
shuì shōu wéi fǎ xínɡ wéi
  • Tax violations;taxation violations;irregularities of taxation
  1. 税收违法行为是税收流失的法律表现。

    Tax illegal act is the legal manifestation of tax loss .

  2. 坚持依法征税,依法处罚税收违法行为;

    Levy taxes and punish actions which violate tax regulations according to the law ;

  3. 偷税犯罪与一般税收违法行为的交融性;

    The blending character of crime of evading taxes with general violations against tax law ;

  4. 纳税人的税收违法行为信息不属于保密信息范围。

    The information about taxpayers'unlawful conducts relating to taxes does not fall into the scope of confidential information .

  5. 第三部分是涉税错弊案例分析,就涉及所得税、营业税和增值税等的7个案例,重点分析了针对不同税收违法行为的稽查方法和行政处理意见。

    We analyze 7 cases about the wrong and the fraudulent practices related to the taxes in Chapter Three .

  6. 采用前款所述的形式,检举税收违法行为的单位、个人称检举人;

    Entities and individuals reporting tax-related violations in any of the forms as stated in the preceding paragraph are referred to as informants ;

  7. 通过税务稽查查处税收违法行为,可以达到震慑违法犯罪分子,维护正常的税收秩序,促进依法纳税,保障国家财政收入的目的。

    By tax inspectors investigate tax violation , we can deter criminals , maintain normal order of taxation , promote tax compliance and protect the national fiscal revenue .

  8. 下级税务机关发现上级税务机关的税收违法行为,应当向上级税务机关或者有关部门报告。

    Tax authorities at a lower level shall report to tax authorities at a higher level or relevant department upon discovering any violation of tax law by tax authorities at a higher level .

  9. 解决的办法需综合治理,但完善收入所得税制度,加强征管力度,严惩在税收方面的违法犯罪行为是当务之急。

    Synthesis governance is a solving measure , but the urgent affairs are perfecting income tax system , strengthening taxation , throw the book at criminal .

  10. 税务部门提供优质的纳税服务不仅是其基本的职责和义务,而且优质的纳税服务对于提高纳税遵从度,降低税收成本,减少税收违法行为对经济的扭曲,降低社会成本都具有重要作用。

    It is an essential function and obligation for taxation department to provide high quality taxpaying service , which plays an important role on enhancing taxpaying obedience , decreasing tax revenue cost , reducing distortion of revenue illegality on economy and decreasing social cost .

  11. 对《税收征管法》规定的税收违法行为与《刑法》规定的税收犯罪行为在某些方面可进行统一,尽量做到衔接和协调一致。

    Some works of coordination and unification can be done concerning tax transgression in Law of Revenue Collection Administration and revenue crime in Penal Code .