
  • 网络Theoretical approach
  1. 本研究采用了文献法、调查法、理论研究法、案例研究法。

    This study adopts literature , questionnaire , the theoretical research , case .

  2. 本文运用理论研究法,访谈法,总结归纳法,阅读文献法,在长春地区某五所小学进行考察,并以问卷的形式进行针对性的研究与分析。

    This paper uses theory research , interview method , summarizes the inductive method , reading literature .

  3. 本文主要采用理论研究法、案例分析法、深度访谈法等研究方法。

    This paper mainly uses the methods of theoretical study , case analysis , and in-depth interview .

  4. 在论述的过程中采用理论研究法、文献研究法和定性分析法等研究方法。

    In the course of discussion , I use theory research , literature research and qualitative analysis research methods .

  5. 在研究过程中,研究者严格遵守扎根理论研究法的要求实施,其研究结果具有较高的可靠性和真实性。

    The researcher strictly abides the requirements of the grounded theory in the course of research , and the findings have a high reliability and authenticity .

  6. 通过问卷调查法、理论研究法、交谈法等方法找出低年龄学生团干部成长的解决方案。

    Through the questionnaire survey method , theory , research methods , group method and other methods aim to improve the quality of cadres to find solutions .

  7. 扎根理论研究法既注重研究过程,也注重研究结果即理论的建构,其最终的研究目的是建构一个饱和的理论模型。

    It pays attention to the research process and also the findings , the building of theory , with the ultimate aim of building a theoretical model of saturation .

  8. 本文首先用理论研究法讨论了精神产品的定义和特点,探讨了其在生产和消费方面的基本规律,指出网络游戏是典型的数字化精神产品。

    After defining and characterizing the spiritual products and their features in production and consumption process , this thesis defines the online games as one of the typical spiritual product .

  9. 对于诗词教学设计的整体探索采用理论研究法,对于具体的关键问题、也是本论文着力之处或特点突出反映的内容,采取案例分析法。

    The former is to be used to do the overall exploration of poetry teaching design , and the latter to solve the critical problem , and also the emphasized point or specially reflected content .

  10. 扎根理论研究法主要运用半开放性访谈收集资料,访谈提纲在研究过程中随着新的研究问题的出现要及时不断地调整。

    The research based on grounded theory mainly uses the semi-open interview on data collection , and the outline of interview should be constantly adjusted in time as the new problems appear in the course of the research .

  11. 理论研究法:通过相关理论特别是中学基础课程评价体系理论,展开对建立初中思想政治课教育教学评价体系的研究。

    During the courses of this subject , I take the following measures : First , the method of theory , according to the related theory content especially about the evaluate system of middle school basic courses and to establish the system of evaluation .

  12. 探寻民法法典化的基础,应以罗马法的历史为出发点,从社会形态、经济体制、政治模式、法哲学、法理论研究及法文化等几个主要方面展开论证。

    Based on the history of Roman Law , the study mainly focuses on the social state , the economical system , the political model , legal philosophy , study of legal theory and legal culture in order to explore the foundations of codification of Civil Law .

  13. 酚类化合物抗氧化机理分析及新型抗氧化剂合成思路的理论研究树脂催化法合成抗氧剂2246的研究

    Investigating Antioxidant Mechanism of Phenolic Compounds and Exploring a Suitable Way to Synthesis Novel Antioxidant ; Preparation of antioxidant 2246 by resin catalysis

  14. 本文综合运用了母子公司管理控制理论、分类研究法和个案分析法等方法进行研究,指出母子公司管理体制的核心是母公司与子公司的权力划分。

    This paper uses research methods of parent-subsidiary management and control theory , classification method , case analysis method and so on . It points out that the parent-subsidiary corporation management control is based on the power division between the parent company and the subsidiary .

  15. 为进一步探讨磁浮轴承转子系统的非线性动态特性及稳定性规律,本文进行理论研究:①CPNF法在不平衡磁浮轴承转子系统周期解分析中的应用;

    In order to discuss the dynamic behaviors and stabilities of the EMBR system deeply , theory research is carried out : 1The application of CPNF way in imbalance EMBR system periodic solution .

  16. 研究方法:理论分析与实证研究法。

    Methods of theoretical analysis and case study were employed .

  17. 因此,空白票据理论的研究对于票据法理论的完善和司法实践都具有重要意义。

    At the same time , there is of great significance in perfecting theory of commercial instrument law and in our judicial practice .

  18. 第一部分是理论研究:在最小二乘法基础上引入了一种改进的算法&移动最小二乘法,并介绍了反求工程的应用方法。

    On the basis of Least Squares , we present an improved algorithm & Moving Least Squares . Moreover , we introduce the applied method of reverse engineer .

  19. 从理论上研究反倾销法改革方向、出发点、具体措施的意义,在于其对国内反倾销法或国际反倾销协议改革的指导作用。

    The significance of theoretical study on the direction , the starting point and specific measures of the reform , means the role in guiding the reform of domestic anti-dumping laws or international anti-dumping agreements .

  20. 其中,理论研究是强夯法研究的前提,意在分析强夯法的作用机理和影响因素,从而合理的评价强夯法处理邯长高速公路路基的加固深度;

    Theoretical study is the premise in study of dynamic consolidation method , and the study is to analyzes the mechanism and factors of dynamic consolidation , thus rationally assess the depth of improvement in freeway Hanchang ;

  21. 应用分形理论研究螺旋切削采集法截割富钴结壳粒度分布规律,结果表明,其粒度分布具有很好的分形结构,可以用分形维数定量描述。

    Fractal theory is used to study the granularity distribution law of the broken cobalt-rich crust collected by spiral cutting . The result shows that its granularity distribution has a very good fractal structure and can be quantitively described with fractal dimension .

  22. 超声振动系统是功率超声加工设备的核心,其理论研究主要有解析法、等效电路法、有限元法等方法,而利用计算机软件对超声振动系统进行建模与仿真分析的研究较少。

    Ultrasonic vibration system is the core of the power ultrasonic machine equipments , whose research methods mainly include analytical method 、 equivalent circuit method and finite element method etc , modeling and simulation approaches for the ultrasonic vibration system with software is uncommon .

  23. 就经济法主体理论研究而言,从法理论移植到法制度创新,经济法主体研究已逐步形成了具有独立品性的主体理论和体系建构。

    In terms of the theory on subject of economic law , which contains from the transplantation of legal theory to the innovation of legal system , the research on the subject of economic law has gradually formed its unique subject theory and system construction .

  24. 然后,运用新闻学、传播学理论,利用个案研究法、内容分析法等研究方法,对《6周刊》的文本进行定量与定性分析,总结出《6周刊》在办报过程中的优劣得失。

    Then , on the basis of journalism theory and communication theory , using methods of the case analysis , content analysis , do quantitative and qualitative analysis of the text of Six Weekly , then sum up the advantages , disadvantages , gain and loss of Six Weekly .

  25. 第三部分根据国内外关于反思性教学、问题探究式教学的相关理论,采用理论研究与行动研究法相结合的方法,提出了在高中生物反思性教学中实施反思性问题探究课堂教学模式。

    On the basis of theories concerning reflective teaching and questions inquiring teaching home and abroad , via the method of combining theoretical research and action research , the third chapter puts forward the class teaching model of " Reflective Questions Exploring " .