
zhì liànɡ jiāo liú
  • Quality communication;mass exchange
  1. 了解不同语言的文化背景,深度解析文化内涵,直接影响着翻译的表达质量交流作用。

    Understanding the different cultural backgrounds , and interpreting their cultural connotations profoundly affects the quality of translation and its communicative efficiency .

  2. 因此,利用电力电子技术、计算机技术和控制理论的研究成果,开发一种对电网无污染、四象限运行的高质量交流变频电源,成为从事电力电子分析与控制学者研究的热点。

    Moreover , according to the research achievement of electronics , computer science and Control Theory , high quality of four-quadrant operation of Variable Frequency Power without power grid pollution will probably be achieved .

  3. 许多软件开发人员使用标准建模语言及模型驱动开发(MDD)的过程来改善生产效率、质量以及交流。

    Many software developers are using standard modeling languages with a model-driven development ( MDD ) process to improve productivity , quality , and communication .

  4. 建立网络,保证项目内部质量政策交流和有效管理。

    A network will be established to ensure that the quality policy is communicated and effectively managed within the project .

  5. 对丰富居民文化生活,提高生活质量,交流邻里感情,改善人际关系,促进社区繁荣发展等都有重要意义。

    Enriching peoples cultural life , improve quality of life , emotional exchange neighborhood , improve social skills , promote community development and prosperity of great significance .

  6. 有效的学术交流,能使科研人员快速、高质量地交流学术信息,能促进科学研究活动的开展,从而促进知识的增长。

    By effective academic dissemination , researchers can exchange academic information rapidly and generally , and promote the development of scientific activities , thus promoting the growth of knowledge .

  7. 用于动态电能质量分析的交流电弧炉的建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulation of AC Arc Furnace for Dynamic Power Quality Studies

  8. 主成份分析:服务态度、服务质量、服务交流、医患关系是医院门诊和住院服务重要建设内容;

    Service attitude , quality of service , communication of service and relationship between doctor and patient were contents of construction of outpatient and inpatient .

  9. 加拿大阿萨巴斯卡尔大学就这一主题进行了一系列评估研究,以期提供一些产品服务选择建议,促进师生之间高质量的网上交流。

    At Canada 's Athabasca University , an ongoing series of evaluation studies advises the selection of these products and services , and the development of high-quality online teacher-student communication .

  10. 谚语翻译的好坏直接影响翻译的质量和文化交流的程度,因而翻译策略的选择不仅要保证谚语翻译的准确性,还要保持其独特的文化内涵。

    The quality of translation of Proverbs affects the overall semantic and the degree of cultural exchange directly , so thus translation strategy choice is not only to ensure the accuracy of the translation , but also to keep its unique cultural connotation .

  11. 本文作者针对普遍存在的过于异化现象,从功能翻译理论的角度对政论文翻译进行尝试性的研究,旨在找到比较理想的翻译策略和翻译方法,提高政论文汉译英翻译的质量,促进交流。

    The author of this thesis makes a tentative research on the translation of political writings in light of functional approaches , aiming at discovering proper translation strategies and methods , improving Chinese-English translation ( C-E for short thereafter ) quality and facilitating communication .

  12. 针对龙岩学院学科建设现状,必须明确指导思想、目标和任务,着力强化保障措施:领导机制、学科布局、团队结构、经费投入、科研体制、教学质量、合作交流。

    Clear ideas , aim and task should be well understood for subject construction in Longyan College . The guaranteeing measures including leadership mechanism , subject arrangement , team structure , input of funds , scientific research mechanism , teaching quality and cooperation and exchange should be adequately strengthened .

  13. 提出了一种用于电能质量研究的新型交流电弧炉混沌模型;基于dSPACE系统开发了一种交流电弧炉主电路硬件实验系统。

    A novel chaotic model of EAF is presented , which can be used to investigate power quality problems . An EAF main circuit experimental system is developed based on dSPACE equipment .

  14. 火电厂水汽质量在线监测及交流变频自动加药调节系统研究

    Study on a system of on line monitoring water vapor quality and of controlling chemicals addition with alternating current frequency conversion in thermal power plants

  15. 一系列改进被公布,从建立国家食品召回制度到随机抽查到增加与其它国家质量检查人员的交流。

    A series of improvements were announced from establishing a national food recall system to random inspections to increasing exchanges with quality inspectors in other countries .