
kōnɡ jiān tòu shì
  • aerial perspective
  1. 并对线性透视方法和空间透视方法分别对室内及室外序列提取深度,实验验证了提出的方法的有效性。

    The method of linear perspective and aerial perspective is utilized to extract depth of the indoor and outdoor sequences respectively . Experimental results have proven the effectiveness of proposed method .

  2. 中国古代建筑组合空间透视构图探析

    On the Aerial Perspective Composition in Ancient Chinese Architecture

  3. 边缘社区:城市族群社会空间透视

    Marginal community : a perspective of the social space of the urban communities

  4. 椭球的倾斜像面空间透视投影正反解变换

    Forward and Inverse Transformation of the ' Tilted Camera ' Perspective Projection of the Ellipsoid

  5. 一种新的空间透视不变量计算方法

    A New Method for Computing Geometric Invariants

  6. 适合卫星图像的空间透视投影

    The space perspective projection of satellite image

  7. 浅论文艺复兴时期绘画的空间透视

    On the Spatial Perspective in Renaissance

  8. 基于空间透视仿射变换研究相贯线问题

    Study the Intersection Line of Two Quadratic Surface Problems Based On the Space Perspective Affinity Transformation

  9. 使张书旗笔下的物象相比任伯年,造型更精准,空间透视感更强烈。

    The images described by Zhang Shu Qi Ren Bo compared , the styling is more accurate , more intense sense of perspective space .

  10. 当视点位置不变,将立方体作任何方向的移动,所产生的空间透视关系微妙而复杂。

    When the viewpoint is in an unchangeable position , and the cube is moved in any direction , the space perspective relation produced isa delicate and complex .

  11. 分析与研究光源空间透视阴影映射,该算法为阴影映射算法与透视阴影映射算法的一种折中算法。其次,提出了基于平行平分阴影映射的分层百分比渐进过滤算法。

    The light space perspective shadow mapping is described , this algorithm merges the shadow mapping algorithm and the perspective shadow mapping algorithm . Secondly , the algorithm of layed percentage-closer fliter which is based on the parallel split shadow mapping is proposed .

  12. 区域发展不平衡的福祉空间地理学透视

    A Study of Perspectives of Well-being Space of Unbalanced Regional Development

  13. 叙事迷宫:艾丽丝·默多克小说的时间与空间结构透视

    Narrative Labyrinths : A Study of Temporal and Spatial Structures in Iris Murdoch 's Novels

  14. 都市缝合&20年柏林和上海规划设计分析的都市发展空间意义透视

    City-sewing : Analyzing the Meanings of Plannings and Designs in Shanghai and Berlin in the Last Two Decades from a Perspective of Urban Spacial Development

  15. 分析了空间圆透视投影的数学模型,并建立了点的空间三坐标立体视觉测量数学模型。

    The perspective projection model of the spatial circle is discussed and the mathematical model of three-dimensional ( 3D ) measurement for the stereo vision sensor is analyzed .

  16. 高维射影空间对合透视的代数表达式

    Algebraic Expression of the Involutory Homology in Higher Dimensional Projective Space

  17. 高维射影空间中的透视变换

    The Homology Transformation in Higher Dimensional Projective Spaces

  18. 空间知觉的透视理论

    The Perspective Theory of Space Perception

  19. 泛珠三角经济区政区建置沿革的空间关系演变透视

    On spatial relationship of the process of historical administrative changes in the Pan-Zhujiang Delta economic region

  20. 它包含着对形体体量感的塑造、空间的纵深透视、结构的转折衔接、质感和光影变化等多方面的问题。

    It contains the portrayal of shape , the perspective of space , the joint of structure , and the variety of quality and ray .

  21. 利用求补色立体图屏幕坐标原理,采用浮动水平线法来绘出空间曲面的透视投影图形。

    Based on the screen coordinate theory of solid diagram of complementary color , a perspective projection diagram of space surface is drawn using floating horizontal line method .

  22. 自20世纪初,立体派画家们开始将现成材料引入绘画创作,试图打破传统绘画中的虚假的真实&即在二维平面上描绘三维空间的传统透视作画技法。

    Since the early 20th century Cubist painters started painting the introduction of ready-made materials , trying to break the traditional painting of the " false reality " - that is , two-dimensional plane in the tradition of depicting three-dimensional perspective technique .

  23. 把四维空间中的透视结果视为具有三维特征的形体,将该透视形体分解成两个三维空间中的二维透视,从而建立四维透视变换矩阵,为计算机显示提供一个数学模型。

    By resolving three dimensional perspective in the four dimensional space into two three dimensional space 's two dimensional perspective , four dimensional perspective transformation matrix can be built up as a result , therefor a mathematics model can be provided for computer display .

  24. 笔者将从城市空间的角度透视文艺复兴时代的现代性问题,即从城市的物质空间的演变,经济、文化机构、社会生活和社会问题等诸多方面进行反思。

    The present author plans to investigate the modernity of Renaissance times from the perspective of urban space , that is , try to discuss it from the perspectives of the evolution of physical space , economy , cultural bodies , social life and social problem of Renaissance cities .

  25. 在中国传统绘画中,构图、布局不拘于特定时间与空间、散点透视法以及移步换景对DV的动态拍摄有着指导意义。

    Chinese traditional way of Composting a picture , perspective , changing sight and unlimited time and space have instructional meaning on shooting .

  26. 城镇群体空间关系的生态学透视&以珠江三角洲为例

    An analysis of the urban spatial relationship from ecological theory

  27. 本文给出了三维射影空间上对合透视的代数表达式。

    In this paper we discuss the algebraic expression of involutory perspective in three-dimensional projective space .

  28. 从文艺复兴开始直到印象派这相当长的一段历史时期绘画空间都是围绕透视、纵深的三维立体空间而发展。

    For quite a long time from Renaissance to Impressionism , painting space had developed around perspective and deep three-dimensional space .

  29. 通过对空间任意点的透视模型进行分析,总结推论出两种行之有效的快速手工绘制两点透视图的方法。

    Through analyzing the perspective model of arbitrary point in space , two practical and fast methods of drawing two-point perspective are concluded .

  30. 空间表现亦弃透视、立体、写实于不顾,在不断简化和平面化的过程中,建立起一套自己的造型体系。

    Spaces performance disposable lens , three-dimensional , realistic despite constantly simplify and planarization process , establish a set of its own modeling system .