
  • 网络stones
  1. 三石&堇青石匣钵的研制

    The Development of Three Stones ( Sanshi )─ cordierite Saggar

  2. 三石斋风筝是目前中国最有名的风筝厂家之一。

    Three stones kite company is one of the well-known companies that produce kites at present .

  3. 大牛:“三石”?可是上面没有石头啊。

    Three Shi ? But there is no stone in there .

  4. 三石(画外):金色号码象征他们的强大。

    The gold color number symbolizes their strong .

  5. 韩佳:大牛,这“嘉兴三石”指的是嘉兴三位饱学之士。

    Daniel ," Jiaxing 's Three Shi " refers to three scholars of Jiaxing .

  6. 搞好高铝三石&蓝晶石、矽线石、红柱石资源综合开发利用。

    Make a good job of the comprehensive development and utilization of resource of " high-alumina three rocks " & kyanite , sillimanite and andalusite .

  7. 气的白发倒竖说:“我虽然老了,但两臂能开三石之弓,浑身还有千斤之力。”只见黄忠大步走下堂,取下架上大刀,舞动如飞,拿下墙上硬弓,一连拉断两张。

    He said , " Old as I am , I am able to open two bows and am full of vitality . " Huang went down and got a big sword off the rack and performed with it . He took two hard bows off the wall and pulled them broken .

  8. 那个喷泉由三个石砌水池组成。

    The fountain was comprised of three stone basins .

  9. 我国南方石漠化地区是世界三大石漠化分布带之一。

    The south of China stony desertification region is one of the three world zonation .

  10. “架几式三弯腿石案”和“木身石面圆包圆裹腿式长方棋桌”也是这次展览中的经典作品。

    Other notable pieces are Rectangular Side Table with Cabriole Legs and Low Square Table with Stone Top .

  11. 昨天晚上有个月人部的人为一根香肠捅死了一个石鸦部的人.然后三个石鸦部的人抓住凶手并割开他的喉咙.

    Last night a Moon brother stabbed a Stone Crow over a sausage . Three Stone Crows seized the Moon brother and opened his throat .

  12. 用吸附平衡法研究草酸、pH对针铁矿、三羟铝石、三水铝石、高岭石吸附Cd2+的影响及机制。

    Effects of oxalic acid and pH on Cd2 + sorption on goethite , bayerite , gibbsite and kaolinite were conducted by a batch equilibrium technique .

  13. 如果进展顺利,Fortescue的产量将与目前全球第三大铁矿石供应商必和必拓的规模不相上下。

    If successful , Fortescue would produce roughly in the same range as BHP Billiton , currently the third-largest iron-ore supplier .

  14. 今年以来,铁矿石价格累计降幅超过40%,这是因为世界三大铁矿石生产商——必和必拓(BHPBilliton)、力拓(RioTinto)和淡水河谷(Vale)的供应大幅超过需求增长。全球铁矿石需求增长已开始疲软。

    The steelmaking commodity has declined more than 40 per cent this year as supply from the world 's biggest producers - BHP Billiton , Rio Tinto and Vale - has overwhelmed demand growth , which has started to weaken .

  15. 作为回报,中国将为该澳大利亚第三大铁矿石出口商提供至多60亿美元的融资。这笔融资可以帮助Fortescue将其年产量提升至9500万吨。

    In return , China will provide Australia 's third-largest iron ore exporter with up to US $ 6bn in future financing that will allow Fortescue to expand its annual production to 95m tonnes .

  16. 塔里木盆地第三系伊利石结晶度纵向变化的地质意义

    Geologic significance of illite crystallinity in tertiary mudstone , Tarim Basin

  17. 镍镁铝三元水滑石类化合物的合成和表征

    Synthesis and characterization of Ni-Mg-Al hydrotalcite-like compounds

  18. 必和必拓、力拓及巴西淡水河谷矿业公司是中国的三大铁矿石国际供应商。

    BHP , Rio Tinto and Brazilian mining company Vale are the top three suppliers of iron ore to China .

  19. 必和必拓和力拓分别是世界第二和第三大铁矿石生产商,而铁矿石是钢铁生产的主要原材料。

    BHP and Rio are the world 's second and third-biggest producers of iron ore , which is a key ingredient in steel .

  20. 形成的矿物组合以10埃洛石为主,包括伊利石、伊利石/蒙脱石混层矿物、三水铝石、三羟铝石、石膏、水铝英石和石英。

    The mineral assemblage consists mainly of pure 10 halloysites including illite , I / M mixed-layer minerals , gibbsite , gypsum and quartz .

  21. 草酸、柠檬酸对针铁矿、三羟铝石次级吸附Cd2+的影响效果与竞争吸附明显不一样;

    The influences of oxalate and citrate on sequential sorption of Cd 2 + on goethite and bayerite were evidently different from the competitive sorption .

  22. 当人们的目光都集中在三大铁矿石生产商身上之际,很少有人会想到,在这个寡头集团以外,有任何供应商能够打破与中国钢厂之间的僵局。

    With all eyes on the big three iron ore producers , few expected anyone outside the oligopoly to break the deadlock with China 's mills .

  23. 该墓由墓道、甬道、前室及后室组成,由于曾被盗,仅在墓上封土中清理出一件陶虎子,以及墓中残存的三块画像石。

    The tomb , consisting of a passage , a front chamber and a rear chamber , was left with only one urine pot and three relieves after being looted .

  24. 三堵半石半砖的墙,折得和屏风的隔扇一样,象个小方塔,三面围着它。

    Three walls , part stone , part brick , and simulating a small , square tower , and folded like the leaves of a screen , surround it on all sides .

  25. 这通常是游戏结束的时刻:三大铁矿石巨头之一会宣布来年向一家大型钢铁生产商出售铁矿石的价格。

    This used to be Game Over : one of the big three miners would announce the price at which it would sell iron ore to a big steelmaker for the coming year .

  26. 钢铁业和矿业高管表示,第三季度铁矿石价格将从本季度每吨100美元和去年的60美元骤增至每吨130至135美元。

    Steel and mining executives said iron ore prices would surge to $ 130 - $ 135 a tonne , up from $ 100 this quarter and $ 60 a tonne last year .

  27. 但全球三大铁矿石生产商中的两家成立“纯运营”合资企业,遭到了钢铁生产商的强烈反对,他们认为这妨碍了竞争。

    But an " operations-only " joint venture for two of the three biggest producers of iron ore has met fierce resistance among steel - makers , who see it as anti - competitive .

  28. 应用平衡吸附法研究了不同浓度的草酸、柠檬酸对针铁矿、三羟铝石竞争吸附与次级吸附Cd2+的影响。

    The effects and mechanisms of oxalate ( OX ) and citrate ( CA ) on Cd 2 + competitive sorption and sequential sorption on goethite and bayerite were studied by the batch method .

  29. 矿商押注的是,铁矿石现货价今年全年将保持高位,其支持因素包括:中国需求强劲、其它地方的高炉重新投产,以及全球第三大铁矿石出口国印度开征新的矿石出口关税。

    The miners are betting that spot prices will remain high throughout the year , supported by strong demand from China , the reactivation of blast furnaces elsewhere , and new ore export taxes in India , the world 's third largest exporter .

  30. 矿业和钢铁业高管表示,第三季度铁矿石平均价格将上涨30%至35%,炼焦煤价格将上涨10%至15%。其结果要么推高钢材价格,要么压缩钢铁制造商的利润。

    Mining and steel executives said , on average , iron ore prices for the third quarter would rise by 30-35 per cent while coking coal prices would increase by 10-15 per cent , either pushing up the cost of steel or denting steelmakers ' profits .