
jiǎng shù
  • tell about;give an account of;narrate;recount;relate;tell;speak
讲述 [jiǎng shù]
  • [relate] 把事情和道理讲出来

  • 讲述自己的家史

讲述[jiǎng shù]
  1. 今天我们来讲述一下关于“horse”的表达方式。

    Now , the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES . Today , we tell about " horse " expressions .

  2. 今天,我们将讲述关于wildcat的短语。

    Today , we tell about the word wildcat

  3. 我喜欢听他讲述他的海上生活。

    I love listening to his tales of life at sea .

  4. 展览讲述了蒸汽时代引人入胜的故事。

    The exhibition tells the fascinating story of the steam age .

  5. 她激动地讲述了无家可归者的困境。

    She spoke with feeling about the plight of the homeless .

  6. 他饶有风趣地讲述了他们的西班牙之行。

    He gave a humorous account of their trip to Spain .

  7. 他开始啰啰唆唆地讲述自己的工作经历。

    He launched into a lengthy account of his career .

  8. 他公开讲述他和那位女演员的私情。

    He spoke openly about his involvement with the actress .

  9. 他给记者们讲述了这件事的实际情况。

    He related the facts of the case to journalists .

  10. 你愿意在电视上讲述你的经历吗?

    Are you prepared to tell your story on camera ?

  11. 她讲述参观的经过,我们听得一阵阵大笑。

    Her account of the visit sent us into fits of laughter .

  12. 对那小孩讲述的遭遇,老师啧啧地表示同情。

    The teacher clucked sympathetically at the child 's story .

  13. 她接着逐一讲述这一周发生的事。

    She continued her recitation of the week 's events .

  14. 他简单扼要、毫不夸张地讲述了自己的故事。

    He told his story simply and without exaggeration .

  15. 我们一晚上坐在酒吧里讲述各自的旅途经历。

    We spent the evening in the pub swapping stories about our travels .

  16. 他对我们讲述了他的生活经历。

    He told us the story of his life .

  17. 故事是以倒叙手法向读者讲述的。

    The reader is told the story in flashback .

  18. 本章旨在讲述历史背景。

    This chapter concerns itself with the historical background .

  19. 他给我们讲述他当爵士乐钢琴师时的事,逗我们开心。

    He regaled us with tales of his days as a jazz pianist .

  20. 他不停地向我们绘声绘色地讲述他动手术的详细情况。

    He kept telling us about his operation , in the most graphic detail .

  21. 他们三人从三个不同的视角讲述了同样的事件。

    The three of them narrate the same events from three perspectives

  22. 安装时最糟糕就是操作指南讲述不够清楚。

    The worst part of the set-up is the poor instruction manual

  23. 他把自己的经历讲述给了《星期日泰晤士报》的记者,还提供了照片。

    He told his story to The Sunday Times and produced photographs

  24. 他的第四部小说讲述的是一起发生在伦敦的神秘谋杀案。

    His fourth novel is a murder mystery set in London .

  25. 有一些官员会听他讲述整个故事。

    There were officials to whom he could relate the whole story

  26. 有些人会主动地向你讲述他们的生活经历。

    Some people give you their life history without much prompting .

  27. 通过讲述自己记忆中的故事,她把逝去的岁月变得生动起来。

    She made history come alive with tales from her own memories

  28. 她讲述了拍摄这部电影过程中她在道义上所面临的两难选择。

    She describes her own moral dilemma in making the film .

  29. 他花了几个小时讲述法国和英国的散文。

    He discoursed for several hours on French and English prose .

  30. 他们讲述了他们第一次性经历的趣事。

    They recounted amusing stories about their first sexual experiences .