
tóng nián
  • childhood
童年 [tóng nián]
  • [childhood] 未成年时期;幼年

童年[tóng nián]
  1. 一闻到烘烤食物的味道我就想起了童年。

    I always associate the smell of baking with my childhood .

  2. 她的童年是在父母之间穿梭往来中度过的。

    Her childhood was spent shuttling between her mother and father .

  3. 接受采访的人当中,很少有人说他们的童年是快乐的。

    Very few of those interviewed spoke positively about their childhood .

  4. 那部剧大致上是根据他在俄罗斯的童年生活写成的。

    The play is loosely based on his childhood in Russia .

  5. 我还能回忆起我童年时住的那座房子。

    I can still picture the house I grew up in .

  6. 父亲去世对她的童年造成巨大影响。

    Her father 's death impacted greatly on her childhood years .

  7. 童年与成年之间有分界线吗?

    Is there a cut-off point between childhood and adulthood ?

  8. 这篇文章对他的童年作了歪曲的描述。

    The article gave a distorted picture of his childhood .

  9. 他的问题的祸根在于他童年的经历。

    His problems are deeply rooted in his childhood experiences .

  10. 在开始的几章中,她描述了自己童年的经历。

    She relates her childhood experiences in the first chapters .

  11. 大海的气息勾起了她童年的回忆。

    The smell of the sea carried her back to her childhood .

  12. 她的童年是在不断迁移中度过的。

    Her childhood was spent travelling from place to place .

  13. 作者将她的童年时代作为这部小说的素材。

    The writer uses her childhood as raw material for this novel .

  14. 这个地方处处都装点着他童年的回忆。

    The place was overlaid with memories of his childhood .

  15. 成年人的行为模式往往是童年经历造成的。

    Adult behaviour is often patterned by childhood experiences .

  16. 这本书唤起我童年的记忆。

    The book summoned up memories of my childhood .

  17. 作家试图再现他童年的所见所闻。

    The writer attempts a recreation of the sights and sounds of his childhood .

  18. 她不幸的童年留下了不可磨灭的痕迹。

    Her unhappy childhood left an indelible mark .

  19. 她童年的往事涌上心头。

    Memories of her childhood came flooding back .

  20. 童年的印象经久不忘,真是不可思议。

    It 's strange how childhood impressions linger .

  21. 她为失去的童年而伤感。

    She mourned for her lost childhood .

  22. 再往前回想你的童年。

    Think further back into your childhood .

  23. 她有过一个备受呵护的童年。

    She had a very sheltered childhood .

  24. 她有一个幸福的童年。

    She had a happy childhood .

  25. 这地方唤起了童年的回忆。

    The place reawakened childhood memories .

  26. 故事接着从她在纽约的童年一下子转到她第一次去伦敦访问。

    The story then jumps from her childhood in New York to her first visit to London .

  27. 她童年的经历不同寻常,其间她和父亲游遍了欧洲。

    She spent an unorthodox girlhood travelling with her father throughout Europe

  28. 洛夫洛克自成一套的特立独行可以追溯到他的童年时期。

    Lovelock 's principled nonconformity can be traced to his childhood .

  29. 除了体弱多病外,她的童年特别幸福。

    Except for her illnesses , she had had a particularly happy childhood

  30. 她使他们的童年充满欢乐,无忧无虑。

    She had made their childhood so joyous and carefree .