
tóng shēng
  • child's voice
童声 [tóng shēng]
  • [child's voice] 儿童未变声以前的嗓音

童声[tóng shēng]
  1. 她改用童声唱起童谣来。

    She lapsed into a little girl voice to deliver a nursery rhyme

  2. 这个小女孩用尖尖的童声讲话。

    The little girl spoke in a high childish voice .

  3. 从x日至y日,友协成功地举办了第六届国际童声合唱节

    From x to y the CPAFFC successfully hosted the Sixth International Children 's Choir Festival

  4. 谈童声训练几个问题的处置

    The Solutions to the Problems in the Children 's Voice Training

  5. 这次童声合唱还吸引了不少同龄的孩子观看。

    Also this performance attracted many Chinese children to come .

  6. 童声合唱有利于中学生心理健康

    Children 's Chorus Helps the Healthy Mind for Middle Schools ' Students

  7. 童声小组唱:让爱天天住我家。

    Children 's chorus : love dwells in my home .

  8. 纯净天真的童声缭绕,仿佛一群天使在歌唱,清澈,纯洁而不含杂质。

    The innocent voices were filled with purity and sounded like angles .

  9. 那男孩爬上他爸爸的膝盖,用童声歌唱起来。

    The lad climbed on his lap , singing in a youthful soprano .

  10. 406例儿童声阻抗测试

    Acoustic impedance measurement in 406 children

  11. 科罗拉多青少年音乐艺术团是和维也纳童声合唱团、英国伊顿公学童声合唱团齐名的世界三大童声合唱团之一。

    Colorado children 's Chorale is one of the three world-famous children 's chorales , together with Vienna children 's Chorale and Eton children 's Chorale in britain .

  12. 届时将有来自世界各地的一流的交响乐团和合唱团与闻名世界的奥地利“维也纳童声合唱团”在维也纳金色大厅同台演出。

    There will be from around the world-class symphony orchestra and choir with the world-famous Austrian " Vienna Boys Choir " in Vienna 's Golden Hall with the Orchestra .

  13. 个人的自由思想与集体童声合唱所产生的对立,让追求自由的幼小心灵在单调驯顺的集体体制中显得极为孤独与无奈。

    The conflict between the personal free thought and the collective children 's chorus makes the immature soul of pursuing freedom become extremely lonely and helpless in the dull and tame collective system .