
  • 网络stellar rotation
  1. 由于考虑了恒星自转,我们得到的理论模型在WUMa型相接双星的观测周期-颜色图上的位置非常接近观测得到的上边界。

    Since the stellar rotation is taken into account , our model is located very near to the upper boundary of period-color diagram which is obtained from observations of W UMa type systems .

  2. Li丰度-恒星自转关联很可能只是Li丰度-恒星活动性关联的一种反映。

    The Li abundance-rotation relation may be a reflection of Li abundance-stellar activity correlation .

  3. 恒星自转的引力昏暗效应对谱线的影响

    The Effect of Gravity Darkening on the Spectral Lines Produced of Rotating Stars

  4. 上述观点已为观测到的恒星自转速率有力地证实。

    The above argument is strongly reinforced by the observed rotation rate of stars .

  5. 在不考虑恒星自转的情况下,恒星内的等势面是球对称结构,从而可以将恒星结构和演化模型简化为一维模型。

    Without considering the rotation of the stars , equipotential surface in the stars is the spherically symmetric structure , so the stellar structure and evolution model can be simplified into one-dimensional model .

  6. 恒星的自转,是恒星结构和演化理论的难点。

    Stellar rotation is a difficult problem of the theory of stellar structure and evolution .

  7. 云团凝结时在做什么运动,就决定了恒星的自转方向。

    Whatever movement the cloud had becomes intensified as it condenses , determining the rotational direction of the star .

  8. 这些差异预示恒星的自转效应可能引起恒星内部的物质向外转移,造成恒星表面一些元素丰度超丰。

    These differences indicate that the effect of stars rotation may make materials in the stars transfer outward and some element in stellar surface become super abundant .

  9. 恒星的较差自转和谱线轮廓

    Differential rotation of stars and spectral line profile

  10. 演化恒星的色球活动与恒星自转周期间存在很好的相关性。

    The relation between stellar chromospheric activity and rotation of evolution stars have a good relativity .

  11. 但是细致分析显示演化恒星色球活动水平随恒星自转周期间的分布对恒星光谱型和恒星表面有效温度有很强的依赖,并对这些现象提出了几种可能的解释。

    But meticulous analysis show chromospheric activity of evolution stars depend on stellar spectral type and effective temperature strongly .

  12. 从基本原理出发,通过具体公式的推导,对恒星光学干涉仪应用于测量恒星位置和地球自转参数(ERP)进行了分析。

    From basic principles and derivation of the formulae it is analyzed to using the stellar interferometer to determine stellar positions and earth rotation parameters ( ERP ) .

  13. 我们通过对大样本恒星的统计分析分别得到了晚型主序星磁活动与恒星自转参量间以及磁活动与恒星色指数之间更广泛意义的数值关系。

    Using large samples , we gain several credible numeric relation between different magnetic activity index and rotational parameters .

  14. 在做环绕运行时,WASP-18b的引力使主恒星的赤道周围隆起高达几十公里,并使主恒星的自转加速。

    As it orbits , WASP-18b drags bulges tens of kilometers high around the star 's equator , making it spin faster .