
  • 网络air suspension;ECAS;airmatic
  1. 汽车空气悬架C型梁疲劳试验断裂改进分析

    Fatigue Fracture Analysis and Improvement of Automobile Air Suspension C-Beam

  2. 车辆电控空气悬架建模及H∞控制研究

    Research on modeling of electro-controlled air suspension and design of H ∞ controller

  3. 车辆空气悬架PID控制系统的研究

    Development of PID Control System for Electronically Controlled Air Suspension

  4. 空气悬架V型推力杆静动态特性分析

    Static & Dynamic Analysis of V-Type Propelling Rod in Air Suspension System

  5. 汽车空气悬架系统V型推力杆总成试验方法探讨

    The Testing Method Discussion of the Automobile Air Suspension System V Propelling Rod Assembly

  6. 这一功能只有装配空气悬架的ModelS车型可以使用,它能够记忆驾驶员之前选择的悬架高度,并自动在这些位置提高汽车底盘。

    The feature , which is only available in Model S cars equipped with air suspension , remembers where the driver previously selected high ride heights and automatically raises the car in those spots .

  7. 基于ADAMS的车辆空气悬架转向机构的运动学仿真

    Kinematics Simulation Analysis of the Air Suspension-Steering Framework of an Automobile Based on ADAMS

  8. 基于MSCADAMS/Car的空气悬架及整车仿真

    Simulation of Air Suspension and Full-vehicle with MSC Adams / Car

  9. 基于ADAMS的客车空气悬架结构参数DOE优化

    DOE Optimization Design of Structure Parameters of Bus Air Suspension Based on ADAMS

  10. 结合当代最新设计理念,利用MATLAB和ADAMS/Car软件的联合仿真,设计了电控空气悬架载荷平衡系统,并对整体系统进行了几个工况的模拟仿真。

    A load leveling system for electronically controlled air suspension is designed and the overall system is simulated on several working conditions based on co-simulation with MATLAB and ADAMS / Car .

  11. ADAMS及ANSYS软件,在ADAMS/Car[1]中建立了中型客车前空气悬架系统刚柔体耦合的动力学模型。

    ADAMS and ANSYS softwares to establish the dynamic model of rigid and flexible body coupling of medium bus air spring suspension system in ADAMS / Car [ 1 ] .

  12. 针对汽车车辆的空气悬架系统作了理论分析和计算机仿真研究,首先运用ADAMS建立了悬架的动力学模型和控制系统模型;

    Theory analysis and simulation study of vehicle air suspension system was made . The dynamic model and control system model were founded for the suspension based on ADAMS software .

  13. 本文在对空气悬架进行结构及其运动学的分析时,采用ADAMS虚拟样机技术,建立了简化悬架几何模型,并对车轮跳动时悬架各项参数的变化进行了计算机仿真分析。

    Based on the ADAMS virtual model technology , the paper established the simplified geometric model of the suspension , and studied the effects of the suspension parameters when wheel vibrating .

  14. 针对某中型客车,利用ADAMS软件建立了空气悬架客车动力学仿真模型,并进行了随机路面输入及三角凸台路面输入的平顺性仿真分析。

    The dynamic simulation model of an air-suspension medium bus is created with ADAMS software , and ride performance with random road inputs and triangle scab road inputs are respectively simulated and analyzed .

  15. 美国权威汽车价值评估网站KelleyBlueBook的分析师卡尔o布劳尔表示,升级汽车无线软件并非独特的技术,但特斯拉根据位置自动调整的空气悬架是一个他从未见过的有趣特色。

    The ability to wirelessly upgrade a vehicle 's software isn 't unique , according to Kelley Blue Book analyst Karl Brauer , who noted Tesla 's location-based air suspension was an interesting feature he hadn 't seen before .

  16. 利用MSCADAMS/Car软件建立载货汽车后空气悬架系统多体动力学模型,仿真计算了悬架垂直刚度特性,证明模型的正确性。

    A rear air suspension multi-body dynamics virtual prototype model is created with MSC Adams / Car . The vertical rate rigid characteristics of the rear air suspension are simulated and the correctness of the model is proved .

  17. 简述了弹簧支架在汽车整个空气悬架系统中的作用,针对某种型号客车的空气悬架,应用多体动力学软件ADAMS构建了悬架的虚拟样机,进行了动力学仿真分析。

    [ WTBZ ] The paper briefly specified what role the spring bracket played as a part of air suspension system . Firstly , the virtual prototype of air suspension of some kind of passengers automobile was established using ADAMS and the dynamic simulation was carried out .

  18. 商用车空气悬架的结构及其关键技术

    Structure of Air Suspension for Commercial Vehicles and its Key Technologies

  19. 主动式空气悬架作为汽车悬架的一门新技术,其应用越来越为广泛。

    Active air suspension is a new technology of automotive suspension .

  20. 高级大客车空气悬架及其控制系统的研究

    A Study of Air Suspension for Premium Bus and Its Controls

  21. 电控空气悬架试验系统设计及试验研究

    Design and Investigation on Test System for Electro-Control Air Spring Suspension

  22. 电子控制空气悬架系统在城市客车上的应用

    Application of the Electronic Control Air Suspension System to City Buses

  23. 基于疲劳理论的汽车空气悬架结构件的弯曲强度计算

    Analysis on the Air Suspension Structure Based on Fatigue Strength Method

  24. 使后空气悬架系统偏频设计达到标准要求。

    Air suspension system offset design meets the standard requirements .

  25. 电控空气悬架的模糊控制策略研究

    The Development of a Fuzzy Control System for Electro-controlled Air Spring Suspension

  26. 空气悬架控制系统仿真及试验研究

    The Simulation and Test Research on the Control System of Air Suspension

  27. 空气悬架客车方向发摆的原因分析

    Reasons Analysis of Steering Shimmy of Air Suspension System Buses

  28. 基于虚拟样机技术的空气悬架客车平顺性仿真研究

    Virtual-Prototype-Technology-Based Simulation and Study on Ride Performance of Air-Suspension Buses

  29. 空气悬架的神经网络模糊控制及仿真分析

    Fuzzy Neural Network Control and Simulation Analysis of Air Suspension

  30. 虚拟环境下客车空气悬架的动力学仿真研究

    Dynamics Simulation Research of Air Spring Suspension of Bus under Virtual Environment