
  • 网络Yarmouk;muck;mook;Ron Mueck
  1. 穆克跟潘卡拉都是好人。

    Muck and penkala were good men .

  2. 穆克和潘卡拉被炸中了!

    Muck and penkala got hit !

  3. 德克萨斯农工大学(A&MUniversity)教授、美国机械工程师协会(AmericanSocietyofMechanicalEngineers)能源和可持续性纳米工程小组成员帕沙o穆克荷吉表示,现在还没到放弃锂离子电池的时候。

    Don 't give up on lithium-ion just yet , says Partha Mukherjee , a professor at Texas A & M University and leader in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers " Nanoengineering for Energy and Sustainability group .

  4. 雅穆克周边地区已经瓦解。

    And the Yarmouk neighborhood has fallen apart .

  5. 发送我们步行在高穆克&恒河源头所拍的照片。

    Posted a photo album on our walk to Gaumukh-the source of the Ganga .

  6. 穆克霍尔:横遭厄运、带有毁灭和失败传奇的农场。

    Muck hall : the farm with the jinx , with the legend of ruin and defeat .

  7. “青年党”发言人穆克塔尔.罗伯奥说,“青年党”认为,埃塞俄比亚军队和非盟维和部队没有什么不同。

    Al-Shabab 's spokesman Muktar Robow says his group sees no difference between Ethiopian troops and AMISOM peacekeepers .

  8. 马哈拉施特拉邦首席部长维拉斯拉奥.德斯穆克说,他愿意为显而易见的安全疏漏引咎辞职。

    Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilisrao Deshmukh says he is willing to quit to take responsibility for perceived security shortcomings .

  9. 情感表达是让.穆克作品的主题,作品尺寸的放大和缩小是其重要的艺术特征。

    Emotional expression is . muck work theme , zoom in and out of the work is its important artistic features .

  10. 穆克荷吉说:我们需要询问的最根本的问题在于,‘是否可以从头再来?’。

    The fundamental question we need to ask is , ' How about starting from the bottom up ? Mukherjee says .

  11. 雕塑家穆克创作的雕塑作品真实地发映了人体的特点,同时又能以夸张的人体比例创造出视觉上的冲击力,如这尊名为“在床上”的雕塑。

    Mueck creates pieces which faithfully recreate the human body , while playing with scale to create visually stunning sculptures , such as In Bed .

  12. 许多机器使用“的附带光盘过滤器”,删除穆克从滤波器的离心力,而这是回到与溶剂清洗。

    Many machines use " spin disc filters " which remove the muck from the filter by centrifugal force while it is back washed with solvent .

  13. 萨德尔是一名领导迈赫迪军的什叶派教士,伊拉克内政部长作中间人,与穆克塔达?德尔的代表达成了停火协议,但依然可能引发暴力冲突。

    The Iraqi Interior Minister brokered a ceasefire with deputies of Muqtada al-sadr , the Shia cleric who leads the Mahdi army , but the potential for violence remains .

  14. 美国说,支持一个“具有包容性”的联盟,能够包括4个在选举中居于领先地位的政党,并希望在这个过程中限制穆克塔达.萨德尔的影响力。

    The United States says it supports an " inclusive " coalition that would include the four top-finishing parties , but in the process limit Moqtada al-Sadr 's influence .

  15. 在录像中,可以听到处决现场有一个人高喊反对萨达姆的激进教士“穆克塔达”的名字。

    In the footage , one of those present at the execution can be heard shouting " Moqtada ," the name of a radical Shi'ite cleric and opponent of Saddam .

  16. 穆克斯罗维猜测射电来源可能是浓密的共生围绕物质,或许是较大的黑洞存在于一个独特的环境之中。

    His best guess is still that the radio source is some kind of dense object accreting surrounding material , perhaps a large black hole or a black hole in an unusual environment .