
  • 网络Hiking;Trekking Tour;jaunt
  1. 徒步旅游作为背包旅游的最主要形式深受国内外旅游者的欢迎。

    Hiking is one of the most important parts of backpacking , which is very popular in World .

  2. 旅行社徒步旅游产品开发研究&以杭州为例

    A Study on the Possibilities of the Development of Hiking Products by Travel Agencies & Take Hangzhou for an Example

  3. 我们网站为外国人提供中国安徽自助或徒步旅游全程服务。

    Our website provides China for the foreigner Anhui to help oneself or to travel on foot the entire journey service .

  4. 尽可以经常去。我喜爱徒步旅游,由于这样你才可以真正接触大自然。

    I go as much as I can . I love hiking because you can really get in touch with nature .

  5. 网络是国内外徒步旅游者最重要的信息媒介,因此徒步旅游营销的主要阵地是网络。

    Internet is the most important media for hikers , so it should be the main marketing area in hiking tourism developing .

  6. 邻近的中国文化中心会举办古迹徒步旅游,甚至还举办幻灯片展,透露中国城的发展史。

    The nearby Chinese cultural center conducts walking tours of the historic district and even a slide show revealing the historic development of the area .

  7. 然而,与实践中徒步旅游开展的如火如荼相比,国内相关理论研究却极度贫乏,也未能引起政府和相关部门的重视。

    However , the practice of hiking and carried out in full swing , domestic related theories are extremely poor , and not lead to the government and relevant departments attach importance to .