
kōnɡ jiān kē xué
  • space science
  1. 开展空间科学实验和技术试验,以及有关科普教育活动。

    Third , they will carry out space science experiments and technology experiments , as well as public outreach activities .

  2. 在建造国际月球科研站项目的框架内,中俄两国利用在空间科学、空间技术和空间设备等方面积累的经验,将共同制定建造国际月球科研站的路线图,并开展紧密合作。

    Through this program , China and Russia will take advantage of their expertise and experience in space science and technology and spacecraft to produce a plan for the station and will cooperate closely on the following steps .

  3. 国家航天局鼓励开展基于月球样品的空间科学国际联合研究工作,促进成果的国际共享。

    Meanwhile , China National Space Administration encourages researchers at home and abroad to use the samples in joint studies on space science and to share their findings with each other .

  4. 地理信息系统(GIS-geographicalinformationsystem)是及计算机科学、地理学、测绘科学、环境科学、空间科学和管理科学为一体的多学科边缘科学。

    Geographical Information System is an edge science . It concludes that computer science , geography , survey and map science , environment science , space science and management science .

  5. 在美国销售的闪光X射线设备中有近30%是用于空间科学的研究。

    Total 30 % of sold flash x-ray radiography systems in United States are used to study space science and technology .

  6. 中国媒体援引中国国家空间科学中心(NationalSpaceScienceCenter)的话称,至少在2016年之前,中国不会再有火星探测新动作。

    China 's National Space Science Center has been quoted in Chinese media as saying that it won 't attempt another voyage to Mars until at least 2016 .

  7. 地理信息系统(geographicalinformationsystem)是在计算机科学、信息科学、数学、统计学、空间科学、遥感科学、遥测科学、环境科学、管理科学等学科基础上形成的边缘学科。

    Geographical Information System ( GIS ) is a new brink subject , which integrates computer science , information science , mathematics , statistics , spatial science , remote sensing science , telemetry science , environmental science , manage science and so forth .

  8. 前美国航天局空间科学探索项目负责人艾伦·斯特恩(AlanStern)目前任职于为航天产业提供技术援助的西南研究院。

    So says former NASA executive Alan Stern , now with the Southwest Research Institute , which offers technical assistance to the aerospace industry .

  9. 随着信息革命发展起来的遥感(RS)、全球定位系统(GPS)和地理信息系统(GIS)三大空间科学技术,做为测量及研究的高科技手段为世人所关注。

    With the development of information revolution , the three space science technology ( RS ? GIS and GPS ) named3S technology as a kind of high technology on measure and study is concerned .

  10. GIS作为一门集信息科学,空间科学、地球科学于一体的新技术学科,它的应用为城市防震减灾系统的建设提供了理想的技术支持。

    GIS ( Geographic Information System ), as a new branch of technology , combines information science , space science and geo-science etc together , and provides an ideal technological support for the development of the disaster reduction system .

  11. 地理信息系统(GIS)作为集计算机科学、地理学、环境科学、城市科学、空间科学、信息科学和管理科学为一体的学科,可为水土保持规划设计与管理提供强有力的技术手段支持。

    Being as an integrated discipline of incorporating the sciences of computer , geography , environment , urban , space , information and management , GIS can provide powerful technical support for the planning , design and management of soil and water conservation .

  12. 锗酸铋(BGO)晶体是一种性能良好的闪烁晶体,在高能物理、空间科学、核医学等方面有着广泛的应用。

    As an excellent scintillation crystal , Bi_4Ge_3O_12 ( BGO ) has been widely used in high energy physics , space science and medical imaging et al .

  13. 发生于界面的Marangoni效应作为影响流体稳定性的因素,对化学工程、材料工程、流体力学、空间科学研究有着重要的影响。

    Marangoni effect occurring in the interface as an effect that influences fluid stability has an important impact on chemical engineering , materials engineering , hydromechanics and space science .

  14. Sokolov是大气、海洋与空间科学系空间物理学研究实验室的研究科学家;

    Sokolov is a research scientist at the Space Physics Research Laboratory in the Department of Atmospheric , Oceanic and Space Sciences .

  15. 在虚拟观测概念的引领下,空间科学虚拟观测台(VSSO)作为新一代的学科数据应用环境孕育而生。

    Therefore , guided by virtual observation conception , the virtual space science observatory ( VSSO ) which offers a new generation of scientific data application environment arises as the times require .

  16. 一种空间科学应用的新型超高速发射装置

    A new hypervelocity launcher ( hvl ) for space science application

  17. 空间科学试验温度控制系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Temperature-Control System for Space Science Experiment

  18. 这项报告刊登在《行星和空间科学》杂志上。

    The report is in the journal Planetary and Space Science .

  19. 缩小空间科学和技术的信息差距会议

    Conference on Bridging the Information Gap in Space Science and Technology

  20. 固体潮研究&它对地学、天文学和空间科学的关系

    The studies of earth-tides-its relations to astronomy and Space Science

  21. 空间科学与探测任务论证仿真系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Space Science Demonstrate Research Simulation System

  22. 它将主要用于深空探测、空间科学等方面的实验和研究。

    The centre aims to conduct research and experiments in deep space .

  23. 一般的光谱仪在上述几个方面很难满足空间科学实验的要求。

    General Spectroscopy hardly has the above-mentioned characteristics of space science experiments .

  24. 化学炉技术及其在空间科学实验中的应用

    Chemical Oven Technology and Its Application in Scientific Experiments in the Space

  25. 《中国空间科学技术》第25卷(2005年)总目次

    Chinese space science and technology vol.25 ( 2005 ) contents

  26. 北京大学地球与空间科学学院;

    School of Earth and Space Sciences , Peking University ; and2 .

  27. 空间科学学报第24卷总目次2004年

    Chinese Journal of space science Vol. 24 2004 contents

  28. 于益群,博士生,美国密歇根大学大气、海洋和空间科学系。

    Department of Atmospheric , Oceanic and Space Sciences , University of Michigan .

  29. 场所艺术与空间科学

    The art of place and the science of space

  30. 空间科学实验柜被动式减振系统研究

    Study of the Passive Vibration Isolation System for the Space Scientific Experimental Rack