
  • 网络marine engineering;Marine Engine Engineering
  1. 如何从INTERNET上获取轮机工程专业信息

    How to Get the Marine Engineering Information from Internet

  2. 网络系统韧性度的理论及其在轮机工程中的应用

    The Theory of the Tenacity of Network Systems with Application to Marine Engineering

  3. 在此之前,轮机工程系只招收男生。

    The department had only ever admitted male students before her .

  4. 飞机制造联合委员会造船工程联合会造船和轮机工程联合会

    JAC ( Joint Aircraft Committee ) Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions

  5. 工艺/机械/工程或相关专业本/专科学历。《轮机工程与航海》

    BS degree in Technology / Mechanical / Industrial Engineering or other related field .

  6. 丹麦造船和轮机工程学会

    Danish Society of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

  7. 交通信息工程及控制和轮机工程为国家重点学科。

    Traffic control and information engineering and marine engineering for the state key disciplines .

  8. 高职轮机工程技术专业项目导向教学模式的改革与实践

    Reform on Project-Oriented Teaching Mode for Marine Engine Engineering Specialty in Higher Vocational Education

  9. 轮机工程系统国际协作委员会群组协作模式下的网络视频会议系统

    International Cooperation on Marine Engineering Systems NETWORK CONFERENCE SYSTEM BASED ON GROUP COOPERATION MODE

  10. 还对轮机工程管理的发展趋势进行了预测分析。

    This paper also presents prediction about the direction of marine engineering management development .

  11. 蒸汽轮机工程曲线回归的神经网络方法及其应用

    The Method of BP Nerve Network for Returning Curves of Steam Turbine and Its Application

  12. 轮机工程专业学生海上认识实习安全问题探究

    Exploration on Safety During Practice Teaching at Sea for the Students in Marine Engineering Department

  13. 《轮机工程与航海》浅谈热压印字轮印字在电缆中的应用

    Application of the Printing by the Hot-Press Printing Wheel in the Wire and Cable Industry

  14. 吴迅则表示,她希望将来能有更多的女生报考轮机工程专业。

    Wu says she hopes that more girls join the marine engineering department in the future .

  15. 更让人吃惊的是,吴迅还是轮机工程专业史上第一名女生。

    What 's more , Wu is the first female marine engineering major in the history of the college .

  16. 船用燃油辅锅炉仿真系统主要运用于轮机工程专业教学工作,加强实践,可作为锅炉课程教学的辅助教具。

    The marine fuel boiler simulation system can be used in the marine engineering teaching and give trainees comprehensive training .

  17. 将人工神经网络技术应用于船舶故障诊断,是当今轮机工程领域的一个重要研究方向。

    The application in the ship fault diagnosis of the neural network is of important direction in the marine engineering field .

  18. 近年来,计算机技术与数值模拟技术的发展为燃气轮机工程设计提供了新的平台。

    However , progresses in computer technology and numerical simulation technology are providing a new platform for gas turbine engineering design .

  19. 这位女生名叫吴迅,是上海海事大学商船学院轮机工程专业唯一一名女生。

    The girl , named Wu Xun , is the only female student among all her classmates majoring in marine engineering at Shanghai 's Merchant Marine College .

  20. 对轮机工程管理自诞生至今3个发展阶段的社会历史背景、机器设备状况、环境、人及管理的发展,作了较为详细的回顾;

    The paper presents explicit study in social background , machinery situation , environment and management development of marine engineering management that has passed through three development periods .

  21. 培养从事轮机工程及其自动化的设计、监造、检测、试验与研究的高级工程技术人才。

    The program is designed to prepare top-ranking engineering technicians of design , inspection , testing as well as research in the field of marine engineering and automation .

  22. 本课题来源于大连海事大学211工程轮机工程实验室的二期建设项目。

    The topic of this dissertation is one of the sub-projects of phase II construction of the marine engineering laboratory , which is one of the 211 projects of Dalian Maritime University .

  23. 本文的研究将给轮机工程人员在处理缸套磨损问题时提供有力的决策基础,同时也为缸套耐磨寿命的研究打下了基础。

    The conclusions drew in the paper will provide useful reference when the marine engineers make decision , also build up a strong basis for the research on wear life of the cylinder .

  24. 本设计是在轮机工程学院电站实验室进行的,由于实验室的工作安排繁忙,本系统还有不够完善的地方,有待于进一步探索研究。

    The experiment is completed in the ship power station of institute of ship engine , because work of the laboratory is very busy , there are some disadvantages in this system should be improved .

  25. 为了实施公约,以及配合我校211工程轮机工程实验室的二期建设,我们开发了船舶发电机综合保护试验装置。

    In order for putting this convention into practice so as for a close cooperation with the phase II construction of the marine engineering laboratory that is a component of the 211 project of our school , we have developed the synthetic protection experimented device for shipping generators .

  26. 本文分析论述了海南洋浦电厂V94.2型燃气轮机联合循环技改工程的特点、成功经验和存在的问题,供同行参考。

    This paper discusses Hainan Yangpu V94.2 gas turbine combined cycle power plant technical transformation project of the characteristics of successful experiences and problems for the peer reference .

  27. 对燃气轮机用于油田注水工程的探讨

    Enquiring into Application of Gas Turbines in oilfield Injection Engineering

  28. 节能型向心式蒸汽轮机&热电联产工程系列报告之一

    Energy-saving Centripetal Steam Turbine - One in a Series of Reports on Cogeneration projects