
diǎn dàng shānɡ
  • pawnbroker
  1. 她没钱从典当商那里赎回她的结婚戒指。

    She couldn 't afford to redeem her wedding ring from the pawnbroker .

  2. 若你还不能偿还,典当行终极将会出售抵押品。但是典当商这么做是不得已而为之的,由于他们特别依靠从回头客身上赚钱。

    If you cannot do this , as a last resort , the pledge will get sold off , but it is generally not in the pawnbroker 's interest to do so , particularly as many of them thrive on repeat customers .

  3. 当今的典当商按照明晰的金融规章运作。

    Today 's pawnbrokers operate within well-defined financial regulations .