
shí zhǐ
  • index finger;forefinger;number of people in a family
食指 [shí zhǐ]
  • (1) [index finger]∶拇指旁边的一个指头

  • (2) [number of people in a family]∶指家中人口

  • 家贫食指众

食指[shí zhǐ]
  1. 他的食指扣住扳机,然后又松开了。

    His index finger tightened on the trigger but then relaxed again .

  2. 表示OK的手势,即用拇指和食指做个圆圈,在不同的文化中也有不同的含义。

    The gesture for OK , making a circle with one 's thumb and index finger , has different meanings in different cultures .

  3. 他右手食指骨裂。

    He suffered a hairline fracture of the right index finger .

  4. 弗兰妮把食指放在嘴唇上让她安静。

    Frannie shushed her with a forefinger to the lips .

  5. 他用拇指和食指捏着笔。

    He took the pen between his thumb and forefinger .

  6. 他将叶子捏在拇指和食指之间

    He pinched the leaf between his thumb and forefinger .

  7. 一等她的眼睛转过去,他便偷偷用两个食指交叠成一个十字架

    When her eyes were withdrawn , he secretly crossed his two forefingers .

  8. 鸟类学家们用大拇指和食指构成V形量测角度。

    The ornithologists made Vs with their thumbs and forefingers , measuring angles .

  9. 用食指和中指做出V的形状&表示胜利。

    Make the V sign with your middle and index finger & Victory .

  10. Step1:Pinchyournosefirmly紧紧捏住鼻子坐下来,用大拇指食指和紧紧捏住鼻梁。

    Sit down and pinch your nose firmly just below the bridge with your thumb and index finger .

  11. 一次,一名男子和一名女子都横其食指摆成一个X形告诉我不要前往。

    On one occasion a man and a woman both cross their index fingers into an X to tell me not to go .

  12. 掌心向外,竖起食指和中指,并向两边展开,这样就构成了一个V形手势。V形手势在美国文化中有三个不同的含义。

    The palm-forward V sign , formed by raising and spreading the first two fingers , has three different meanings in American culture .

  13. 琼·德北菲尔德一边说着,一边用被水泡得肿胀的拇指和食指圈出一个字母C的形状,用另一只手的食指指着。

    Joan Durbeyfield , as she spoke , curved a sodden thumb and forefinger to the shape of the letter C , and used the other forefinger as a pointer .

  14. 确保你用你的食指和中指摆出V型,并且手掌向外。

    Make sure that when you have your index and middle fingers pointed up in the V shape , your palm is facing outward .

  15. 同样的,用食指和拇指所表示“OK(行或好)”的手势,在法国表示“零”,而在日本表示“钱”。

    Likewise , a sign for OK , forming a circle with our forefinger and thumb , means zero in France and money in Japan .

  16. 一种手势,手掌向前,中指和食指形成一V形,用来表示对和平的愿望。

    A hand sign made with the palm forward and the middle and index fingers forming a V , used to express a desire for peace .

  17. 食指与环指的指长比(2D∶4D)与雄性激素和精子数量成负相关,与雌性激素成正相关。

    2D ∶ 4D ratios is negatively related to testosterone levels and sperm counts and positively related to oestrogen level .

  18. 食指与无名指指长比率(2D∶4D)与运动能力研究评述

    Review of researches on relations between the ratio of index finger length to ring finger length ( 2D to 4D ) and sports capacity

  19. 我院1999年5月~2002年9月应用中指、环指中节逆行C型皮瓣修复拇指、食指末节脱套伤9例,所有皮瓣均成活,外形满意。

    From May , 1999 to September , 2002 , we used reversed C-ring flap middle and ring finger for repairing distal degloving injury to the thumb and forefinger in 9 cases . All flaps survived with satisfactory appearance .

  20. 方法1998年~2003年,对139例手部皮肤或伴有肌腱缺损的患者,采用不同类型的SDMA皮瓣或带食指伸肌腱的肌腱皮瓣移植进行修复。其中男97例,女42例。

    Methods From 1988 to 2003 , 139 SDMA flaps were transferred for hand injuries .

  21. 上周,英国剑桥大学(cambridge)的一位科学家发现,成功交易员与我们其他人的不同之处在于,他们的无名指相对比食指更较长。

    Last week , a Cambridge scientist revealed that what sorts out successful traders from the rest of us is that they have relatively longer ring fingers than index fingers .

  22. 7月份,他在ComicCon漫展上告诉观众们说,现实生活里,他得让曼请来的技术专家教他怎么用十个手指打字,而不是用两个食指。

    In real life , he told a Comic Con audience in July , he had to have one of Mr. Mann 's tech experts teach him how to type with more than two fingers .

  23. 患者看到一侧闪光信号提示后,相应侧食指做一次抬起放下运动触发光电耦合作为0时刻,MRCFs波峰由等价电流偶极子(ECD)评估,并与超薄MRI进行影像融合。

    The subjects moved the finger just as they saw the optical signal . The peak of MRCFs were estimated by equivalent current dipole ( ECD ), which were superimposed on MRI .

  24. 想向酒保处点两杯啤酒或在英国、爱尔兰、澳大利亚或新西兰希望有人得到安宁?确保你用你的食指和中指摆出V型,并且手掌向外。

    Trying to order two beers from the bartender or wish someone peace in the United Kingdom , Ireland , Australia , or New Zealand ? Make sure that when you have your index and middle fingers pointed up in the V shape , your palm is facing outward .

  25. LXG当前握笔(食指侧面包住铅笔杆)表明他有本体感觉的困难。

    LXG 's current pencil grip ( lateral index finger wrap over the shaft of the pencil ) suggests that he has difficulty with proprioceptive and discriminative feedback .

  26. (大多数研究使用的是右手)用食指的长度除以无名指的长度,得到一个比率,称为手指系数(Fq)。

    ( Most of the studies used the right hand . ) Divide the length of your index finger by the length of your ring finger to determine the digit ratio , or finger quotient ( Fq ) .

  27. 研究人员将孩子们的手掌影印下来,然后用卡钳测量食指和无名指的长度,精确到0.01mm。

    The researchers made photocopies of the palm of the children 's hands and then measured the length of their index finger and ring finger on both hands using callipers , accurate to0.01mm .

  28. 根据一项针对男性的调查,与口腔癌病变前或无病变的人相比,患口腔癌的男性Fq值较高,即食指和无名指长度差不多或食指较长。

    A high digit ratio those with very little difference between the index and ring finger , or with a longer index finger was found among men with oral cancer , compared with men with pre-cancerous oral lesions or no lesions , according to one all-male study .

  29. 你怎么把那戒指戴在食指上?

    Why do you wear that ring on your first finger ?

  30. 食指掌指关节的正向动力学分析

    Forward dynamics analysis of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger