
kōnɡ cháo jiā tínɡ
  • Empty nest family;empty nest household
  1. 研究的重点在于X村空巢家庭类型和养老模式变迁的分析。

    The focus of the essay is on the type and empty-nest families of pension change modes in X Village .

  2. 关于农村老年空巢家庭社会支援的思考

    Thought about Old Man 's Empty Nest Family in Countryside

  3. 农村空巢家庭养老问题有待解决。

    Empty Nest family pension issues to be resolved .

  4. 你将进入空巢家庭状态。

    Then you will be " empty nested " .

  5. 提出空巢家庭界定的标准。

    In this article , the criterion of empty nest family is presented .

  6. 新空巢家庭现象及其影响下的城市问题

    New Empty-nest Family Phenomena and Influencing Urban Problems

  7. 农村空巢家庭养老保障实现途径研究

    Study on the Support System for the Aged from Empty-nest Family in Rural Areas

  8. 空巢家庭老人是老年人中有独特需要的群体。

    The elderly in empty nest family is the group who have special need .

  9. 论城市空巢家庭面临的问题及对策

    Research on the Problems in Urban Empty-Nest Families

  10. 宁波市农村空巢家庭老年人生活状况调查分析

    Analysis on the Survey of Living Conditions of the Elderly in Ningbo Rural Empty-nest Families

  11. 空巢家庭问题的研究现状

    Research on problems of empty-nest family

  12. 目的了解城镇空巢家庭老年人的抑郁状况并提出对策。

    Probe into health problems of empty nest aged people in city community and its strategies ;

  13. 老年人,尤其是那些来自于空巢家庭的老年人,急需安慰。

    The aged , especially those from empty-nest families , are in eager need for reassurance .

  14. 人口的老龄化趋势与家庭结构的演变使城市空巢家庭大量增加。

    The aging tendency and the evolvement of family structure cause the boom of empty nest family .

  15. 城市空巢家庭居住需求及社区老年居住适应性研究

    Research on Living Demands of Urban Empty Nest Families and the Community System Fit for the Aged

  16. 关于未成年人思想道德教育问题的思考&以农村空巢家庭的未成年人为研究对象

    Reflection on Minors ' Ideological and Moral Education : Research on Rural Minors in Empty Nestle Families

  17. 随着社会的老龄化和家庭结构的演变,空巢家庭正迅猛增加。

    With the social ageing and the change of family structure , empty nest family is expanding swiftly .

  18. 他说:空巢家庭(子女离开后独自生活的老年人家庭)数量也会增加。

    " There will also be an increase in'empty-nest'families ,( old people living without their children )," he told a conference .

  19. 但是问题的另一面是我们之前从来不会面对将会持续20-30年的空巢家庭。

    But the other fact is that we 've never before faced empty nest periods that could easily extend for20 or30 years .

  20. 空巢家庭综合症是父母亲或其他监护人在一个或更多的子女离开家后感受到一种孤独感。

    Empty nest syndrome is a general feeling of loneliness that parents or other guardian relatives may feel when their children leave home .

  21. 在我国人口老龄化大背景下,空巢家庭的日益增多已是必然趋势,它将成为老年人家庭的最主要形式。

    As the population in our country is aging , it is an inevitable tendency that more and more empty nest families emerge .

  22. 关注老年空巢家庭,研究空巢老人问题,尤其是农村空巢老人的养老问题,越来越成为一个不可回避的议题。

    Focusing on empty-nest families and studying the problems of empty-nesters especially the pension problem of rural empty-nesters have become an inevitable issue .

  23. 在满足了农村空巢家庭中老年人的物质需求、生活照料之后,应该着重关注他们的情感生活。

    To meet the families of rural empty nest material needs of the elderly , after care we should focus on their emotional life .

  24. 实际上,在广大农村许多空巢家庭里,这些老年人经济状况恶劣,缺少子女关怀,生活状况十分窘迫。

    There are many empty nest , these elderly poor economic conditions , lack of child care , the living conditions of great distress .

  25. 同时,农村家庭规模在缩小、人口流动性也在增强,农村地区空巢家庭也越来越多。

    With the reduction of family size in rural areas and increased population mobility in rural areas , there are more and more empty nesters .

  26. 空巢家庭的大量出现,是工业化、现代化进程中,经济发展、人口流动及人们价值观念转变等多种因素共同作用的结果。

    The bloom of empty-nest families is the result of economic development , migration and changes in social values in the process of industrialization and modernization .

  27. 研究发现,由于空巢家庭猛增,家庭赡养功能弱化,空巢老人的养老支持出现大块空白。

    As a result , soared empty-nest families and the weakened function of family maintenance , the fiscal support for empty - nest elderly emerged a large blank .

  28. 目前,城市空巢家庭超过老人家庭的50%,部分大中城市达到70%,城市家庭养老条件明显缺失。

    At present , morethan the old man city empty nester family family in some major cities of50 % , to70 % , thecity obviously missing family endowment conditions .

  29. 老龄化社会的提前到来和空巢家庭的日趋增多,使得越来越多的老年人照顾缺位。

    As the early arrival of an aging society and the " empty nest families " is increasing , more and more old people are becoming lack of care .

  30. 结果阐述并分析了我国正在弱化的3种养老方式:家庭支持系统被4-2-1型家庭结构和空巢家庭的存在所破坏;

    Results Three ways of caring for the aged that were attenuating in China were illustrated and analyzed . The 4-2-1 family structure and empty nests undermined the family support system .