙上装饰着她的各种照片,还设有专门的荣誉陈列室用来摆放她获得的各种奖励。她的父母说,他们明白自己的女儿目前正承受着怎么样的压力。

    At home , where the walls are decorated with photographs of Cheng and a trophy room is filled with her awards , her parents say they realize the pressure she is under .