
tū chū xìnɡ
  • Prominence;salience
  1. 这些要素是:突出性(显著性)、情绪、忍耐力、脱瘾、挣扎、复发、问题。

    These are salience - noticeability - mood , tolerance , withdrawal , conflict , relapse and problems .

  2. 身份激活依赖于身份突出性,而认同身份过程主要依赖身份确认。

    The activation of identity depends on identity salience , and the operation of identity process lies in identity verification .

  3. 结论MPR是一种有效的检查方法,为L5~S1椎间盘突出性病变的准确诊断开辟了新的途径。对帮助和指导手术有着独特的应用价值。

    Conclusion MPR is an effective means for diagnosing the intervertebral disk herniation at L5-S1 and it is helpful to guide the surgical procedure .

  4. 就0.88dtex涤纶纤维生产缝纫线生产过程中的突出性问题进行了探讨。

    The prominent problems in production of sewing thread with 0.88 dtex polyester fibre were discussed .

  5. 民俗旅游资源的突出性等类型特征。

    It has outstanding characteristics in folklore tourist resources .

  6. 汉语是主题突出性语言,零成分的出现和使用率相当高:而英语是主语突出性语言,零成分的使用率很低。

    While English is a subject-prominent language , in which the use of zero anaphora is more constrained .

  7. 而对于突出性较强的材料,两种指导语条件下的内隐学习成绩则没有差异。

    But for the condition of high level internal prominence , there was no significant difference in implicit learning performance between different instruction groups .

  8. 盆地流体过程和模拟是当前的一个研究热点,盆地流体的识别、追踪和盆地规模的流体动力学分析与模拟获得突出性进展。

    Basin fluid study has became an active research area of basin analysis , and has achieved great progresses in basin scale geofluid flow simulation .

  9. 第五章是选择突出性的规划问题,运用前文介绍的理论方法,结合森林公园规划特色,对其加以解决。

    The fifth chapter chose the prominence problems and solve them combined the characteristics of planning by using the theories introduced in the second chapter .

  10. 即在结构安排上,追求内容上的关联性、逻辑上的层次性、结构上的完整性、论述上的重点突出性,进而使全文的内容浑然一体、自然流畅。2.创新性原则。

    That is structured and relevance of content , logical levels , structural integrity , focused on the nature of discourse , thereby made the full contents natural flow.2.Innovative principles .

  11. 这三大转向成为科技哲学的发展趋势,而其中语境论越来越成为突出性的问题,并且是一个统一的动态的发展过程。

    This " Three Changes " become the development trend of the philosophy of science , and the contextualize become a highlight problem , which is a unified dynamic process of development .

  12. 内源定向是指有目的地分配注意资源到预先计划的空间位置,而外源定向则是对突出性事件的反射性自动反应。

    Endogenous orienting refers to the purposeful allocation of attentional resources to a predetermined location in space , whereas exogenous orienting is thought to be triggered reflexively and automatically by an abrupt onset event .

  13. 由于群体性突发事件的前兆信息不具有显著性和突出性,且事件发生后对社会造成的损失不可估量,因此,有必要应用科学的方法对群体性突发事件预警管理进行研究。

    As forewarning of mass unexpected incidents are not significant and prominent , and the social losses are also inestimable . Therefore , it is very necessary to use the scientific method to research the early warning management of mass unexpected incidents .

  14. 基于GIS的煤层底板灰岩水突出危险性综合评价

    Comprehensive Assessment Method of Water Invasion Susceptibility from Coal Seam Floor Based on GIS Technology

  15. 基于ASP技术的煤与瓦斯突出危险性预测系统

    Dangerous prediction system of coal and gas outburst base on ASP technology

  16. 对AE信号参数预测预报煤与瓦斯突出危险性进行了展望。

    The paper also looks forward the prospect of the application of AE signal parameter for predicting coal and gas outburst hazard .

  17. 基于各种原理的监测方法很多,利用声发射(AE)信号参数预测预报煤与瓦斯突出危险性,被许多国家的研究人员公认为是一种最有发展前途的方法。

    There are many monitoring methods based different kinds of theory , the utilization of AE signal parameter to predict and forecast coal and gas outburst hazard is a method that is universally accepted by researchers in many countries and has the most developmental prospect .

  18. 高职院校学生思想政治工作应突出针对性

    Ideological and Political Work for Professional College Students Must Have Pertinence

  19. 研究性学习突出实践性,开放性,自主性,过程性。

    Practical study stresses practicality , opening , autonomy and process .

  20. 预测煤巷突出危险性的连续流量法研究

    Research on Continuous Flow Method of Coal Roadway Outburst Risk Prediction

  21. 突出危险性的线性判别法及临界值研究

    Linear Discriminatory Analysis on Coal-Gas Outburst Danger and Its Critical Value

  22. 煤层突出危险性预测的神经网络专家系统

    Neural network expert system for risk prediction of coal seams outburst

  23. 煤矿井下瓦斯突出危险性的模糊分析

    Fuzzy analysis of gas burst danger level in underground coal mine

  24. 德育方法设计贴近生活,突出实践性;

    Its design should press close to life , pushing forward practicality ;

  25. 其重点是突出时效性、可操作性和相对准确性。

    It has the characters of timeliness , maneuverability and relative accuracy .

  26. 在监狱教育中,必须突出实效性、针对性。

    And the effectiveness and aims must be prominent in prison education .

  27. 煤与瓦斯突出危险性的模式识别和概率预测

    Pattern recognition and possibility prediction of coal and gas outburst

  28. 突出实用性,开展农村职业技术教育;

    Stress practicality , develop rural professional technical education ;

  29. 煤与瓦斯突出危险性预测技术现状及问题分析

    Present Situation and Problem Analysis on Prediction Technology of Coal and Gas Outburst

  30. 突出综合性较强的应用领域。

    Emphasizing the applied field with highly comprehensive characteristic .