
kàng gān rǎo
  • anti-interference;anti-jamming;antijamming;antijam;jamproof
抗干扰 [kàng gān rǎo]
  • [antijamming] 用来对抗通讯或雷达运行的任何干扰的系统或技术

抗干扰[kàng gān rǎo]
  1. GPS用于军用导航中的抗干扰和干扰对抗研究

    Research of Anti-Interference and Countermeasures of GPS Used in Military Navigation

  2. PLC控制系统接地抗干扰技术的研究

    Research of Anti-Interference Technology by Means of Grounding on PLC Control System

  3. GPSC/A码与P(Y)码抗干扰性能分析

    Anti-jamming performance difference between GPS C / A-code and P ( Y ) - code

  4. 基于DSP的导航飞控系统的抗干扰设计

    Anti-jamming Design of Navigation and Flight Control System Based on DSP

  5. 大功率电牵引采煤机PLC控制系统抗干扰技术的措施

    High-power Electric Traction Shearer PLC Control System Anti-jamming Technology Measures

  6. 基于DSP的电动机控制系统的抗干扰技术

    Anti-Jamming Technology of Motor Control System Based on DSP

  7. GPS接收机抗干扰空时自适应滤波方法

    Joint space-time adaptive filtering for GPS anti-jamming receiver

  8. GPS接收机联合空时抗干扰方法

    Joint space-time anti-jammer processing for GPS receiver

  9. PLC控制系统抗干扰分析

    PLC Control System Resists Interference Analysis

  10. 用于频域抗干扰的高速FFT实现

    Implementation of a High Speed FFT Processor for Interference Suppression in Frequency-Domain

  11. 为解决GPS数据通信链路中传输抗干扰问题,选择性能良好的调制方式十分重要。

    It is very important to select good-capability modulating-mode in order to solve the anti-jamming problem on GPS communication link .

  12. CPLD在红外密集度光电立靶测试系统中的抗干扰的应用

    Application of CPLD in infrared photoelectric target

  13. OFDM技术正是由于其抗干扰能力强的特点,成为了当今无线通讯的核心技术。

    OFDM is precisely because of its anti-interference capability features and become the core technology of wireless communications .

  14. 双向同期整流PFC电路的抗干扰

    Anti-interfere technology in the bi-directional synchronous rectify PFC circuit

  15. 同时设计了硬件电路把其转换成PWM式模拟信号以实现D/A转换,并在抗干扰方面做了一定的工作。

    Simultaneously , designing the hardware circuit to convert PWM signal to analog signal to realize D / A conversion .

  16. PSD光斑定位中的抗干扰技术研究

    The Research of Antijamming in Facula Orientation

  17. MCS-51单片机走飞的软件抗干扰方法研究

    Research on Software Anti-interference Methods of Singlechip MCS-51 Runaway

  18. 并通过仿真比较该算法与PID前馈控制的效果,验证其具有良好的跟踪性能、鲁棒性和抗干扰能力。

    The simulation results show that the new PFC-PID control method has better tracking performance , robustness and anti-disturbance ability than those of feed-forword PID control .

  19. PROFIBUS-DP智能从站中的抗干扰技术

    Interference-free technique for intelligent slaves based on PROFIBUS-DP

  20. 多载波Ds-CDMA系统抗干扰能力分析

    Anti - interference capability analysis of multicarrier DS-CDMA

  21. 论文还较为详细的阐述了硬件和软件方面的抗干扰措施,针对PLC提出了抗干扰的方法。

    The paper has also discussed detailedly the anti-jamming method in the side of hardware and software , Especially the anti-jamming method about PLC has been put forward .

  22. 本文研究了一种基于FPGA的磁航向测量系统,用FPGA解算磁航向,具有解算速度快、抗干扰能力强的特点。本文研究内容是航向解算专用集成电路的前期工作。

    This paper studies a kind of MHMS which uses FPGA to compute the heading of UAV . It has higher computing speed and good anti-jamming property .

  23. 基于FRFT的LFM抗干扰通信研究

    Research of LFM Anti-Jamming Communication Based on FRFT

  24. 分析了机器人动力系统的传动特性,建立了动力系统数学建模,在MatLab环境中进行仿真,得到了动力系统传动特性的仿真曲线图,结果表明该系统具有抗干扰能力强,稳态性能好的特点。

    After analyzing the transmission of the drive system , establishing mathematic model of drive system , simulating in MatLab , we get the simulate data of robot drive system .

  25. 由于IPM自带欠压保护、短路保护功能,增加了系统抗干扰能力。

    The system antijamming ability is increased because IPM has under_voltage protection and short circuit protection built_in .

  26. 并且BPSK调制实现了较好的载波抑制,隐蔽性好、抗干扰能力强。

    Moreover the BPSK modulation makes carrier suppression with good concealment and strong anti-jamming ability .

  27. PLC控制系统广泛应用于社会生产各个行业,其安全可靠程度直接影响生产过程,因此讨论其抗干扰技术就显得极其重要。

    The PLC control system is widely applied in social product each profession , its security reliable degree direct influence production process . Therefore discusses its antijamming technology to appear extremely important .

  28. 基于DSP的飞行控制器硬件采用DSP、A/D、D/A芯片,外围标准接口、电源控制、抗干扰等电路设计。

    The flight controller hardware circuit based on DSP is designed with DSP , A / D , D / A , standard peripheral interface , power control , resisting circuit of interfering etc.

  29. 但是任何事物总有其脆弱的一面,对GPS系统来说,其脆弱的方面在于其抗干扰能力差,这从不久前的伊拉克战争中已经得到印证。

    But everything has its vulnerability , GPS has no exception , one of the vulnerability was its poor ability of anti-jamming , which has been proved in the Iraq War not long ago .

  30. 快跳频自适应抗干扰Clipper分集合并接收机性能研究

    Performance of Fast Frequency-Hopped System with Adaptive Clipping Diversity Combining for Jamming Rejection