
  • 网络Tax Planning
  1. 巴克莱(Barclays)充满争议的税务筹划业务本周将在美国法庭上受到新的审视,问题的关键在于,由该银行设计的一种交易是否给美国政府造成了逾10亿美元的税收损失。

    Barclays ' controversial tax planning business will come under fresh scrutiny in a US court this week over whether a transaction designed by the bank cost the US government more than $ 1bn in lost tax receipts .

  2. 税务筹划的主体、目标及学科定位

    The Tax Planning Entity , the Objective and the Subject Orientation

  3. 企业所得税作为G汽车集团的必要运营成本支出,其特点是负担重、弹性大且转嫁难,通过在经营活动中加强企业所得税税务筹划,是降低G汽车集团运营成本的有效手段。

    Income tax as a necessary operating costs , which is characterized by heavy burdens , elasticity and pass on difficult .

  4. ABC汽车有限公司作为行业内的一家大型的、现代化的、综合性的乘用车生产企业和Y市的第一纳税大户,以其作为研究对象进行税务筹划的研究具有典型意义。

    ABC Automobile Company is the industry within a large , modern and comprehensive passenger vehicles production enterprise as well as the first large taxpayer , Y city .

  5. 业务组合C的选择仅仅是在未来预期收入一定等假设条件下,对整体税负研究得出的税务筹划方案,公司最终业务组合的选择还应包括公司企业发展战略、资源整合能力等方面的考虑。

    Business Combination Item C is a revenue plan based on the comprehensive study of tax bearing and under the condition that the expecting income is certain . Business Combination should also consider the other infects including developing strategy , resources conformity ability , etc.

  6. 浅议现代企业的税务筹划

    A Brief Discussion on the Tax Planning of the Modern Enterprises

  7. 合理运用税务筹划提高企业经济效益

    Increasing the Economic Benefit through Making Rational Use of Tax Planning

  8. 跨国税务筹划已是一个潜在的利润十分丰厚的领域。

    International tax-planning has been a latent domain of high profit .

  9. 现代企业纳税筹划策略研究浅谈税务筹划策略

    A study on planning tactics of modern enterprises pay - taxes

  10. 中小企业税务筹划探析

    An Initial Analysis of the Tax-planning in the Small-and Medium-Sized Enterprises

  11. 中小型企业有关税务筹划问题新思考

    New Exploration on Tax Plan in Middle and Small-scale Enterprises

  12. 国际税务筹划的理论依据和我国跨国经营企业的现实对策

    Theory of International tax planning and Application to Chinese EC

  13. 关于大型矿业公司的税务筹划的方法及运用

    Methods and using about the large-scale mining industry company 's tax planning

  14. 利用税务筹划促进农村区域经济发展的探究

    A Research of Promotion of Rural Regional Economy Development by Tax Planning

  15. 购销定价的增值税税务筹划与纳税人身份选择

    VAT Planning of Purchase-sale Pricing and Selection of Taxpayer Identity

  16. 现代企业理财新思路&税务筹划

    New Method of Managing Financial Affairs of Modern Enterprise-Tax Plan

  17. 浅议企业涉税事项的税务筹划

    Brief talk on tax planning on the enterprise tax items

  18. 试析关联企业转让定价的税务筹划

    An Analysis on the Tax Planning of Transfer Price in Related Enterprises

  19. 现行的税务筹划属于企业财务战略范畴。

    The current tax planning is the area of business finance strategy .

  20. 企业税务筹划理论与实务研究

    Theory and Practice Research of Tax Planning of Enterprise

  21. 直面反倾销应诉的税务筹划与战略

    Facing the Tax Management Stratagem of the Antidumping Investigation

  22. 某企业税务筹划的策略探讨

    Exploring the Strategy of Tax Planning in an Enterprise

  23. 薪酬税务筹划及申报方案;

    Tax efficient structuring and reporting of remuneration package ;

  24. 香港公司税务筹划研究

    A Study of Tax Planning in Hong Kong Company

  25. 从博弈论的角度分析我国税务筹划的现状

    Analysis of China 's Tax Planning Status from the Perspective of Game Theory

  26. 风险熵量度税务筹划风险研究

    Research on Entropy for Risk Assessment of Tax Planning

  27. 公司治理结构作为税务筹划的基础和条件,将不可避免地对税务筹划行为产生影响。

    As the basis of tax planning , corporate governance has influence onit .

  28. 浅谈企业并购的税务筹划

    On the Tax Mobilization of the Merger of Corporation

  29. 我国企业税务筹划现状及原因透析

    Present Conditions of Enterprise Tax Design and Reasons Analysis

  30. 同时在税务筹划实践中也面临来自企业内部和外部的各种风险。

    Enterprises are faced with both internal and external risks in tax planning .