
  • 网络the jixia academy
  1. 考察历史事实,我们发现稷下学宫里没有墨家学派,只是存在一些墨家思想,这些思想是在学术融合过程中相互吸收的结果,并不能说明墨家学派存在于稷下学宫。

    However , based on historical facts , we found that there existed no Mohist school in Jixia Academy except some Mohist thoughts , which was the result of integration of different academic thoughts .

  2. 稷下学宫是战国时期齐国的一所著名学府。

    The Ji-xia Academy was a famous institution of Qi in the Warring States period .

  3. 稷下学宫的建立,孕育了齐文化丰富的养生思想。

    The establishment of state schools bred the rich thought of keeping fit of Qi culture .

  4. 稷下学宫的这一办学思想对当今高校建设与改革仍然具有借鉴意义。

    The ideas of running Ji-xia academy has reference significance for the construction and reform of universities .

  5. 学术自由、境宽松是稷下学宫最基本的特点,也是它取得成功的重要原因。

    Academic freedom and loose environment were its main characteristics and also the main reasons of success .