
  • 网络pawnbroking
  1. 典当业在新时期越来越明显地具备了“第二银行”的功能。

    Traditional pawnbroking are taking a great change in new times .

  2. 民国时期四川典当业研究

    Study on the Pawnbroking in SiChuan in the Republican Era

  3. 陕西典当业发展状况的调查与分析

    The investigate & analysis to development status of pawnbroking industry of shaanxi

  4. 论我国现代典当业的完善与发展

    Perfection and Development of the Modern Pawn Broking in China

  5. 旧式典当业的社会价值&以清代为考察范围

    The Social Value of Old Pawnbroking : Focused on the Qing Dynasty

  6. 不进行改革,就会制约典当业的发展。

    If we do not reform the development of pawnbroking will be limited .

  7. 从《申报》看辛亥革命后苏沪等地典当业的经营

    Shen Bao and Management of Pawnshop in Shanghai and Jiangsu after the 1911 Revolution

  8. 然而不可否认,我省典当业在发展过程中仍然面临许多问题。

    But undeniably , our province pawns industry the development still faced many questions .

  9. 近代江南典当业的社会转型

    The Social Transition of the Pawnshop in Jiangnan

  10. 典当业浅析

    Study on the Pawnshop in China

  11. 典当业内部严格的管理,培养了一批通晓农村社会实际的职员,这些职员事实上成了现代农业公司的人才储备。

    In fact , the pawnshop staffer was a kind of talent repertory of modern rural company .

  12. 明清时期,徽州典当业在全国各地所见颇多。

    During the Ming and Qing dynasty , the pawnbroking of Huizhou spread all over the country .

  13. 作为非银行金融机构的典当业,在社会经济发展中起到了拾遗补缺的作用。

    As a non banking financial institution , pawn broking plays a supplementary role in social economic development .

  14. 吉林省典当业发展规模和速度不断加快,业务范围不断扩大。

    The scale and speed of development of pawnbroking in Jilin Provice accelerated and the scope of business expanded .

  15. 吉林省典当业面临的机遇主要表现在目标客户的范围不断扩大,典当业务功能不断加强。

    Jilin Provincial Pawnbroking is facing the opportunity of the broadening of their target customers and the strengthening of pawning business functions .

  16. 民国政府为打击高利贷和私营典当业的剥削,曾进行了公典制度的设计和实验。

    The republic government designed and set up some public-operated pawnshops to suppress the exorbitant usury and the exploitation of the pawnshop .

  17. 深化典当业的发展是解决这一金融难题的有效途径之一。

    This article believes that the deep development of the pawn broking is one of efficient paths to this financial difficult problem .

  18. 近代上海典当业兴盛活跃,但迄今还没有学者对解放初期上海典当业进行专门的研究。

    However , there has been no scholar engaged in studying Shanghai Pawnbroking in the early new China era so far at present .

  19. 要从保障经济发展和维护社会稳定的大局出发,准确把握典当业在社会经济发展中的定位;

    Hold accurately the position of mortgage trade in social economic development in the light of ensuring economic development and safeguarding social stability .

  20. 典当业分布的地理区位,与苏州城市经济及其功能分区息息相关,这反映了传统典当业依附于商业经济发展的寄生性。

    The distributing of pawn related to the city economy and the functional subarea . The traditional pawn must adhere to the commercial city economy .

  21. 并从典当业自身的角度探索了集约连锁经营的可能性及其具体途径。

    And then , search after the feasibility and the concrete routes of management from the intensivism and catenation from the point of itself view .

  22. 但是,随着经济的发展、政局的变化及新式金融机构崛起等因素的影响,典当业逐步走向衰落。

    However , affected by the change of economy , political situation and the growth up of new financial setup , pawnbroking of SiChuan had been declining .

  23. 经济不景气的时候,典当业却普遍被看好,因为它提供的金价和低息贷款在信贷紧缩的时候着实诱人。

    When economic times are tough it is generally thought that the pawnbroking industry booms & after all gold and cheap loans are tempting for credit crunchers .

  24. 本文综合历史史料,对我国典当业的历史进行了一次全程式的扫描,并用理性思维论述了典当在中国历史上的作用。

    With the comprehensive historical materials , the history of our country 's pawnbroking is scanned and pawnbroking 's role in Chinese history is discussed with rational thinking .

  25. 典当业的历史悠久,是人类最古老的行业之一,被称为现代金融业的鼻祖。

    Pawn shops with a long history , is one of the oldest trades in the world , and is referred to as the originator of modern financial industry .

  26. 研究显示:清末民初苏州的典当业主要集中于北部和西南部中心城区以及阊门一带。

    The paper points out , at that time the pawn broking mostly distributed at the north and the south west of the central city and the city gate of Chang .

  27. 虽然本文的研究对象是无锡典当业,但研究成果对于我国典当业在防范典当风险方面同样具有借鉴意义。

    Although the object of this article is Wuxi pawnbroking , the research findings is also useful for the pawnbroking of our whole country , especially for the prevention of risks .

  28. 作为农村传统贷款机构的典当业,是连结都市金融市场与农村社会生产的纽带,对调剂农村金融、保障农副业生产、稳定社会治安有着积极意义。

    Pawnshop was the link between urban money market and rural social production , and it also had adjusted rural finance , ensured agriculture and its auxiliary production , stabilized rural public security .

  29. 从近代宁波典当业、钱庄业和其他金融机构的制度变迁上,我们可以对金融法制的近代化有一个比较全面的把握。

    We can find a general perspective on the modernization of Ningbo financial law system through the rule system transition of the pawnbroking , the debit and credit industry and the other financial industry .

  30. 民国时期四川典当业分布广,数量多,并有深入农村之势,成为农民重要的资金借贷机构,为调节农村金融经济起了重要作用。

    During the Republic of China , pawnshops spread all over SiChuan , also stretch into countryside . It provided peasants with loan funds , and played an important role in regulating money supply .