
  • 网络three-dimensional constitutes;Three-dimensional Composition;Three-Dimensional Construction;Three Dimentional Composition
  1. 浅谈建筑装饰专业《立体构成》课程教学的现状与改革

    Simple Discussion on Current Situation and Reform of Teaching of " Three-Dimensional Constitutes " Courses in Architectural Decoration Major

  2. 浅谈POP广告设计及立体构成的应用

    A Brief Discussion On the Application of Three-dimensional Composition in POP Advertising Design

  3. 本文首先仿照A.立体构成教学应走出模拟自然形态的误区

    The Teaching of 3D Construction should be Kept away from the Error of Imitating Natural Form

  4. 二是运用立体构成原理进行的形体创造。

    Another is that it apply the principle of cube composition .

  5. 立体构成在室内与家具设计中的应用

    The Application of Three-dimensional Composition in Interior and Furniture Design

  6. 浅谈立体构成中的空间意识与空间塑造

    Discusses in the Three-Dimensional Constitution Shallowly Spatial Consciousness and the Spatial Mold

  7. 形态的创造与设计&立体构成在首饰设计中的应用

    Creation and Design of Form ── Application of Three-dimensional Constitution in Jewellry Design

  8. 从立体构成的角度解析室内空间构成

    Analyze the space composing from the stereoscopic composing angle

  9. 服装制图方法有原型法、比例法、立体构成法等。

    Methods of clothing drafting include : prototype , proportion , three-dimensional constitution etc.

  10. 审美与表现&论材料在立体构成中的应用

    Aesthetics and Manifestation & On the use of material in the cubic construction

  11. 关于在立体构成教学中加强材料体验的探讨

    Enforcing Material Knowledge in the Teaching of 3D Composition

  12. 浅谈立体构成中纸立体的训练教学

    Superficial View on the Paper Cube 's Training Teaching of the Cubic Constitution

  13. 立体构成课程中对材料的思考和探索

    Materials thinking and exploring in constitute a three-dimensional curriculum

  14. 基于立体构成技术的抽褶造型与织物的相关性研究

    Study on the Relation of Drape - shaping and Fabric in Three-dimensional Constitute Technique

  15. 触摸材料:立体构成教学有感

    Teaching of Three Dimensional Design : Touching Material

  16. 立体构成在立体裁制教学中的应用

    Tri-dimensional Structure in Solid Measure and Cutting

  17. 虚拟技术在立体构成中的应用

    Application of Virtual Reality on Solid Structure

  18. 立体构成教学之我见

    Opinions on teaching in the stereo-construction

  19. 立体构成与抽象雕塑

    Three-dimensional Composition and Abstract Sculpture

  20. 立体构成与帽型设计的教学探索

    3D Hat Modeling and Construction

  21. 综合构成是“平面构成”、“色彩构成”、“立体构成”的合称。

    Comprehensive Formation is the general name of plane formation , color formation and Three Dimentional Composition .

  22. 就线条类型而言,有平面展开的线和立体构成的线。

    So far as the types of lines are concerned , there are plane lines and stereoscopic lines .

  23. 立体构成作为艺术设计专业不可或缺的基础课程,对于创造性人才的培养有着举足轻重的作用。

    As a necessary basic course , solid composition plays a fundamental role to the cultivation of creative personnel resources .

  24. 摘要“平面构成”与“色彩构成”、“立体构成”组合成三大构成,是艺术设计专业的基础课。

    The basic courses for the major in art design consist of color composition , three-dimensional construction and planar formation .

  25. 颗粒材料上运动物体所受摩擦力的数值模拟体验材料的表现力、发掘创造性思维&在立体构成教学中对材料感受的拓展

    Numerical Study on Friction Between Solid Body and Granular Material Experiencing the Appearance of Material and Showing the Thought of Creativeness

  26. 此文通过立体构成与服装造型设计上的关系,阐明立体构成对服装造型设计的影响与作用。

    Through the relation of solid constitution and garniture sculpt , this paper clarify that solid constitution impact to the garniture sculpt .

  27. 形态创意思维的逻辑线索&从《立体构成》教学谈创意思维模式的建构

    Morphological Clues to the Logic of Creative Thinking , From " Constitutes Art " of Teaching Creative Thinking on Ways to Construct Models

  28. 构成艺术是现代视觉传达艺术的基础理论,平面构成是构成艺术的一部分,是相对立体构成而言的。

    Composition art is the basic theory of modern visual communication art . Plane composition is one part of composition art compared to solid composition .

  29. 高校教师的成果转化意识及其结构效应分析浅谈立体构成中的空间意识与空间塑造

    A structural analysis on the preference of commercialization of teachers in universities of China Discusses in the Three-Dimensional Constitution Shallowly Spatial Consciousness and the Spatial Mold

  30. 作为形态构成系列课程之一的立体构成课,一直是许多高校建筑设计基础的重要教学课程之一。

    Three-dimension Composition , as one port of the series curricula on morphology , has been an important basis curriculum on architecture design in many universities .