
  1. 林书豪突破上篮的娴熟技术和找到无人盯防的队友的能力让他在德安东尼的战术体系中如鱼得水,但要成为真正的NBA球星,他仍有很多功课要做。

    Lin 's knack for driving to the basket and finding open teammates makes him a good fit for the D'Antoni mold , but he still has a lot of work to do before he 's a proven NBA star .

  2. 对运用同侧步突破上篮技术走步违例的判罚

    On the Judgment of the Violation of Walking in One-side Breakthrough Shooting

  3. 为澄清技术概念,纠正技术错误,提高我国篮球技术教学、训练及裁判水平,对运用同侧步突破上篮技术时走步违例提出了客观的判定方法。

    In order to dear up the conception of this skill , correct the sill errors , improve the teaching and training quality as well as the abilities of referees , the paper sets an objective judgment to the violation of walking while players do one-side breakthrough shooting .