
kōnɡ jiān yùn shū
  • transportation in space
  1. GIS工具对空间运输联系问题的分析优势明显,在研究空间运输联系的指标计算、模型选取、结果输出等方面都起到有力支撑作用。

    It plays a strong supporting role in the calculation of indicators , the model selected , the results of the output , etc.

  2. VERT仿真风险分析在空间运输系统评价中的应用

    The VERT Simulation Analysis For Evaluation of Space Transportation System

  3. 山西省空间运输联系的时空演化研究

    Study on Time-spatial Revolution of Spatial Transport Linkage in Shanxi Province

  4. 适用于空间运输系统的高精度姿态参考系统

    Ultra Precise Attitude Reference System for Space Transportation System

  5. 京津都市圈空间运输联系的分布特征研究

    Study on Distribution Character of Spatial Transport Linkage in Beijing - Tianjin Metropolis

  6. 目前的空间运输系统证明基于阻力加速度的制导方法是行之有效的。

    The acceleration guidance method has proven effective for the current space transportation system .

  7. 空间运输联系的分布与交流规律研究

    Disribution and exchange regularities of spatial transport linkage

  8. 基于区域划分的陕西省空间运输联系实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Spatial Transport Linkage Based on the Regional Division in Shaanxi Province

  9. 系绳技术是发展空间运输、空间研究与空间应用的一项关键技术。

    Tether technology is one of key technologies to develop space transportation , space research and space applications .

  10. 低成本空间运输是实现人类对太空探索和开发的重要关键之一。

    To lower cost in space transportation is one of the keys to the exploitation and exploration of space .

  11. 空间运输联系与经济发展关系尚不显著,合巢芜宣经济带客、货运增长均超过沿江经济带。

    At last , the relationship between transport and economy development is analyzed , according to the traffic driving coefficient .

  12. 长江三角洲空间运输联系与经济结构的时空演化特征分析

    Study on Time-Spatial Revolution Characteristics of Spatial Linkage and Economic Structure ; Study on Time-spatial Revolution Characteristics of Freight Transport Linkage in Yangtze Delta

  13. 固体火箭发动机要想在未来空间运输系统中得到应用,必须降低成本,才有竞争力。

    In order to increase applications in the future space transportation system and competitive ability , solid rocket motors must be built at a reduced cost .

  14. 我国铁路行包运输作为一种新的运输形式,在十几年的发展历程中呈现出一定的空间运输联系特征。

    As a kind of new service which is provided by railroad , railway package transportation presents a characteristic of the distribution and exchange regularities of transport linkage .

  15. 本文的研究对今后的空间运输、空间分离、空间补偿,以及对地定点攻击将有极其重要意义。

    The studies in this thesis will be extremely important to space transportation , space separation , space compensation , and the space-based pinpoint attack ground in the future .

  16. 文章对长江三角洲1985&2000年各城市客、货运量进行分析,总结出改革开放以来该区域空间运输联系的时空演化特征。

    The flow of passenger and freight transport from 1985 to 2000 of every city in Yangtze River Delta is analyzed and so that the time-spatial revolution characteristics in this region are summarized .

  17. 城乡一体化的发展打破了城乡二元经济结构,促进了城乡之间的物质联系和空间运输,增加了居民出行需求。

    The development of urban and countryside integration broke the urban-rural dual economic structure , promoted the material link and space transportation between urban and countryside , and increased the travel demand of residents .

  18. 美国政府要求大力扶持和发展商业空间运输,因为商业公司参与航天计划可以让市场消化太空探索的投入,将会加速人类实现低价和快捷的航天飞行。

    The U.S. government requires vigorously supporting and developing commercial space transportation , because the commercial companies ' participation in the space program can make the market digest the input of space exploration , and accelerate the realization of low price and fast traveling of human spaceflight .

  19. 本论文首先结合运输通道理论,从时空结构和空间运输联系特征两个方面分析了运输通道的技术经济特征。

    Therefore , it is essential to discuss the forecasting theory and method of freight Transportation demand based on transport corridor . Firstly , this thesis analyzes the technical and economic characteristics of transport corridor from time-space structure and space transport link features based on transport corridor theory .

  20. 应急空间航天运输装备体系LCC敏感参数研究

    Research on LCC Sensitive Parameters of Operationally Responsive Spacelift Equipment Architecture

  21. 可重复使用空间往返运输系统的最新发展

    New Development of Reusable Space Transportation System

  22. 陈洪波表示,这种新型运载器主要是为到达距地约300-500公里的轨道设计的,可满足未来“快速、可靠、廉价”的发射需求,包括为我国空间站运输人员、物资。

    Chen said the new launch vehicle is designed mainly to reach orbits of about 300-500 km above Earth 's surface , and can meet the need for " fast , reliable and inexpensive " launches in future , including carrying personnel for China 's space station , as well as materials .

  23. 未来的杂货店可能会储存保质期更久的“食物”,以此腾出货架空间,减少运输和储存要求。

    Grocery stores of the future might stock " food " that lasts years on end , freeing up shelf space and reducing transportation and storage requirements .

  24. 但是TPL的参与带来了许多新问题,如策略空间选择、运输方式与批量决策和供应链协调问题。

    But the participation of TPL brought many new problems , such as the selection of strategic space , the decision of transport mode and lot size and the coordination of supply chain .

  25. 离心力因素主要有:空间距离、运输成本、拥挤效应和负外部性等。

    The centrifugal force factors mainly include : spatial distance , transporting cost , congested effect and the negative externality , and so on .

  26. 除此之外,单剂量瓶需要大幅增加冷藏空间并提高运输能力,而目前在大多数国家并不可行。

    In addition , single-dose vials require significantly more cold storage space as well as increased transport capacity , which is currently not feasible for the majority of countries .

  27. 你已经有了一个公司,这对于被商业空间,旅游运输供应商,为争夺角色很多高层大气科学,等等。

    You 've got a lot of companies that are vying for the role of being the commercial space transport provider for tourism , for upper atmospheric science , and so on .

  28. 本文对交通机会分化提出定义,交通机会分化是指社会成员实现人和物的流动完成空间位移的运输任务的机会大小出现差异的过程。

    This paper gives a definition of mobility opportunity divides , which means the differences of opportunities to divide members of society to achieve the movement of objects and space to complete the transportation task .

  29. 运输通道理论形成于20世纪60年代,它是以系统的思想,综合区域经济学、城市空间经济学、运输经济学、运输地理学及运输规划学等学科的理论与方法而形成的一个新的理论体系。

    Transport Corridor theory formed in the 1960s , it is the integration of Regional economics , urban space economics , transport economics , transport geography and transport planning and other subjects of the theory and methods of formation of a new Theoretical system .

  30. 为了进一步巩固和扩大农用运输车的市场空间,农用运输车行业在今后的发展中,必须在安全、环保和节能、整车匹配、新材料等技术方面进行创新,从而提高农用运输车的竞争力。

    For strengthening and expanding the market , the farm transporter industry must innovate the safety technique , technique for the environment protection and energy sources economy , the vehicle matching technique , and new material technique , thereby enhance competition of the farm transporter .