
kōnɡ zhōnɡ fēi rén
  • flying trapeze
  1. 一开始,这对金童玉女过着令人头晕目眩的空中飞人生活,经常出入纽约54俱乐部(Studio54),参加公园大道的各种派对,不断来往于欧洲和美国之间。

    At first the glamorous couple lead a dizzying jet-set life , whirling through Studio 54 , Park Avenue parties and constantly criss-crossing the Atlantic .

  2. 选择操控设备就像选择鞋子一样――有些人偏好耐克空中飞人(AirJordans)运动鞋,有些人则青睐克里斯提・鲁布托(ChristianLouboutin)高跟鞋。

    Picking a control device is kind of like choosing shoes -- some go for Air Jordans , others for Christian Louboutin heels .

  3. 美式空中飞人也是你编的

    Trapeze Americano , you make that up , too ?

  4. 有小丑,杂技演员,空中飞人,还有狮子驯兽师。

    There 'll be clowns and acrobats , trapeze artists and lion tamers .

  5. 这位常驻香港的空中飞人向《华尔街日报》讲述了她最喜欢的亚洲酒店,她梦想的度假目的地,以及旅行中保持时尚的建议。

    The Hong Kong-based globe-trotter spoke with the Journal about her favorite hotels in Asia , her dream holiday destinations and tips for looking stylish on the road .

  6. 在森林中远足的背包客,还有穿梭在各航班之间的空中飞人,真要好好感谢古代的中国人,他们发明的指南针,指引着大家平安回家。

    Those of us who hike in the woods or fly various aircraft have the Chinese to thank for guiding us home safely.Originally , the Chinese created their compasses to point to true south .

  7. 如果你的未来雇主问你住在哪,你可以告诉他们你现在的住址,但是让他们知道你愿意为了这份工作而搬家。对现住址撒谎的后果是:在之后几轮的面试中,你不得不当空中飞人来回奔波。

    If your potential employer asks you where you live , tell them where you currently live , but let them know that you 're willing to move for the job . The problem with this lie is you may have several rounds of interviews and you 'll have to keep flying back and forth for them .