
  • 网络tire cord fabric;polyester tire cord fabric
  1. Air(初三适用)织造轮胎帘子布的喷气织机

    Air - Jet Weaving Machine for Weaving Tire Cord

  2. 公司主要生产尼龙66丝和轮胎帘子布。

    The mainly producs is industrial nylon 66 yarn and tire cord fabrics .

  3. 塑料浸渍物,(不包括轮胎帘子布)

    Dipped fabric , impregnated with plastics ( excl. tyre cord fabric )

  4. 我国轮胎帘子布行业的发展历程与现状

    Development Course and Present Situation of the Tyre Cord Fabric Industry in China

  5. 介绍了子午轮胎帘子布用涤纶弹力纬纱(芯纱)的制造技术。

    The production of the PET elastomeric yarns is introduced in this paper .

  6. 织造轮胎帘子布的喷气织机喷气织造的技术经济分析

    Air-Jet Weaving Machine for Weaving Tire Cord Technical and Economic Analysis of Weaving on Jet-Looms

  7. 居内轮胎帘子布织造装置

    G ü nne Tyre Cord Weaving Installation

  8. 纺织物,用聚氯乙烯浸渍、涂层、包覆或压层(不包括轮胎帘子布)

    Casement cloth textile fabric , impregnated , coated , covered or laminated with polyvinyl chloride ( excl tyre cord fabric )

  9. 机织轮胎帘子布,高强力粘胶丝制成,不论是用否橡胶或塑料浸制或浸渍

    Woven cord tyre fabric , of high tenacity yarn of viscose rayon , whether or not dipped or impregnated with rubber or plastics

  10. 目前,间苯二酚主要用于橡胶工业,用于生产轮胎帘子布浸胶剂,以及汽车用胶管、胶带的粘合剂的生产。

    Now , resorcinol is mainly applied in latex industry , such as tyres , rubber pipe and adhesive for belt in automobiles .

  11. 遮日布,室内用(包括环状遮日帘,纺织材料制的)纺织物,用聚氯乙烯浸渍、涂层、包覆或压层(不包括轮胎帘子布)

    Interior blind of textile materials ( incl. roller blinds ) textile fabric , impregnated , coated , covered or laminated with polyvinyl chloride ( excl tyre cord fabric )

  12. 机织蛋白质纤维长丝纱织物,含此类纱重量低于85%(不包括轮胎帘子布、绒头织物和绳绒织物)

    Fabric of protein filament yarn , woven , containing less than 85 % by weight of such yarn ( excl. tyre cord fabric and pile and chenille fabrics )

  13. 回顾我国轮胎帘子布的发展历程,分析帘子布行业的现状及主要问题,探讨其今后的走势。

    This paper reviews development course of tyre cord fabric , analyses present situation and major problems of the cord fabric industry and makes an approach to its trend .

  14. PA66在我国主要用于生产斜交轮胎用帘子布和高级合成纤维,其中帘子线的生产已经具有相当大的规模。

    Poly hexamethylene adipamide ( PA66 ) has been mainly used in the manufacture of advanced synthetic fiber and tire cord fabric of diagonal tire which has already been manufactured in a considerable scale in China .

  15. 轮胎永帘子布,摩托车,柔巾机,轴承。

    Introduce : Nylon tyre cord fabric , motorcycles , napkin machine , bearings .

  16. 对执行GB9102-2003《锦纶6轮胎浸胶帘子布》的几点建议

    Suggestion on carrying out GB 9102-2003 PA6 Dipped Tire Cord Fabric