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shāo wēi
  • slightly;a little;a bit;somewhat;some;not very;kind of;a trifle;vaguely
稍微 [shāo wēi]
  • [a little;a bit;a trifle] 表示数量少或程度浅

  • 稍微搁点盐

  • 我身体好,这边稍微重点没哈。--《普通劳动者》

稍微[shāo wēi]
  1. 稍微动点脑筋,就能把这个地方变得富丽堂皇。

    With a little imagination , you could turn this place into a palace .

  2. 如果事先稍微多想想,许多事故是可以避免的。

    With a little forethought many accidents could be avoided .

  3. 还有其他一些餐馆价钱稍微便宜些。

    There are other restaurants where you can eat less expensively .

  4. 在终点线他只是稍微领先。

    He was just fractionally ahead at the finishing line .

  5. 我胳膊疼了,所以稍微变了变姿势。

    My arms were aching so I shifted position slightly .

  6. 这对我来说稍微贵了一点儿。

    It 's a tad too expensive for me .

  7. 这肉嘛,怎么说呢,做得稍微老了点儿。

    The meat was ─ how shall I put it ? ─ a little overdone .

  8. 自从他来了之后这是他第一次稍微放松一点儿。

    For the first time since his arrival he relaxed slightly

  9. 他只是需要稍微冷静一下。

    He just needs to calm down a wee bit .

  10. 我还是认为我能再稍微多付出一点儿。

    I still think I have a bit more to offer

  11. 也许我们听到的噪音会稍微少一点儿。

    Maybe we 'll hear a little bit less noise .

  12. 她看上去稍微有点儿沮丧。

    There was a slight air of dejection about her .

  13. 这稍微增加了一些工作量,不过似乎没有人介意。

    It involved a little extra work , but nobody seemed to mind .

  14. 它尝起来只是稍微有点苦,并且没有什么特别的气味。

    The taste is only slightly bitter , and there is little odour .

  15. 他说话稍微带一点儿德国腔。

    His voice had a very slight German intonation .

  16. 然后他全家搬到了一个稍微大一点的房子里。

    His family then moved to a slightly larger house

  17. 一阵凉风吹来,让炎热的天气变得稍微舒适了一些。

    A cool breeze made the heat pleasantly bearable .

  18. 奥斯瓦尔德教授的观点稍微温和些。

    Professor Oswald takes a sightly more lenient view .

  19. 你能稍微奢侈一点吗?你的预算是否有上限?

    Can you afford to splash out a little ? Is your budget unlimited ?

  20. 由于房子是倾斜的,所以你的位置稍微高于花园。

    You 're slightly above the garden because the house is on a slant .

  21. 我想人们应该觉得稍微自信了一点儿。

    I think people feel a bit more confident

  22. 我讲的时候大家把这个传一下,稍微看一眼。

    Just pass this round as I 'm talking and take a little look at it

  23. 到了晚上,我们稍微收拾打扮了一番,然后出去吃晚餐。

    In the evening we spruced ourselves up a bit and went out for dinner .

  24. 这条路稍微朝右弯。

    The road bent slightly to the right

  25. 里克到了,进门时为了避开门楣稍微低了下头。

    Rick appeared , bending his head a little to clear the top of the door .

  26. 湖本身就在你右侧仅几百码的地方,稍微向山下走几步。

    The lake itself lies only a few hundred yards off to your right and slightly downhill

  27. 透支稍微超出限额时,银行便会很快要求归还欠款。

    Banks are quick to demand their pound of flesh when overdrafts run a little over the limit .

  28. 有时我们会稍微变动一下事实,以免他们知道实情会太痛苦。

    Sometimes we bend the truth a little in order to spare them the pain of the real facts .

  29. 任何在税务方面情况稍微复杂的人都可能要填写税收申报表。

    Anyone with slight complications in their tax affairs is likely to be asked to fill in a return .

  30. 起风的时候你可以稍微放松绳子。

    You can slacken the ropes slightly when there is wind .
