
lún chàng
  • round;sing a round
轮唱 [lún chàng]
  • [round] 演唱者分成几组,按一定时距先后错综演唱同一旋律的歌曲

轮唱[lún chàng]
  1. 我们也许可以拿它作为轮唱曲来唱。

    We could sing it as a round .

  2. 门上的把手好像弄折了。轮唱;

    The catch on this door seems to be broken .

  3. 请电话和咨询“轮唱”,让我们的访问协调者安排一个访问日程。

    Call and ask for " the troll ," our visitor coordinator , to schedule a visit .

  4. 当冬夜早至,她(坐在欢快的纺车边)对着急转的命运之轮唱出她的无畏。

    And when winter evenings fall early ( sitting at her merry wheel ) she sings defiance to the giddy Wheel of Fortune .

  5. 说出你想放在首位的歌吧,但是这首轮唱的曲目拿走电影中最佳歌曲简直是易如反掌:实际上,喜气洋洋的合唱歌曲总是会赢走成年人和小孩子的心。

    Say whatever you want , but the trolls number is hands down the best song in the movie : in fact the jubilant group number thats going to win over the adults in the crowd as well as the kids .

  6. 也可以利用音乐中齐唱、轮唱、对唱等多种方法,来认识美、体验美、掌握美、表现美、创造美,达到以美导行效果。

    Various musical means such as unison , troll and antiphonal singing can also be used to realize beauty , experience beauty , master beauty , express beauty and create beauty so as to achieve the result of beauty leading the action .