
  • 网络Space and Time
  1. 很有可能空间和时间是有限的。

    It is quite possible that space and time are finite .

  2. 这个原理被看作是在整个空间和时间内有效,据说它是物理学方法的基础。

    This principle , which is taken to be valid throughout space and time , is said to underlie the method of physics .

  3. 本文介绍了N2超辐射激光器光束的空间和时间诊断。

    Results of spatial and temporal diagnostics of N_2 superradiative laser are presented .

  4. 通过GIS技术进行道路交通事故的时空分布分析,发现其在空间和时间上的分布规律及其主要影响因素。

    The temporal and spatial distribution of traffic accidents and main influencing factors are found through analysis of road traffic accidents based on GIS technology .

  5. 在两个通道上用CCD和条纹相机同时测量射线的空间和时间分辨光谱。

    The X-ray space and time resolved spectra are simultaneously measured by using the CCD and streak cameras in two channels .

  6. Linuxslab分配器使用了这种思想和其他一些思想来构建一个在空间和时间上都具有高效性的内存分配器。

    The Linux slab allocator uses these ideas and others to build a memory allocator that is efficient in both space and time .

  7. 由于隐式马尔科夫链(HMM)可以同时对空间和时间相关关系建立模型,适用于动态手势识别。

    Since the Hidden Markov models ( HMM ) can be related to space and time model , it can be suitable for dynamic gesture recognition .

  8. Apriori算法是挖掘布尔关联规则的算法,而该算法在空间和时间的复杂性有着难以克服的局限性。

    The Apriori algorithm is the method of finding Boolean association rules , but has the disadvantage in the complexity of space and time .

  9. SLAB算法通过将频繁分配释放的对象缓存起来提高了内存系统的空间和时间性能,但是该算法对缓冲区内存的回收比较复杂。

    The Slab algorithm improves the performance of space and time by caching the memory allocated and released frequently . But the recovery of the buffer memory is more complex in the Slab algorithm .

  10. 由于近年来随着光电成像技术的迅猛发展,CCD彩色相机能够在空间和时间分辨率上同时获得更多的图像数据,从而更好地对目标进行识别。

    Optical imaging in recent years with the rapid development of technology , CCD color camera in the spatial and temporal resolution at the same time obtain more image data to better identify the target .

  11. 作用在建筑物上的风压场是一个与空间和时间相关的复杂函数,国外已有不少文献研究了用本征正交分解(POD)方法来对随即风压场进行分解和重建。

    Wind pressures acting on buildings are complicated functions of both time and space . The Proper Orthogonal Decomposition ( POD ) technique has been applied to decompose and reconstruct wind pressure fields in earlier studies .

  12. 也为后续基于4D航迹(3维空间和时间)的飞行冲突监视与告警技术下管制员作业绩效的深度研究奠定基础。

    So it lies a foundation for the futher research on controller performance based on 4D ( 3-dimensional space and time ) flight conflict monitoring and alerting technology .

  13. 随着计算机系统的互联,特别是通过Internet将各种计算机进行互联,大大拓展了信息资源共享空间和时间,提高了其利用率,同时也给计算机网络系统的安全性带来了前所未有的挑战。

    With the interconnecting of computer systems , especially connecting various computers together by Internet , it expands greatly shared space and time of information resource and raises its utilization ratio . At the same time , it brings challenge never existed before to safety of computer network system .

  14. 用快速傅里叶转换(FFT)技术分析了图形视网膜电图(PERG)的空间和时间调谐特性。

    Spatial and temporal frequency tuning characteristics of the pattern electroretinogram ( PERG ) were analysed by means of the fast Fourier transform ( FFT ) technique .

  15. MPEG-2的标准具有开放性、实用性,它利用视频节目的空间和时间相关性,进行了帧内和帧间压缩,利于存储和传输,并保证了图像的质量。

    MPEG-2 is an open , practical standard , it uses space and time correlation , carried out inter-frame and intra compression , which helps storage and transmission and ensures the image quality .

  16. 在此基础上,分别采用DQM和有限差分法(FDM)对控制方程进行空间和时间离散并求解。

    On this basis , the DQM and finite differential method ( FDM ) are adopted to discrete the governing equations on spatial and temporal domain , respectively .

  17. PikeOS系统软件层向来宾分配资源(空间和时间)。

    The PikeOS system software layer allocates resources ( in terms of both space and time ) to the guests .

  18. 使用这种2D-RAKE接收机将能充分利用多径信号的空间和时间特性,最大程度地提高系统性能。

    The application of 2D-RAKE receiver can make full use of the spatial and time characteristic of multi-path signals and improve the system performance to the greatest degree .

  19. 我们以两个经典的ABE方案为例,对KP-ABE和CP-ABE进行了比较,分析了访问树和线性秘密共享方案(LSSS)访问结构,讨论了ABE方案的空间和时间开销。

    Taking two classic ABE schemes as examples , we compare KP-ABE with CP-ABE , analyze access tree and LSSS access structure , and discuss the space and time cost of ABE schemes .

  20. 利用在黄河下游悬河段4个剖面上采取的67个地下水和黄河水样,获得了δD、δ18O和T(TU)在空间和时间上的分布规律。

    Spatial and temporal distribution of δ D ,δ ~ ( 18 ) O and Tritium are obtained based on 67 groundwater and the Yellow River water samples in the four sections hanged along the lower reaches of the Yellow River .

  21. 在WSNs中,节点及数据均存在相关性,目前涉及相关性的概念一般包括空间和时间相关性,最近开始出现部分成果涉及数据类型属性的相关性,相关性在WSNs节能技术中发挥着重要的作用。

    In WSNs , there are correlations existing among both the nodes and data , involving spatial and temporal correlation . Recently , some literatures began to focus on the correlation of data types , and correlation plays an important role in WSNs energy-saving technologies .

  22. 提出了一种用于运动估计的预测三步搜索(PTSS)算法,它是基于三步搜索(TSS)算法,同时充分利用了运动向量场的空间和时间相关性的一种块匹配运动估计算法。

    This paper proposed a new predictive three step search algorithm ( PTSS ), based on three step search algorithm . The algorithm is a kind of block matching motion estimation algorithm , which adequately utilizes the spatial and temporal correlation of motion vector field .

  23. 在黑洞内,空间和时间的角色互换。

    Inside a black hole , space and time swap roles .

  24. 超短脉冲光束经平行玻璃板后的空间和时间色散

    Spatial and Temporal Dispersion of Ultrashort Pulsed Beam by Parallel Plate

  25. 而变形监测网在空间和时间上都是变化的。

    A deformation monitoring network changes with time and space .

  26. 旅游项目的组织在空间和时间上分布不均。

    The organization of tour itineraries distributes unevenly in space and time .

  27. 随机荷载的空间和时间相关性的统一处理

    Unified Treatment for Spatial and Temporal Correlation of Random Vibrations

  28. 我从来对于自己的个人空间和时间都是很重视的。

    I have always valued my own space and time .

  29. 但是效果受到空间和时间的限制。

    But the effect was limited by space and time .

  30. 表达空间和时间的手段是每个语言中很重要的一部分。

    Location and time expressions are an important part of every language .