
  1. 基督教与近代理性主义美学的关系

    Relationship between Christianity and Modern Rationalism Aesthetics

  2. 论莱布尼茨的理性主义美学思想

    On Leibniz ' Rational Esthetic Thought

  3. 莱布尼茨作为德国理性主义美学的奠基者,其美学思想是以单子论的哲学体系为基础的。

    Leibniz is the founder of rational esthetics in Germany . His esthetic thought is based on his philosophy of monads .

  4. 与身体美学对立的是西方传统的(理性主义美学)意识美学,尼采认为主客体的二元对立是一种虚构。

    On the other end is the western traditional aesthetics . Nietzsche believes that the dualistic view of subject and object is a fiction .

  5. 尼采美学在现代美学领域影响巨大,为20世纪人文美学提供了思想氛围和建基源泉,开非理性主义美学思潮的先河。因此,应对尼采美学作出客观公正的评价,确立其应有的历史地位。

    The impact of Nietzsche 's aesthetics on contemporary is so great that we must give an impersonal fair comment and establish its rational historical position .

  6. 基督教和近代理性主义美学之间存在着潜在的影响和促进关系,二者表现出某种观念、逻辑或精神上的契合。

    Christianity and modem rationalism aesthetics , which have a potential relation of mutual influence and promotion , display the agreement on some kinds of concept , logic and spirit .

  7. 与英国经验主义美学相比,大陆理性主义美学没有取得令人称道的成就,其原因是专制主义政治和理性主义哲学否定了审美想象的独特地位和文艺的审美价值。

    European rationalistic aesthetics has not made so great achievements as British empiricist aesthetics , because the political dictatorship and rationalism denied the special function of imagination and hence the artistic value of imagination .

  8. 模仿论是一种理性主义的美学观,它肯定实在世界的中心地位和艺术家的艺术表现以及艺术符号可以真实地再现实在世界。

    Theory of imitation is a kind of rationalist aesthetic conception which admits that the central position of reality and artists ' artistic expression and art symbols can truly reproduce reality .

  9. 西方自近代以来,理性主义在美学领域确立了它不可动摇的地位,这一方面给美学研究赋予了严密的体系感,另一方面也造成了美学对人的日常审美经验的疏离。

    Since the modern times , rationalism in the field of aesthetics has established an unshakable position in the west , which , on one hand , made the research of aesthetics become a thorough system and on the other hand made it dissociate from daily aesthetic experience .

  10. 叔本华的非理性主义哲学和美学思想对后世影响很大。

    Schopenhauer 's irrationalistic philosophy and aesthetic thinking have great influence on later generations .