
  1. 华航(ChinaAirlines)一架波音747大型客机2002年在空中解体,坠入台湾海峡,机上225人全部遇难。

    A China Airlines Boeing 747 broke apart in mid-air in 2002 and crashed into the Taiwan Strait , killing all 225 people aboard .

  2. 另有消息称,所有美国制造的飞机的主要安全监管机构&美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)去年末曾通知航空服务运营商说,波音777存在一个潜在的结构性缺陷,可能导致飞机在空中解体。

    It has also emerged that the US Federal Aviation Authority , the lead safety regulator for all US-built aircraft , had made operators aware late last year of a potential structural weakness in Boeing 777 aircraft that could lead to the aircraft breaking up in mid-air .

  3. 即便是客机在空中解体,也会在海中留下一些残骸。

    Even if the plane broke up in midair , it would have left telltale traces of debris in the ocean .

  4. 针对办公楼的结构特点以及周围的环境要求,拆除采用非电半秒延期雷管分段起爆、重力弯矩作用下逐段空中解体与双向折叠倒塌相结合的爆破方案。

    The demolition plan of combining non-electric delayed detonation , dismemberment in the air under gravity action with bidirectional folding collapse was adopted .

  5. 他们表示,不管飞机是在空中解体,还是完整掉进海里,总会留下很多碎片。

    They say that whether the plane broke up in midair or dropped intact into the ocean , various pieces still would have been left behind .

  6. 脱离轨道后,由于潜艇并不配备散热用的隔热瓦,在超音速下也不具有空气动力稳定性,因而它将不可避免地开始翻转并在空中解体。

    Now , because the submarine has no heat-dissipating ablative tiles , and because it 's not aerodynamically stable at hypersonic velocities , it would inevitably tumble and break up in the air .

  7. 在飞行过程中由于外界气压变化引起机身所受应力状态交替变化,铝合金机体的疲劳破坏将导致灾难性的空中解体事故。

    During the flight process , the stress state of the body changes alternatively with the outside air pressure . The fatigue failure of the aluminum alloy body will lead to disastrous air disintegration accident .

  8. 为了控制大楼塌落时的触地震动,采取了秒差分区爆破、空中解体、铺垫缓冲层和开挖减震沟等技术措施。

    For the sake of controlling the touch-down vibration from collapsing of the building , some technological measures , such as zoning blasting with second delay intervals , in-air disintegration , buffer laying and the excavation of vibration-separated ditch , were taken .

  9. 为了确保按预定方向倾倒并充分解体,采取了预切割分块和削弱结构强度等措施,并采用了“分片塌落、空中解体、三角立体延时”的爆破方案。

    In order to ensure directional collapsing and full disintegrating of the two buildings , some technological measures such as pre-cut and weakened structural strength are taken and a blasting scheme of " piecewise collapsing , air disintegration and diagonal delay sequence " is adopted .

  10. 去年2月1日,他本该回到我们的两个孩子和我的身边,却因航天飞机在得克萨斯东部空中爆炸解体而归向永恒的天国之家。

    Last February he was supposed to come home to our two children and me but instead went to his eternal home in heaven when the shuttle broke apart in midair over east Texas .