
  1. 专业服务集团普华永道(pwc)去年的一项调查发现,小型企业对分级扣除税制及其它税收优惠措施知之甚少。

    A survey last year by PwC , the professional services group , found very little awareness of taper relief and other incentives among small companies .

  2. 最后,建立科学、系统的环境税收优惠措施。

    Finally , set up the scientific and systematic environment tax revenue preferential measure .

  3. 但他表示,这一局面取决于政府承诺向该行业提供的税收优惠措施。

    But he said such an outcome hinged on tax breaks the government has promised for the industry .

  4. 建议九,整合税收优惠措施,进行统一管理和发布,并增加税收优惠的种类。

    Nine , Integrate the tax incentives for unified management and distribution and increase the types of tax incentives .

  5. 考虑到过去出现的亏损和有利的税收优惠措施,头几年应该不会产生任何应付税款。

    Because of past losses and favourable tax incentives , there should be no taxes payable in cash during the first few years .

  6. 我国现行中小企业税收优惠措施存在明显不足,难以对中小企业生存和发展起到应有的扶持作用。

    There exist obvious shortage tax preferential measures in present mid small enterprises , which can not foster the existence and the development of them .

  7. 论文着重对我国风险投资业的税收优惠措施进行了全面的分析,并提出税收优惠的改革方案。

    Especially , I analyze detailedly the tax preferential measures of the venture capital industry in our country in present and bring forward some corresponding innovation projects .

  8. 因而,优惠原则也是国际财政政策的重要原则之一,包括发达国家在内的众多市场经济国家都实施了内容丰富、方式多样的税收优惠措施。

    Therefore , preference is within the important principle of international fiscal policy . Most market-oriented countries , especially developed countries all put various tax preference into effect .

  9. 为推动东北振兴战略的实施,国家实行了包括增值税转型试点等一系列税收优惠措施。

    In order to promote the Northeast to revitalize implementation , the country has implemented a series of tax allowance measures including value-added tax transition pilot project , etc.

  10. 于是国家为中小企业提供了大量的帮助、扶持措施,其中最为重要的就是税收优惠措施的使用,以调整经济结构,实现社会经济协调发展。

    So the state provides a large of measures to help SMEs which is most important measure is preferential taxation policy . They are very useful for adjusting economic structure and achieving the goal of coordinated development of economy .

  11. 我国现行税制中虽有很多税种具有环境保护功效,但是,由于我国尚未设立以环境保护为根本目的的专门税种,且税收优惠措施又过于单一,从而限制了税收对环境污染的调控力度。

    Although many taxes are refered to environmental protection , there still can 't control efficiently because of no special tax for environment protection and inflexible tax promotion . Finally , set up the scientific and systematic environment tax revenue preferential measure .

  12. 除了中央已经出台的税收优惠措施外,还应当调整规范增值税、企业所得税、资源税及个人所得税等方面的税收制度,真正实现运用税收优势促进西部大开发。

    Besides the profitable taxation policies issued by the national government , we should adjust and regularize the regulations on value added tax , enterprises in-come tax , resource tax and individual in-come tax , and so on , so as to promote great development in western region .

  13. 摘要由于创业投资行业具有正向的外部效应,政府应当通过税收优惠等措施来增加其供给。

    Due to the positive external effects of venture capital , the goverment should increase its supply by means of preferential tax offers .

  14. 完善现有《食品安全法》,加大对违规企业的惩罚力度。有关政府部门可以采取财政支持、税收优惠等措施,支持各种社会责任投资基金或相关团体组织的发展。

    We must improve the " Food Safety Law " . The related departments can adopt support , tax incentives and other measures to support a variety of socially responsible investment funds or related groups organizations .

  15. 政府应该出台支持企业从贷款到税收的各种优惠措施,促使无形资产尽早转化为企业的实际生产能力。

    Firstly , government should introduce all kinds of preferential policy , prompt intangible change to be reality manufacture ability .

  16. 日本将向在本国设立地区总部和研发机构的外国公司提供可观的税收及其他优惠措施,东京方面希望此举能够增强日本作为商业中心的吸引力。

    International companies will be offered hefty tax breaks and other incentives to set up regional headquarters or research operations in Japan , in a move Tokyo hopes will make the country more attractive as a business hub .

  17. 实现三峡库区可持续发展的税收优惠政策导向及措施

    Realizing three gorge Reservoir area sustainable development 's tax policy trend and its measurement

  18. 完善湖北省促进企业技术创新的税收优惠政策的相关措施。

    Perfection of the relevant measures of preferential tax policies to promote technological innovation in Hubei Province .

  19. 采取税收、信贷等优惠措施,多渠道筹资,充分利用社会资源,发展老龄产业。

    Adopt some preferential measures with regard to taxation and loans to raise funds in a multiple way to develop the industry for the elderly .

  20. 卢旺达每年出口收入只有6亿美元,贸易逆差比例达到17.2%,该国提供了很大的税收优惠以及其他支持措施以增加外汇收入。

    Rwanda , which earns only $ 600m a year from exports and runs a 17.2 per cent trade deficit , offers hefty tax concessions and other support in an effort to boost foreign currency earnings .

  21. 中国长期以来一直希望成为汽车和汽车零部件出口的全球领军者,多年来一直为本国汽车和汽车零部件企业提供税收优惠和其他激励措施,包括廉价贷款和土地。

    China has long wanted to become a world leader in car and car part exports and has been offering tax and other incentives for years including cheap credit and land to domestic auto and auto parts companies .

  22. 在前文分析的基础之上,以主体分类,从政府和企业两方面着手提出完善湖北省促进企业技术创新的税收优惠政策的相关措施。

    Based on the analysis of the previous chapters and classification of the main agents , this paper finally points out some relevant measures to perfect the preferential tax policies to promote technological innovation by the government and enterprises in Hubei Province .

  23. 论文指出了促进知识产业发展的税收措施主要在于对税收优惠措施进行系统化设计和对现行税制进行优化。本文论述建设世界一流大学必须加强知识管理、制度建设及技术支持。

    It concludes that favorable taxation policies should be adopted so as to promote knowledge industry . This article discusses the need to promote knowledge management , system construction and technical support for the purpose of developing world top-ranking university .

  24. 税收政策方面的主要建议有:对中低收入家庭购房实施税收优惠措施;在消费税中增设高档住房消费税;开征物业税等。

    The main recommendations in tax policy are : low-middle income that purchase house should enjoy more tax incentives ; the tax items of high-end housing should be added in the excise tax ; property tax should be imposed .

  25. 加入WTO后,税收优惠对于吸引外资的作用已经相当有限,应当以产业政策为基调来制定外资税收优惠措施。

    And after we entered WTO , the tax preferences have less impact on attracting capital . Therefore we should determine the preference policy for foreign capital based on industry policy .

  26. 第四章在明确了税收效率、税收中性与税收调控三者关系的基础上,提出了选择主导税种、完善税制和税收优惠政策的措施。

    Chapter Four : on the basis of clarifying the relationship among taxation efficiency , taxation neutrality and taxation regulation , methods are given on selecting dominant taxation types , perfecting taxation system and taxation preferential policy .

  27. 论文首先阐述了以税收法定主义、税收公平与量能负担原则为主的税法基本原则,以及国外有关农民从事农业职业的税收制度设计、税收优惠和财政支农措施等惠农税收法律实践;

    First , the paper expounds basic tax principles featuring tax-legalism , taxation fairness and the principle of taxation on capability ; in this part the paper refers to some legal practices in foreign countries concerning building tax system for farmers , conducting favorable measures and financing farmers .