
kōng dòng
  • empty;cavity;void;hollow
空洞 [kōng dòng]
  • (1) [cavity]∶物体内的空隙

  • 岩石中的空洞

  • (2) [empty;hollow]∶不着边际,缺乏实质内容

  • 空洞的论据

空洞[kōng dòng]
  1. 肺部孤立团块伴空洞的CT诊断及鉴别诊断

    CT diagnosis and differential diagnosis of pulmonary solitary mass with cavity

  2. 肺空洞多层螺旋CT仿真内镜成像初探

    Multislice helical CT virtual endoscopy of lung cavity : a preliminary experience

  3. 妻子离开后,他的人生中出现了一大片空洞。

    After his wife left , there was a gaping hole in his life .

  4. 对《星期天的爱情》这首歌的即兴模仿听起来尤其空洞。

    The ersatz spontaneity of ' Sunday Love ' sounds especially hollow .

  5. 实情被揭穿了:政府的承诺原来是空洞的谎言。

    The government 's promises were exposed as a hollow sham

  6. 亚太经合组织似乎为一大堆空洞的胡言乱语所淹没。

    APEC seems be drowning in an ocean of jargon .

  7. 每年春天,臭氧遭到破坏,空洞就出现了。

    Every spring the ozone is chewed up , and the hole appears .

  8. 为防御可能发生的空袭,该城市正在建防空洞。

    The city 's bomb shelters were being prepared for possible air raids .

  9. 观察员最近在宇宙中发现了直径约5亿光年的巨型空洞。

    Observers have recently found in the Universe giant voids about 500,000,000 light-years across .

  10. 政客们还在想象着“人民”对他们的空洞口号会越来越感兴趣呢。

    Politicians persist in imagining that ' the people ' warm to their cheesy slogans .

  11. 这一番吵闹使得所有关于团结和谐的乐观言论听起来都显得有几分空洞。

    The rumpus has made all the optimistic statements about unity and harmony ring a little hollow .

  12. 他洋洋得意地吹嘘自己领导着“一个主张低税收的政党”,这听起来很空洞。

    His proud boast of leading ' the party of low taxation ' has a hollow ring .

  13. 她的竞选宣传口号“服务大众的总统”虽然押了头韵,听着很悦耳,其实内容空洞。

    Her campaign slogan , ' a president for the people ' , was pleasantly alliterative but empty .

  14. 牙齿上的空洞是由龋蚀造成的。

    Cavities in teeth are caused by decay .

  15. 我们对任何草案都会感到满意,即使草案的内容非常空洞也无所谓。

    We would be satisfied with any draft document , however vacuous .

  16. 你讲的话很空洞。

    The words you say are very hollow .

  17. 实际行动胜过空洞的言辞。

    Action speaks louder than words .

  18. 这倒不是一个空洞的吹牛,而是他真实感情的供状。

    This was not a mere empty vaunt , but a deliberate avowal of his real sentiments .

  19. 但是如果没有获得知识或技能,大学学位就仅仅是一张空洞的白纸。

    But a university degree unaccompanied by a gain in knowledge or skills is an empty achievement indeed .

  20. 否则,传统的再创造将是虚假而空洞的,他说。

    Otherwise , the recreation of traditions would be artificial and empty , he said .

  21. 但自信应该来源于好成绩和真正的成就,而不是别人的空洞赞扬。

    But self-confidence should be the result of good grades and real achievements , not empty praise from others .

  22. 公司团队人员在忍受了三个小时绚丽空洞的PPT和枯燥的策略宣讲之后,跌跌撞撞地离开了晨会。

    The corporate3 team stumbled out of the morning meeting after three hours of suffering through PowerPointlessness and dry lectures about strategy .

  23. 大部分是空洞的,剩下的是臭的。

    Most of it 's missing , and what 's there stinks6 .

  24. 这种评论纯属空洞之词,不能帮助我们解决问题。

    Such comments are inane because they don 't help us solve our problem .

  25. 这些都是空洞的评论。

    These are all nugatory comment .

  26. 政府和新闻界之间不停的辩论,并没有因一些空洞的观点而有所进展。

    The continuing debate between government and the press has not been much advanced by doctrinaire arguments .

  27. 中将的英语十分古怪,空洞无味,翻译官慢条斯理,下面昏昏欲睡

    The English of the lieutenant general is very eccentric , empty insipidity , interpreter official leisurely , below drowsy .

  28. 百思买的购物卡、塔吉特的购物卡、科尔士的购物卡,还有100美金,我今年得到的全是“空洞礼物”啊。

    For example : Best Buy , Target , and Kohls gift cards , and $ 100 .... man , all I got this year were blank presents .

  29. “空洞礼物”指没有任何想法或创意的礼物,通常是以购物卡或者现金的形式送出。送出这一类礼物的人多半是不清楚收礼物人的喜好,所以就干脆让他们“想买什么就买点什么”。

    Blank present are the present that has no thought behind it . This usually comes in the form of gift cards & money . The person who give these as presents often do not know what the reciever likes , and simply gives them the " choice " to get " whatever they want " .

  30. X线与CT在诊断空洞型肺结核中的比较分析

    Comparative analysis on CT and X-ray plain film in diagnosis of phthisis