
bāo piàn
  • bract;bracteole;husk;hoose
苞片 [bāo piàn]
  • (1) [bract]∶与一株植物的生殖结构联合在一起的稍微变质的叶

  • (2) [husk]∶包玉米穗的叶子

苞片[bāo piàn]
  1. 实时荧光RT-PCR检测香蕉苞片花叶病毒方法的建立

    Detection of Banana bract mosaic virus by real-time fluorescent RT-PCR

  2. 其带苞片种子适宜的发芽温度为10~30℃;

    The germination temperature for seeds with bract was 10 ~ 30 ℃;

  3. 珍稀濒危植物珙桐(Davidiainvolucrata)苞片差异表达基因的克隆与分析

    Cloning and Analyzing of Bract Differentially Expressed Genes of Davidia Involucrata Baill

  4. 四川棱子芹属(PleurospermumHoffm.)系统学研究中国昆仑山地区棱子芹属植物苞片形态及其分类学意义

    Systematic of Genus Pleurospermum in SiChuan of China ; Bracts and bracteoles Morphology of Pleurospermum Hoffm . in Kun-Lun Mountains and Its Taxonomic Significance

  5. 叶形相似,但侧脉深陷,总状花序上具许多每6–9朵簇生的花,苞片暗红色,花被伸直,长3–3.5cm,可与后者明显区别。

    In the leaf shape , but differs by having sunken-veined leaves , many-flowered raceme with 6 – 9 flowers clustered together , dark red bracts , and erect perianth 3 – 3.5 cm long .

  6. 在下一个冬季,只有雨水能够使苞片张开。

    From the next winter , only rain can induce opening .

  7. 一种陆生兰花,叶阔卵形,花绿色、极不规则,具长苞片。

    Orchid with broad ovate leaves and long-bracted green very irregular flowers .

  8. 小花基部有苞片,剑形,绿色;

    Floret radical ministry has bud piece , sword form , green ;

  9. 目前栽培品种的粉红色苞片尖端带有绿色斑点,但是瑕不掩瑜。

    Current cultivars with pink bracts green spot cutting-edge , but have fundamental .

  10. 这种植物因其彩色苞片而有价值,这些苞片看起来像叶片。

    These plants are valued for their colorful bracts , which look like leaves .

  11. 中国昆仑山地区棱子芹属植物苞片形态及其分类学意义

    Bracts and bracteoles Morphology of Pleurospermum Hoffm . in Kun-Lun Mountains and Its Taxonomic Significance

  12. 具有柔软且长有绒毛叶片和长有珍珠白苞片伞房花序的美洲蜡菊。

    American everlasting having foliage with soft wooly hairs and corymbose heads with pearly white bracts .

  13. 花序为簇生花序组成的穗状花序或复穗状花序或单个腋生,是典型的具小叶的花序类型和具苞片的花序类型的过渡花序类型。

    It was spike or compound spike or individual inflorescence , which was made fascicled inflorescence .

  14. 苞片锐尖的或钝。

    Bracts acute or obtuse .

  15. 在菊科植物中,苞片数目多而聚生在花序外围,称为总苞。

    In the daisy family the numerous bracts which subtend the inflorescence are known as an involucre .

  16. 苞片原基稍后生长为三角状,此时2枚小苞片原基亦发育为三角状,随后苞片原基和小苞片原基迅速生长并向内弯折。

    Later on , the bract and the 2 bracteoles primordial grow into triangular form and become recurved subsequently .

  17. 这种植物的苞片只能在伸展展示花朵前短暂保持亲吻的形状。

    The bracts are only kissable for a short while , before they spread open to reveal the plants flowers .

  18. 各分枝顶端的叶片变为苞片,基部红色,看似花瓣。

    Each lamina of ramose top turns into bud piece , base the ministry is gules , read floweriness piece .

  19. 同时,其苞片原基、萼片原基、花瓣原基的分化持续时间比同花型的品种在菏泽地区的持续时间要长。

    The duration of bract primordium phase , sepal primordium phase and petal primordium phase were longer than it in Heze .

  20. 川续断属的草本植物,原产于旧大陆,头状花序围绕者有刺的苞片。

    Any of several herbs of the genus Dipsacus native to the Old World having flower heads surrounded by spiny bracts .

  21. 花序被雨水淋过或者长期吸水之后,露水不能使苞片张开。

    Dew no longer causes the bracts to open after the inflorescences have been exposed to rain or have imbibed water over long periods .

  22. 病株花柄和幼嫩果柄的超薄切片中也观察到这种细菌。7.花序梗、花梗的长、直径、毛被、具苞片和小苞片的情况;

    They were also observed in thin sections of pedicels and tender fruit stalks of diseased apples . 7 . Peduncles , pedicels and bracts ;

  23. 6月中下旬,雄花序苞片上分化出雄蕊原基,雌花序分化出苞片。

    In later June , stamen primodium was differentiated in the bract of male inflorescence and the differentiation of bract was generated in female inflorescence .

  24. 这种在被中国花友称为“幻紫”的重瓣铁线莲在其瓣状苞片凋谢后会更加精彩!

    Friends of this flower in the Chinese called the " Purple Magic " in plena wither in its valve-like bracts will be more exciting !

  25. 论绿色壁垒的突破及其与世贸规则的协调兰科的一个属,花不规则,绿色或紫色,排成总状花序,生于叶状苞片内。

    Breaking through the green vallation and coordinating it with WTO rules ; genus of hardy orchids with leafy-bracted racemes of greenish or purplish irregular flowers .

  26. 在雄花原基上首先发生的是苞片原基,位于花原基的远轴端,半球形状。

    The bract primordial is occur firstly on the male flower primordial , which locate on the abaxial of the flower primordial and have oval form .

  27. 然而,在很老的花序里,瘦果早已完全传播,这种机制就不再起作用,苞片闭合。

    In very old inflorescence , however , from which the achenes have already dispersed , the mechanism no longer works and the bracts are shed .

  28. 研究了金嘴蝎尾蕉切花最佳采收时期和对其苞片褐变具有良好控制效果的预处理保鲜液及瓶插方法。

    The optimum harvest time and effective pretreatment solutions and their treatment methods of cut Heliconia rostrata in relation to the control of spath browning were studied .

  29. 小穗,小穗状花序:禾草或蓑衣草所特有的一种小的或次级的穗,具有数目不等的由一至二片鳞状苞片衬托的渐少的小花。

    A small or secondary spike , characteristic of grasses and sedges , having a varying number of reduced flowers each subtended by one or two scalelike bracts .

  30. 12月初,最初的苞片原基在雌球果原基的鳞片的叶腋处产生,之后其由基部向顶部连续发生。

    In the early december , the first bract primordium was formed in the axil scale at the cone base , then bract initiation had occurred in acropetal direction .