
kàng yǎng huà
  • antioxidant;antioxidation
抗氧化[kàng yǎng huà]
  1. 这种抗氧化成分还存在于包括西红柿在内的其他红色蔬果中。

    This antioxidant is also present in other red fruits and vegetables , including tomatoes .

  2. 另外,鱼类和绿茶也是富含抗氧化成分的食物。

    What 's more , fish and green tea are also great sources of food high in antioxidant . 3 .

  3. 和其他浆果相似,草莓有很强的抗氧化性,能降低患慢性病的风险。

    Similarly to other berries , strawberries have a high antioxidant capacity , which may reduce your risk of chronic disease .

  4. 研究了其抗氧化增效剂,维生素C和柠檬酸具有协同增效作用。

    The antioxidation synergistic effect of C3 1 with Vitamin C and Citric Acid was studied too .

  5. 饲料硒和维生素E对大鼠机体抗氧化能力的影响

    Effects of dietary selenium and vitamin E on the antioxidative ability in rat

  6. 维生素E和维生素C对大豆磷脂脂质体的抗氧化作用

    Studies on the Inhibiting Effect of Vitamin E and C on Peroxidation of Soybean Liposomal Membranes

  7. 类黄酮化合物对AGE的抑制机理与其抗氧化性、消自由基作用有关。

    It was considered that the inhibitory mechanism on AGE is concerned with antioxidation and dissolving the free radical .

  8. 天然维生素E及其抗氧化机理

    The natural vitamin E and its antioxidant mechanism

  9. Si涂层可提高碳纤维的抗氧化性能;

    Si coating can rise the oxidation resistance of CF ;

  10. Ti2AlC/TiAl复合材料经快速热处理后的抗氧化性

    Oxidation resistance of Ti_2AlC / TiAl composite by rapid heat treatment

  11. 维生素E修饰透析膜对血液透析患者红细胞抗氧化应激的效果

    Effects of vitamin E-modified dialysis membrane on anti-oxidant stress of RBC in patients with haemodialysis

  12. 天然维生素E对胡麻油及α-亚麻酸的抗氧化作用

    Antioxidative effect of the natural Vitamin E on α - linolenic acid and benne oil

  13. 缺锌对衰老小鼠抗氧化系统和肝脏DNA损伤修复功能的影响

    Effects of zinc-deficiency on antioxidation system and repair of DNA damage and of hepatic cells in aging mice

  14. 结论:PC可提高氧化损伤晶状体的抗氧化能力,降低脂质过氧化物水平,减小晶状体损伤程度。

    Conclusion : PC can protect lens against oxidative stress and inhibit lipid peroxidation activity .

  15. 亚硒酸钠和维生素E对被动吸烟小鼠抗氧化能力和精子的影响

    Effect of sodium selenite and vitamin E on antioxidant capacity and sperm in passive smoking mouse

  16. 两种芳香植物非挥发性组分抗氧化和对DNA损伤的保护作用

    Effects of the Nonvolatile Parts of Two Aromatic Plants on Antioxidation and Preventing DNA Damage Caused by Hydroxyl Radical

  17. 抗氧化系统在H2O2诱导的玉米幼苗耐热性形成中的作用

    Involvement of Antioxidant Systems in the Formation of H_2O_2-induced Heat Tolerance in Maize Seedlings

  18. SiC窑具材料抗氧化涂层的研究和应用

    Study and application of the oxidation resistant coating of SiC kiln furniture

  19. 银屑病患者血清一氧化氮、一氧化氮合酶、总抗氧化能力、维生素E水平的变化

    Serum nitric oxide , nitric oxide synthase , total antioxidation and vitamin E levels in patients with psoriasis

  20. 炭基PO4/纳米SiC复合涂层的抗氧化性能

    Oxidation resistance behavior of carbon coated by PO_4 / nano-SiC composites

  21. 高温氧化预处理对B4C-SiC/C复合材料自愈合抗氧化性的影响

    The effects of preoxidation treatment for b_4c - sic / c composites at high temperatures on the properties of self-healing and oxidation resistance

  22. 激光熔覆M-Cr-Al-Y合金及其抗氧化性能研究

    Production of M - Cr - Al - Y Coatings by Laser Cladding and Their Oxidation Behavior

  23. 高温SiC/Al2O3复合抗氧化涂层性能的研究

    Study the oxidation-resistent property of SiC / Al_2O_3 composite coat at high temperature

  24. 高效的DNA修复能力、多种抗氧化机制和快速DNA损伤响应能力,对耐辐射球菌的极端抗性做出了巨大的贡献。

    Efficient DNA repair mechanism , a variety of antioxidant and rapid DNA damage mechanisms contribute to the extreme radio-resistance of D. radiodurans .

  25. 结论:黄芩苷对BCG加LPS致小鼠免疫性肝损伤有显著的保护作用,这可能与它增加机体的抗氧化能力有关。

    Conclusion : Baicalin has the liver - protection effect .

  26. 内源性低浓度TNF及抗氧化能力的提高,对创面修复是有益的。

    Lower levels of TNF and higher levels of SOD are apparently beneficial to wound healing after trauma .

  27. (Ti,Si)N比TiN在高温下有较高的抗氧化性能。

    The oxidization resistance at elevated temperature for ( Ti , Si ) N is higher than that of TiN .

  28. 目的研究野生山葡萄多酚类物质(PVA)对小鼠组织的抗氧化作用。

    Objective To study the anti-oxidative action of PVA on the tissues of mice .

  29. 通过实验发现,天然维生素E可以提高胡麻油和α-亚麻酸的抗氧化性能。

    The results were showed that the natural Vitamin E could improve the antioxidative of benne oil and α - linolenic acid .

  30. 选用A,B,C和D四个炭/炭复合材料试样进行抗氧化涂层厚度的光学测量研究。

    Optical measurement of oxidation protection coating depths of C / C composites of samples A , B , C and D was investigated in this paper .