
  • 网络bumping;frothover;boilover;Flashing
  1. 真空突沸效应使干燥迅速、彻底。

    Sudden boiling of vacuum effect make dry quickly thoroughly .

  2. 油品突沸故障树分析

    Malfunction Tree Analysis of Oil Sudden Boiling

  3. 油罐发生突沸、喷溅及憋压风险辨识及控制突然她浑身的热血一下子沸腾了。

    Risk identification and control of sudden boiling , splash and pressure increase in oil tanks suddenly her blood rose in a jet .

  4. 高温条件下油品生产过程中安全防护措施考虑不充分或者操作不当,会发生突沸窜油和自燃着火事故。

    If safety prevention measures are not enough or the operations are not proper in the oil production at the high temperature , the BLEVE and spontaneous combustion fires are often occurred .