
dào cǎo rén
  • scarecrow
稻草人 [dào cǎo rén]
  • [scarecrow] 稻草扎的人,比喻无实际本领或力量的人

  1. 我的第二个想法是用稻草人。

    And a second idea I got was to use a scarecrow .

  2. 它们会在第一天来的时候看到稻草人,然后折返。

    They will come the first day and they see the scarecrow , and they go back .

  3. 格拉斯的小说里充斥着稀奇古怪的人物:丑陋的怪人、小丑、稻草人和侏儒。

    Grass 's novels are peopled with outlandish characters : grotesques , clowns , scarecrows , dwarfs .

  4. 田里竖起了几个稻草人。

    A few scarecrows were set up in the field .

  5. 农民们竖起了几个稻草人,试图把乌鸦从玉米地里吓跑。

    The farmers tried to fear the crows out of corn by planting several men of straw .

  6. 有时他们也和它说话,比如一个人说“今天过得好吗?”,随后另一个就故意用很奇怪的语调说“不太好!”。当然了,稻草人是不会感激他们对自己的关心的。

    Sometimes , they would talk to it , saying things like " How 's it going ? " And the other would say in a weird2 voice " Not good . " Of course , Harold wouldn 't appreciate it .

  7. 张将军见无人攻击稻草人,便下令迅速吊下五百名精锐部队,以迅雷不及掩耳之势突袭了驻营的对方士兵,打得他们措手不及。

    When general Zhang saw that no one was firing at the straw dummies , he ordered that five hundred of his best troops be lowered instead . They made a lightning raid on the encamped soldiers who were caught completely by surprise .

  8. 后来有一次,托马斯心情不好拿哈罗德出气,这时阿尔弗雷德发誓说自己听到稻草人嘟囔了一声,“你听见了吗?哈罗德出声了!”“不可能,他就是一袋稻草而已。”托马斯回答说。

    A while later , when Thomas was taking out his anger on Harold , Alfred swore he heard the doll grunt3 . " Did you hear that ? Harold grunted4 ! " " Impossible , he 's just a sack of straw , " replied Thomas .

  9. 稻草人为什么会被邀请到TED大会?

    Why was the scarecrow invited to TED ?

  10. 由于这种稻草人谬误的使用,Kulak非常担心攻击事件,他并没有花费时间来说明事物的正反两个方面。

    Because of the usage of the straw man fallacy , Kulak is so worried about attacking things , he does not take the time to show both sides .

  11. 他们怀疑,这些小型出口公司利用“稻草人买家”(strawbuyers)的做法违反了联邦法律。这些被称为“稻草人买家”的代购者,付出少量资金来购置车辆,从而掩盖真实买家无意长期持有车辆,且购车资金来自他人的事实。

    who questioned whether these small export companies were violating federal law by using straw buyers - people paid small sums to buy cars - to conceal that the vehicles were being bought by people who had no intention of keeping them and were using cash from other people to make the acquisitions .

  12. BDUF以其优秀的稻草人(straw-man)形式体现了象牙塔架构,创建设计工件,不作任何更改直接交给开发人员来进行实现。

    BDUF , in its finest straw-man form , embodies ivory-tower architects creating design artifacts , dropping them through a hole in the floor for hapless coders to implement with no changes .

  13. 在玉米行中间有一稻草人。

    In between the rows of corn there was a scarecrow .

  14. 为了吓跑鸟儿,我做了一个稻草人。

    To scare the birds away I made a scarecrow man .

  15. 一年过后,稻草人变成了哲学家。

    A year passed , during which the scarecrow turned philosopher .

  16. 原来这是一片豆田,全都是稻草人。

    There used to be a field here full of scarecrows .

  17. 在英国,人们做一个稻草人。

    In England , people made a man with straw .

  18. 我可不愿意嫁给那个老稻草人。

    I don 't mean to be married to that old scarecrow .

  19. 那个稻草人不会吓走北方佬的。

    That scarecrow ain 't gonna frighten off no yankee .

  20. 一个面容憔悴下巴突出、又瘦又长、很像稻草人的男子

    A lanky scarecrow of a man with withered face and lantern jaws

  21. 锂不能被基本毒性检测发现,稻草人。

    Lithium doesn 't show on a basic tox screen , scarecrow .

  22. 我没事冒充稻草人干吗?

    Why should I pretend to be a scarecrow here ?

  23. 我了解你所说的关于骆驼和稻草人的事。

    I know what you said about the whole camel and straw thing .

  24. 从高处一看,就像个稻草人。

    A look from above , like a scarecrow .

  25. 你可曾见过一个填充满灰土和麦秆的空心稻草人么?

    Have you ever seen a scarecrow filled with nothing but dust and wheat ?

  26. 那你为什么要做这些稻草人呢?

    Why are you making these scarecrows anyway ?

  27. 嘿稻草人能帮忙吗

    Hey , can Scarecrow help ? Yeah !

  28. 稻草人是由乾草,帽子及衣服所组成。

    A scarecrow is made from hay and has a hat and clothes on .

  29. 想要大脑的稻草人,

    the Scarecrow , who wanted a brain ,

  30. 困境与出路:对我国环境保护中稻草人现象的社会学透视

    Predicament and Outlet : Sociological Insight into the Phenomenon of Scarecrow in China Environmental Protection