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kōng fàn
  • empty;not specific;vague and general;not deep-going
空泛 [kōng fàn]
  • [vague and general;empty;not specific] 没有具体内容的泛泛之论

空泛[kōng fàn]
  1. 这篇文章内容空泛,必须加以充实。

    This article is vague and general in content and must be substantiated .

  2. 这不过是空泛的议论。

    These are only vague and general opinions .

  3. 集会上的发言人空泛地呼吁大家要团结一致。

    Speakers at the rally mouthed sentiments of unity

  4. 这篇评论语言干瘪,内容空泛。

    The review is dull and devoid of content .

  5. 脱离实践的理论是空泛的,脱离理论指导的实践是盲目的

    Theories deviating practices are inane , while practices deviating theories are blindfold .

  6. 架构师所构建的架构可能过于空泛,缺乏延伸性;

    The architecture may be too empty and lack of extension .

  7. 小说既不发空泛的批评,也不作轻率的赞扬。

    The book expresses neither shallow criticism nor thoughtless phrase .

  8. 空泛的格言一无用处。

    Nothing is so useless as a general maxim .

  9. 所有这些都不是抽象空泛的讨论。

    Now none of this is an abstract discussion .

  10. 希思给我们写了一封语调友善、内容空泛的信。

    Heath wrote us a letter friendly in tone , sparse in content .

  11. 没有这份爱心,服务便是空泛的。

    And without this love , service is hollow .

  12. 但体系结构过于空泛,缺乏延伸性。

    But architecture is barren and lack extension .

  13. 比勒达声气空泛,转身对我说。

    said Bildad , in a hollow tone , and turning round to me .

  14. 但随着古代社会的没落,道德教育也日渐流于空泛,道德理想的乌托邦色彩造成其与社会生活的日渐疏离。

    But with the demise of the ancient society , moral education has become vague .

  15. 没有肯定,对于思想你们可以,我们可以称空泛的。

    Without affirmations , you may be what we may call wishy-washy about the idea .

  16. 三是教育目标空泛,内容僵化;

    Third , the object of education is too floated and the content is too old .

  17. 腹中空泛,思想一片苍白,故无言可发,这是沉默。

    An empty head or a blank mind which leads to speechlessness -- that is silence .

  18. 傅山还对佛家的空泛论和实相说做了深刻批判,提出实相生三世的观点。

    Fu Shan also made a profound criticism of Buddhism the vague theory and reality theory .

  19. 我不想变得无聊空泛,除了如果是说这个词的弦外之音。

    I don 't want to be anything wishy-washy , except for the overtones of that .

  20. 两方面的论述都结合样本分析力避空泛、虚浮。

    All the issues are on the basis of sample analysis to avoid being vague and impractical .

  21. 这不过是空泛的议论。天空泛着黎明的曙光。

    These are only vague and general opinions . The sky was suffused with the pale light of dawn .

  22. 现今,当地年轻人的思想空泛,似乎是被骄纵的一代。

    Nowadays , the mind of local young people is so empty and lifeless as if they were over-exploited .

  23. 审美超越理论因其哲学基础和逻辑起点的抽象和空泛,而显示出理论的不足。

    Aesthetic transcendence theory shows its shortage because of its abstract and extensive about philosophical basis and logical starting point .

  24. 但所有这些全都是令人讨厌的空泛之词,丝毫反映不出她真实的样子。

    But all this is foolish talk pure abstract words which fail to describe one single feature of her real person .

  25. 电镜下可见肝细胞脂滴聚集严重,线粒体明显扭曲变形,出现浓缩、肿胀、淡化、外膜破损、内嵴空泛,内质网扩张等超微结构改变。

    Serious fat drop accumulation was found and swelling of mitochondria , dilatation of endoplasmic reticulum also were observed by eletron microscopy .

  26. 他介绍说,在这样的背景下,很多学术会议的题目变得“模糊空泛”。

    Chen said that under these circumstances , the themes and subjects of many academic conferences become " vague and blurry " .

  27. 另一个值得警惕的理由是,这个文件只是罗列了空泛和概括性的原则和目标,并没有提及具体的实施办法。

    Another reason to be cautious is that the NDRC document contains vague and general announcements of principles and aspirations but lacks specifics .

  28. 一旦堵截了与之相连的文化命脉,知识去去会变得枯燥、空泛和抽象,甚至教条。

    Once cutting off the lifeblood of the culture , knowledge tends to become boring , empty and abstract , and even dogma .

  29. 总之,我并不认为我有创作的本事,因为我无法创造自己的观点,所以我的作文空泛而无趣也就在所难免了。

    Yet I cannot think that because I did not originate the ideas , my little composition is therefore quite devoid of interest .

  30. 一直到现在为止,这个问题很大程度上都被规避掉了,企业在社交媒体上砸了那么多钱,只是基于曝光度和注意力份额等空泛的术语。

    Until now , that question has largely been evaded , with spending justified on the basis of vague terms like exposure and mindshare .