
kōng jiàng
  • airborne;airdrop;airborne landing;land from the air
空降 [kōng jiàng]
  • [air-borne] 利用降落伞,从飞机上下跳着陆

空降[kōng jiàng]
  1. 第一空降师完全被德军的凶猛火力压住了。

    First Airborne Division was heavily outgunned by German forces

  2. 盟军空投了数千人的空降部队。

    The allies landed thousands of airborne troops .

  3. 他是波兰地下组织的情报员,被空降到华沙。

    He was a courier for the Polish underground and parachuted into Warsaw

  4. 那座机场由法国空降兵控制。

    The airport is in the hands of French paratroops .

  5. 来自宾夕法尼亚州拉克万纳的迈克尔·休斯20年前参军,在第82空降师服役。

    Michael Hughes of Lackawanna , Pennsylvania , enlisted in the 82nd Airborne 20 years ago

  6. 他空降进入。

    He was parachuted in .

  7. 18个月前,人们普遍猜测前外交大臣可能会空降至苏格兰议会。

    There was intense speculation 18 months ago that the former foreign secretary might be parachuted into the Scottish Parliament .

  8. 三年前,身为创作型歌手的艾德•希兰携处女单曲TheATeam(书名号只能用于中文)空降流行乐坛就大获成功;

    It 's been just three years since UK singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran broke through into the pop world with his debut single The A Team .

  9. 方法:应用心理健康症状问卷(SCL-90)、跳伞心理应激问卷对165名空降兵新兵跳伞员进行心理测评。

    Methods : 165 recruits ( parachuters ) were measured with SCL-90 and questionnaire of psychology stress reaction .

  10. 这一种火炮系统的轻型和高机动性特点可能适应PLA空降部队和海军陆战队的特别要求。

    The lightweight and high-mobility features of this artillery system may be of special appeal to the PLA airborne force and marine corps .

  11. 2002年12月11日,一位美国老兵莱斯特·哈什伊悄然辞世&他曾是美国101空降部队506团E连最年轻的士兵。

    On December 11 , 2002 , an old American campaigner named Lest Hashi who once was the youngest soldier in E company 506 corps of American 101 air force passed away silently .

  12. 另外一名空降消防员RufusRobinson首先跳下,EarlCooley紧随其后。

    Another smokejumper , Rufus Robinson , went first . Then out came Earl Cooley .

  13. 基于REPAST的岛屿空降作战仿真模型

    Repast-based Simulation and Modeling of Airborne Battle on Island

  14. EarlCooley总是说,作为一名空降消防员他并不感到害怕。

    Earl Cooley always said he was not afraid being a smokejumper .

  15. EarlCooley成为第一批空降消防员的一员。

    Earl Cooley became one of the first smokejumpers .

  16. 方法采用SCL-90问卷,对200名空降兵新兵在入伍时和抗洪抢险后1wk进行测查。

    METHODS One hundred paratroopers were examined with SCL 90 in two periods : The period of enrollment and one week after anti flood rescue .

  17. 雷文斯克罗夫特没有空降至需要重组的公司,而是开始在波尔主教学校(CardinalPoleSchool)教授商业和经济学,该校主要招收伦敦东部哈克尼区(Hackney)11岁至19岁之间的青少年。

    Rather than parachuting into companies that needed restructuring , Mr Ravenscroft started teaching business and economics at Cardinal Pole School , which serves 11-19 year old boys and girls in Hackney , east London .

  18. 她的第二张专辑,1987年发行的Whitney,成为公告牌200强专辑排行榜的空降冠军,这是女艺人第一次取得这样的成绩。

    Her second studio album , Whitney ( 1987 ), became the first album by a female artist to debut at number one on the Billboard 200 albums chart .

  19. 它与HJ-8型和HJ-9型系统相比是轻量型因而特别适用于轻步兵和空降部队。

    Its lightweight comparing to the HJ-8 and HJ-9 system makes it particularly suitable for the light infantry and airborne troops .

  20. 萨穆埃尔松是汽车业的老将,2012年10月,斯特凡•雅各比(StefanJacoby)被免职后,他被董事会空降至沃尔沃掌门人的位置。之前雅各比与吉利高层在战略上存在分歧。

    Mr Samuelsson , an automotive veteran , was parachuted into the top job in October 2012 from the board of directors after the ousting of Stefan Jacoby , with whom Geely executives had disagreed over strategy .

  21. 但是之前的轰动并没有让世界准备好迎接她的第五张个人完整长度专辑《碧昂斯》(Beyoncé),这张“视觉专辑”于2013年12月13日午夜空降iTunes。

    But no previous coup de th é atre prepared the world for the arrival of the singer 's fifth full-length solo record , " Beyonc é , " the " visual album " that airdropped onto iTunes at midnight on Dec. 13 , 2013 .

  22. 跳伞应激在训练中对空降兵心肌酶的影响

    The effects of bailout stress on airborne trainees ' myocardial enzyme

  23. 空降医疗队模块化管理在抗震救灾工作中的应用

    Application of airborne medical team modular management in earthquake relief work

  24. 你们可以在晚上空降到那里。

    There 's enough clearing to make your jump at dusk .

  25. 几乎达到前甲板中心电梯是空降。

    Almost before it reached the deck-center elevator it was airborne .

  26. 是的先生从第105驻坎大哈空降部队退役。

    Yes , sir . 105th Airborne of Kandahar , retired .

  27. 一小队士兵被空降在敌人后方。

    A small group of soldiers were parachuted behind enemy lines .

  28. 第13空降师马上要向太平洋战区出发。

    13th airborne are heading out for the Pacific right away .

  29. “新泽西狱所”哈郡的空降圣诞老人不过如此。

    And so much for the skydiving Santa of Hutchinson county .

  30. 滑雪啦就是那种把你空降下去的…

    That kind of skiing that they drop you from the ...