
kōnɡ jiān tàn cè qì
  • space probe
  1. 和用在卡西尼空间探测器上的一样。

    The same one they use on the Cassini space probe .

  2. 欧洲空间探测器吉奥托

    European Space Probe Giotto

  3. 低能x射线空间探测器

    Low-energy X-ray space detector

  4. 90年代发射的专用紫外空间探测器有Astro-1,Astro-2,IUE,EUVE。

    The devoted ultraviolet space explorers launched in the 1990s are Astro-1 , Astro-2 , IUE , and EUVE .

  5. 我们用外层空间探测器扫描了那个区域。

    We scanned the area with our deep space sensors and .

  6. 我从不知道我们还有外层空间探测器。

    I didn 't know we had deep space sensors .

  7. 空间探测器收集资料然后敬这些资料再送回地球。

    Space probes gather information and send the information back to earth .

  8. 气门的电镦技术电火箭推进的空间探测器

    Electric Upset Forging of Valve The Spacecraft Used Electric Rocket as Primary Propulsion

  9. 电火箭推进的空间探测器电火箭的研究现状与应用分析

    The Spacecraft Used Electric Rocket as Primary Propulsion

  10. 空间探测器安装部件设计及热&结构耦合分析

    Designing and Heat-Structure Coupled Analysis of the Installed Components of the Space Exploration Equipment

  11. 关于空间探测器定位在太阳系中特殊点上的有关问题

    On Problems Concerning the Location of Space Detectors on Special Points of the Solar System

  12. 我们拥有外层空间探测器?

    We have deep space sensors ?

  13. 空间探测器的飞速发展使行星动力学成为当前天文学最为活跃的研究领域之一。

    The rapid development of the space exploration makes planet dynamics become one of the most active research field .

  14. 最后,指出了空间探测器主推进用电火箭的发展趋势。

    At the end , the development trend of electric rocket for future solar system exploration mission is pointed out .

  15. 遥远的过去;深入敌占区;森林极远处;外层空间探测器。

    Deep in the past ; deep in enemy territory ; deep in the woods ; a deep space probe .

  16. 有了空间探测器,我们得以了解人类尚未到达的其他星球和月球。

    Thanks to space probes , we can learn about other places we haven 't been to like other planets and moons .

  17. 实时运动结构重建是自主车辆、机器人导航、空间探测器自主降落、智能监控等领域中的重要研究课题。

    Real-time structure and motion is the most important research direction , which can be applied in vehicle navigation , spacecraft landing , intelligent monitoring system .

  18. 中国月球探测工程首席科学家欧阳自远透露,火星计划主要目的在于,在这颗红色星球上建立中国的空间探测器。

    Ouyang Ziyuan , chief scientist of the country 's lunar project , said the Mars programme will focus on creating space probes on the red planet .

  19. 根据牛顿第二定律和万有引力定律,建立了空间探测器的运动微分方程,并以土星探测器为例,利用精确的数值积分方法对其轨道进行了设计和计算。

    This paper establishes the differential equations of motion of space explorer according to the Newton 's Laws of Motion and the universal gravitation , computes the flying orbit of Saturnian explorer , taking the Saturnian explorer as the computational example and using accurate numerical integration method .

  20. 首先,通过运用阶空间边界探测器,压缩图像中的块map和边界信息同时被抽取和保护。

    Firstly , by exploiting ss-edge detector , blocking map ( BM ) and edge information ( EI ) in the compressed image are extracted and protected at the same time .

  21. 在常规的CT扫描方式下,对于一些形如扁平体的试件,通常受旋转空间或探测器动态范围的限制而得不到完整的投影,也就不能完成CT重构。

    Under the conventional CT scanning mode , some specimens with the flat-type can 't fulfill the CT reconfiguration because they are failing to get the complete projection being restricted by the rotated space or detector 's dynamic scope .

  22. 温度是有效载荷系统设计中的一个重要参数,针对空间粒子探测器阿尔法磁谱仪(AMS),介绍一种基于CAN总线的分布式有效载荷温度测控系统。

    Temperature is an important design parameter for experiments and operation in spacecraft and its payload systems . This paper introduces the CAN bus based distributed temperature measurement and control system for Alpha magnetic spectrometer , a particle physics detector which will be running at international space station .

  23. 低轨道空间闪烁探测器异常区开关机设计及控制

    High voltage control system of the low-orbit space scintillation detector

  24. 成像光谱仪是一种空间遥感探测器,它可以同时获取目标的空间和光谱分布信息。

    Imaging spectrometer is a kind of space remote sensing detector . It can get space and spectral distribution information of a target at the same time .

  25. 在此基础上,重点探讨了临近空间预警探测器在现代防空“三大威胁”目标的预警和反导作战预警探测中的应用,尤其指出了其对于反导作战应急准备的意义。

    The applications of near space detector in detecting high threat air-breathing targets and TBM are also discussed . What 's more , its significance to the anti-TBM emergency preparation is put forward .

  26. 本文介绍我们研制的一种空间半导体探测器,扼要地叙述了仪器的设计原理,分析了脉冲成形电路的输出特性。

    A semiconductor detector for measuring the charged particles in space is presented in this paper . A brief description of the principle of design is given , and the output performance of the pulse-formed circuit is analysed .

  27. 风云一号C星空间粒子成分探测器及SAA区粒子辐射实测分析

    The space particle composition detector aboard FY-1C satellite and analysis of particle radiation in South Atlantic anomaly

  28. FY1C星空间粒子成分探测器能够实现对质子能谱、电子积分通量及重离子成分的同时测量。

    The space particle composition detector aboard FY-1C satellite can simultaneously detect proton spectrum , electron integrated flux and heavy ion composition .

  29. 空间同步辐射探测器设计及模拟

    The design and simulation of a synchrotron radiation detector in space

  30. 浅论某大空间建筑火灾探测器的设计研究

    Discussion on design research of fire detector in a large space building