
  • stellar interior structure
  1. 根据精确的恒星内部结构理论,可以建立这种关系。

    From the accurate theory of stellar interiors one can establish such a dependence .

  2. 指出在研究变星脉动和具有延伸对流区的恒星内部结构时,湍流雷诺应力的作用是不可忽略的。

    It is shown that the effect of turbulent pressure on the structure and the vibrational stability of stars with extensive convective envelopes is not negligible .

  3. 同时随着日震学的成熟发展,星震学也成为探测恒星内部结构的一种基本工具。

    And age smaller than the Sun . Following the success of helioseismology , asteroseismology is now becoming a fundamental tool for penetrating the internal structure of stars .

  4. 通过分析恒星内部结构的变化,基于在演化计算中质量损失率公式应采取连续的分段函数的考虑,提出恒星演化阶段的分界点的不同会影响恒星在赫罗图中演化轨迹的观点。

    By studying the variety of inner structure of stars , an attitude that different demarcation point of stellar evolutional stages can affects the evolutionary track in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is developed , based on mass loss rate is a consecutive piecewise function in the stellar evolution calculations .

  5. 艾伦的母亲,在他17岁生日时,送给他一本爱丁顿的《恒星的内部结构》,还有一个1.5英寸的望远镜。

    Alan had been given Eddington 's Internal Constitution of the Stars by his mother for his seventeenth birthday , and had also acquired a 11 / 2-inch telescope .

  6. 自上世纪中叶以来,恒星物理研究揭示了大质量恒星内部结构和演化的主要特性,并且构造了一些大质量恒星的演化模型。

    Since the middle of the twentieth century , we have been cognizant of the main characters of the structure and evolution of massive stars approximately and some evolution models have been constructed .