
kàng pí láo xìng
  • fatigue resistance
抗疲劳性[kàng pí láo xìng]
  1. SBS乳化改性沥青具有较好的渗透性、抗疲劳性和防水性,在路面裂缝治理中取得良好效果。

    With desirable permeability , fatigue resistance and watertightness , SBS modified asphalt emulsion has been used in pavement cracking control effectively .

  2. 螺恶嗪类化合物以高的光化学稳定性和抗疲劳性而倍受注目,在光信息存储材料等领域有着潜在的应用价值。

    Spirooxazines compounds exhibit better photostability and fatigue resistance , which make them potentially suitable for optical data storage materials and other fields .

  3. 在经历了Electroforming电压操作后,薄膜器件表现出良好的开关性能,包括较低的阈值电压、良好的抗疲劳性和保持特性。

    After electroforming , the film presents good switching performance , including low-threshold voltage , good endurance and retention .

  4. 机械特性聚醚醚酮PEEK具有刚性和柔性,特别是对交变应力下的抗疲劳性非常突出,可与合金材料相媲美。

    Mechanical properties PEEK PEEK has rigid and flexible , especially for alternating stress of fatigue resistance is very outstanding , but and alloy material comparable .

  5. FRP不但具有优异的力学性能和化学稳定性,而且由于单一的纤维相对缺陷较少,作为单向复合材料FRP更具有很强抗疲劳性,所以FRP也被广泛的应用到加固承受疲劳荷载的结构。

    FRP has the properties of distinguished mechanics performance and chemical stability . Moreover as unidirectional composite material , FRP possess tenacious fatigue resistance . Therefore FRP has also been widely used in strengthening structures bearing fatigue load .

  6. 细菌视紫红质(Bacteriorhodopsin,BR)是一种具有优良光致变色特性的光敏蛋白分子,具有极好的抗疲劳性和高的光转换量子效率,可用于光学图像信息的获取和存储。

    Bacteriorhodopsin ( BR ) is a kind of light sensitive protein with excellent anti-fatigue property and high optical transition quantum efficiency , by which optical image information can be acquired and stored .

  7. 碳纳米管作为复合材料的增强体,将表现出良好的强度、弹性、抗疲劳性,同时还具有耐强酸、强碱,在空气中973K以下基本不被氧化等优良性质。

    CNTs are used as composite material reinforcement to present excellent strength , flexibility and resistance to fatigue .

  8. 较大的脉冲幅度虽能产生较强的电阻转变和EPIR值,但同时样品也更容易出现疲劳,其抗疲劳性也越差。

    The larger pulse amplitude can cause a stronger EPIR value , but at the same time samples are also easier to fatigue .

  9. 平滑的表面形貌降低了在零件表面形成应力集中源的可能性,因此提高了零件的抗疲劳性。

    Smooth surface lows the chance of stress concentration , so fatigue strength is enhanced .

  10. 其最大特点是具有很高的抗疲劳性,可逆转换甚至可以发生500次而没有损伤材料;

    On Reverse Passing of The reverse cycle can be repeated even 500 times without lose of material .

  11. 压电复合材料层合结构具有很高的比强度和比模量,优异的抗疲劳性、减振性、和降噪性能,正日益广泛地应用于航空、航天、汽车等众多领域。

    The piezoelectric composite laminated structures exhibit superior mechanical properties particularly their high strength-to-weight ratio , easy incorporation and good shock absorption , etc.

  12. 虽然利用金属氧化物电极可以提高其抗疲劳性,但是这种电极不易制备并且会增加漏电流。

    Although using metal oxide electrodes can solve the fatigue problem , it is not easy to synthesize and the leakage current can increase .

  13. 粉末冶金铁基烧结合金在工业中的应用已越来越广泛,但由于孔隙的存在,耐磨性、耐蚀性和抗疲劳性均有待改善。

    Sintered iron-based alloys are being used increasingly in industry , but greater hardness and wear-and corrosion-resistances are demanded because of existing open porosity .

  14. 比较了两类材料的感光光谱范围,感光灵敏度,空间分辨率,抗疲劳性,热稳定性等性能。

    The optical storage properties of both materials were compared such as sensitive spectral range , sensitivity , spatial resolution , fatigue resistance and thermal stability .

  15. 定向凝固复合材料属平衡反应型复合材料,晶界少,具有良好的热稳定性和抗疲劳性,是理想的高温材料。

    Directed solidifying composite obtained by equilibrium reaction is good and high temperature material since it has little grain boundary , good thermal stability and is fatigue-resistant .

  16. 医疗器械的生物力学特性是临床外科医生关心的问题,各类骨科内、外固定器械的结构稳定性、强度极限、抗疲劳性、共振现象和冲击特性等关系到其在临床中应用的合理性与安全可靠性。

    The biomechanical features of medical treatment instruments are concerned by clinicians , which is composed of structure stability , intensity limitation , anti-fatigue , resonance-responding and impact characters et al .

  17. 研究表明,纳米银可有效降低烧结温度,提高设备的高温稳定性、导热性、导电性、机械强度、抗疲劳性等。

    The results show that nanoscale silver powder is viable to lower the sintering temperature , improve the high-temperature stability , thermal conductivity , electrical conductivity , mechanical strength of device and resist to fatigue failure of the device .

  18. 先进复合材料结构因具有较高的比强度和比刚度以及良好的抗疲劳性和成形工艺性,被广泛应用于航空、航天、建筑、交通等方面。

    Advanced composite materials have been widely used in aviation , spaceflight , architecture , traffic , etc. by virtue of their high strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight characteristics , as well as excellent corrosion and fatigue resistance and molding techniques .

  19. 聚酯纤维沥青混合料是一种新型路面复合材料,可以有效的提高路面的高温稳定性、低温抗裂性、抗疲劳性等路用性能和延长路面的使用寿命。

    Asphalt mixture reinforced by polyester fibers is a new composite material , and it can improve the mechanical performance effectively and extend the lifetime of pavement , such as high-temperature stability , low-temperature crack resistance , fatigue resistance , etc.

  20. 碳纤维增强复合材料、钛合金和铝合金等材料因具有高强度、良好的抗疲劳性和耐蚀性等优点,已广泛应用于航空航天领域。

    Due to their high strength , good fatigue strength and corrosion resistance , more and more difficult-to-cut material such as carbon fiber reinforced plastic ( CFRP ), titanium alloy and aluminum alloy are used in large components in aerospace industry .

  21. 螺恶嗪作为一种新型的光致变色化合物,具有较好的抗疲劳性和光稳定性,此外,它还具有响应快、化学性质稳定等优点,很有希望进入应用领域。

    Spirooxazine , as a new type of photochromic compound , has good fatigue resistance and light stability . In addition , it also has the advantages of fast response and stable chemical properties , which is very promising into the applications .

  22. 通过对武钢钢渣以及钢渣沥青混凝土的路用性能进行的一系列试验,全面分析钢渣的集料性质以及钢渣沥青混合料的高温变形特性、水稳定性、低温抗裂性、抗疲劳性以及抗滑特性。

    The performance of the mixture of the steel-making slag with the asphalt-concrete in the pavement laying purpose has been tested repeatedly and the high temperature deformation property , hydro-stability , low temperature cracking resistance , fatigue resistance and anti-slippery property of the mixture analyzed .

  23. 海底输油软管是由不同功能层组成的复合管线,具有优良的耐腐蚀性、挠性、抗疲劳性以及安装简便、可重复利用等优点,在国外正逐步取代传统钢质海底管线。

    As a composite pipeline consisting of different functional layers , with the advantages of excellent corrosion resistance , flexibility , fatigue resistance , easy installation , repeated use , etc. , submarine oil pipeline is gradually replacing traditional steel submarine pipeline in foreign countries .

  24. 通过选择铍铜合金材料为研制对象,优化合金成分设计与精细调控热处理工艺,初步实现了强度、硬度、导热性、热强性和抗疲劳性良好匹配的目的。

    By using beraloy as research object , optimizing the design of alloy ingredients , and well regulating and controlling heat treatment technology , the material of roll - sleeve is of good strength , hardness , heat conductivity , heat resistance and fatigue resistance .

  25. 研究结果表明尽管缩醛树脂卡环固位力总体上低于钴铬合金卡环,但它具有更好的弹性和抗疲劳性,完全可以作为对钴铬合金卡环一种有益的补充应用于临床。

    Although the retentive force of acetal resin clasps was in general lower than that of the Co-Cr alloy clasps , it has better flexibility and fatigue resistance with deeper undercut . So acetal resin clasps can be applied in clinical as the meaningful supplements of Co-Cr alloy clasps .

  26. 抗疲劳功能性食品复方添加剂安全毒理学初步试验

    Preliminary Study on Toxicities of An Antifatigue Functional Food Compound Additive

  27. 抗疲劳功能性食品添加剂方剂设计

    Design of Antifatigue Functional Food Compound Additive Formulas

  28. FRP桥面板耐腐蚀,抗疲劳和耐久性。

    The advantages of applying FRP in bridge decks include its ease installation , corrosion resistance , fatigue endurance .

  29. 克服了传统桥面铺装后,热稳定性差,易开裂,抗疲劳、抗水性差等缺陷。

    The defects of the traditional bridge deck pavement of poor heat stability , easy cracking and poor fatigue resistance and water resistance .

  30. 二十八烷醇作为一种具有抗疲劳活性的功能性物质,是一种天然存在的长链饱和一元脂肪醇。

    Octacosanol , as an active anti-fatigue functional substance , is a concentrated form of the saturated unique long-chain fatty alcohol exist in the nature .