
lì fǎ jiě shì
  • legislative interpretation
  1. 论刑法立法解释与司法解释的协调

    On Coordination of Legislative Interpretation and Judicial Interpretation of Criminal Law

  2. 我国立法解释制度存废之研究

    Study on the Reserve or Abatement of National Legislative Interpretation System

  3. 第三,加强立法解释,限制司法解释。

    Thirdly , strengthen legislative explanation and limit judicial explanation .

  4. 论我国刑法立法解释的目标&兼论我国刑法解释的目标

    On the Goal of the Legislative Interpretation of Criminal Law in China

  5. 第二部分,我国刑法立法解释研究。

    Second , the research on chinese legislative interpretation of criminal law .

  6. 我国刑法立法解释问题思考

    Consideration over Legislative Interpretation for Criminal Law in China

  7. 刑法立法解释与司法解释之协调&刑法解释权配置的反思与重构

    Harmonization between Legislative and Judicial Interpretation of Criminal Law

  8. 受委托从事公务人员的法律地位是由立法解释和司法解释予以明确的。

    These persons ' status is regulated only by legislative explanation and judicial explanations .

  9. 我国现行的对工作人员的立法解释犯了逻辑和语义上的错误。

    The current legislative interpretations to state personnel made mistake in logic and semantic .

  10. 在我国,刑法司法解释还必须受到刑法立法解释的限制。

    Furthermore in China the criminal law elisor explanation is limited with criminal law legislation .

  11. 论立法解释的概念及其特征

    On Law Interpretation Connation and Its Characteristics

  12. 实质刑法解释合理实现的程序性论证规则质疑立法解释&兼为法律解释正名

    Procedural Comments : A Proper Guarantee for Substantive Interpretation of Criminal Law Query the legislation explanation

  13. 中国古代立法解释探析

    Analysis of China Ancient Legislative Interpretation

  14. 论公司决议可撤销的适用事由&基于司法适用立场的立法解释

    On the Applicable Conditions of Voidable Corporate Decisions & A Legislative Explanation Based on Judicial Application

  15. 由于中国古代立法解释技术的日臻成熟,解释的方法亦多种多样。

    All these show us that the ancient governors paid much attention to the legislative interpretation .

  16. 挪用公款归个人使用的司法解释与立法解释比较

    A Comparative Analysis of the Judicial and Legislative Interpretations of Misappropriating Public Funds for Personal Use

  17. 中国古代的立法解释与法律相伴而生,并在法律生活中发挥着重要作用。

    China ancient legislative interpretation developed following the creating of law and influenced the law life greatly .

  18. 在实践中形成了以规范性司法解释为主的局面,立法解释很少进行。

    It come to the state that the normative judicial interpretation prevail predominantly over the legislative interpretation .

  19. 同时司法解释和立法解释都采纳的称霸一方这一名词。

    Judicial interpretation and legislative interpretation , meanwhile , adopt the term " dominating the party " .

  20. 对于挪用公款归个人使用几个问题的研究&以立法解释为依据

    Some Problems about Appropriating Public Money " for Personal Use " & Basedon the Interpretation of the Legislation

  21. 以国家公职人员取代国家工作人员&国家工作人员立法解释辨析

    Differentiate and Analyse about State Functionary in Criminal Law On Public Functionary Taking the Place of State Personnel

  22. 然而,在我国刑法中,无论是立法解释还是司法解释,对于暴力的含义都没有进行界定。

    However , neither the legislative interpretation , nor judicial interpretations , the meaning of violence is not to be defined .

  23. 法律解释与法律的具体适用脱离,被人为地分为立法解释、司法解释、行政解释。

    The legal interpretation is separated from the legal process and divided into legislative interpretation , judicial interpretation and administration interpretation .

  24. 在运作过程中,需要对其从三个方面加以梳理和细化:一是巩固刑法的立法解释的法理基础;

    There are three aspects that deserve more attention when the highest legislative organ lays down the interpretation of Criminal Law .

  25. 确立和完善情节变更法律制度有着重要意义,应从实体法和程序法以及立法解释和司法解释几个方面确立和完善情事变更法律制度。

    We should establish and perfect the system from substantive law and law of procedure as well as the explanation of making laws .

  26. 立法解释、司法解释、学理解释、法官适用解释各有其重心和作用。

    Legislative interpretations , judicial interpretations , theoretical interpretations , and criminal law application interpretations of judges have their key points and effects respectively .

  27. 本文谈及了我国《保险法》对保险利益的立法解释,提出了完善该解释的看法。

    The authors put forward the legislative explanation of the insurance interests in " Insurance Law " and their opinions to perfect this explanation .

  28. 目前颇受瞩目且争议众多的仍是立法解释和司法解释方面的问题,这两种法律规定的有权解释形成我国刑法解释的二元体制。

    Now the outstanding but contradictory question is also between legislative interpretation and judicial interpretation , which forms the dualistic systems of our criminal interpretations .

  29. 提出了司法解释、立法解释、行政解释、地方解释的概念及其相互关系。

    The author suggests the concepts of judical interpretation , legislative interpretation , administrative interpretation and local interpretation , as well as the interrelations between them .

  30. 中国古代立法解释的成因则主要有三个:立法的局限性、法律的局限性、单一制集权国家的政治法律传统。

    There are three major contributing factors namely the limitation of legislation , the limitation of law and the political law tradition of a single-system and centralized country .