
  • 网络competition management;Administration
  1. 大学城体育竞赛管理与校园体育文化建设&以合肥市大学城为研究个案

    Sport competition management and campus sport culture cultivation in university town

  2. 北京市竞赛管理中心管理职能改革研究

    Study on Reform of Beijing Competition Management Center Management Functions

  3. 拳击竞赛管理系统的开发与研究

    The Research and Development of Automatic Arrangement of Boxing Competition

  4. 我国学校体育运动竞赛管理的变革研究

    Study on Management Changes of Chinese School Sports Competition

  5. 在美国,每年啦啦队比赛数不胜数,赛事发展相对成熟,赛事组织筹划、竞赛管理、宣传等方面居世界前列。

    In the United States , each year cheerleading competition is numerous . The development of event is Mature .

  6. 中国电子竞技运动的现状与未来&《全国电子竞技竞赛管理办法》等五大管理规定出台

    The Present and Future of China 's E-Sports 《 National Electronic Management of Athletic Competition 》 Five Regulations Are Promulgated

  7. 应用电脑系统辅助综合性运动会的管理,是体育竞赛管理现代化的发展趋势。

    Nowadays computer-managing systems are widely used in large-scale sports games , which have modernized the administration of sports competitions .

  8. 最后本文建立模糊评价模型,定量化评估竞赛管理系统项目实施中风险的权重。

    This Establishes the fuzzy evaluation model , in the quantitative appraisal competition management system management system project implementation the risk weight .

  9. 最后,针对竞赛管理权的权利属性定性问题及我国体育社团诉讼主体资格问题给出建议。

    Finally , suggestions were put forth regarding the nature of league 's management right and sports organization administrative lawsuit defendant qualification .

  10. 所以中超联赛竞赛管理体制对于实现中超联赛价值取向具有基础性、促进性作用。

    Hence , the competition management system of CSL has the fundamental and facilitating influences to achieve the value orientation of CSL .

  11. 美国大学校际体育竞赛管理的启示

    Management of Physical Education in Middle Schools and Primary Schools The Administration of Intercollegiate Sports Competitions in the United States with Its Enlightenment

  12. 管理体制傩化,竞赛管理体制不够完善以及社会保障体系的不健全;

    The management system is rigid , the mechanism of competition management is not perfect enough and the social security system is not sound ;

  13. 学校体育运动竞赛管理是管理者或机构为了有效实现学校体育运动竞赛的目标而对各级各类运动竞赛进行计划、组织与协调的活动过程。

    School sports competition management is a process that governors or institutions plan , organize and coordinate various sports competition in order to reach the aims of school sports competition .

  14. 而美国高校体育运动竞赛管理体制则主要通过社会自我协调来实施。

    The management system of university sports in China is mainly controlled by the government and the management system of university sports in USA is mainly managed by society itself .

  15. 针对这一情况,通过收集文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈和数理统计等方法,对一、二、三线运动员、教练员、场地器材、训练方法及竞赛管理等进行调查研究。

    Through using the method of collecting literature , questionnaire , expert interview and mathematical statistics , this paper makes investigation on gymnasts , coach , facilities , training method and competition management .

  16. 竞赛管理指在举行每个比赛项目时,最大程度地执行每个国际单项联合会制定的规则和规章,目的在于让世界上最优秀的运动员发挥出他们最好的成绩。

    Competition management relates to the implementation of the rules and regulations of each International Federation in the delivery of each sport at the highest level possible for the world 's best athletes to stage their talents .

  17. 大型田径赛事对时间效率要求较高,使用大型田径赛事竞赛管理信息系统更强调比赛的时效性,以达到使比赛成绩提取既客观又公正的目的。

    In the major Athletics events , the concept of time is very important , so the use of major Athletics events Competition Management Information System emphasizes the timing of competition , making competitions results more objective and fair . 3 .

  18. 通过研究发现影响中超联赛竞赛管理体制形成的重要因素包括:运动项目管理中心制度、国家法律法规的授权、中超联赛的主流价值取向和赛区竞赛组织的客观情况。

    The primary factors influencing the formation of CSL competition management system consists of the provisions of football management center , the authorization of state laws , CSL value orientation and the objective situation of competition organization in regional level . 4 .

  19. 大型田径赛事竞赛管理信息系统的高效使用,是以扎实的裁判知识和熟练的计算机操作能力为保障的,与此同时,也促进了裁判队伍素质的提高。

    Major Athletics events competition efficient management information system is used on the basis of the solid knowledge and skilled computer operators . At the same time , the magistrate also promotes the improvement of the quality of the team . 5 .

  20. 目前,江西省高校针对武术套路高水平运动队的管理制定了一系列的措施,具体包括运动员的管理、教练员的管理、运动训练和竞赛管理、运动经费管理等。

    At present , colleges and universities in Jiangxi province have made a series of measures on the managements of Wushu high-level sports teams , including the management on athletes and coaches , management on sports training and competition , and on sports funding . 4 .

  21. 主要通过文献调研和访谈法分析中美高校体育运动竞赛管理体制的主要特点,结合国情,找出差距,明确方向,以进一步完善中国高校体育运动竞赛管理体制,更好地发展中国高校的体育运动竞赛。

    This article according to analyzing the principal characteristics of competitive managerial system between Chinese and American universities , in according to our national conditions , find out the distance and direction , to improve and develop the competitive managerial system of physical sports in Chinese universities .

  22. 青少年竞赛活动管理方法的探讨

    A Probe into the Management of Competition Activity for Young People

  23. 武术套路竞赛数字化管理系统的设计

    Design of Digital Administration System of Wushu Routine Competition

  24. 武术套路竞赛系统管理软件的制作与研究

    A Software Compilation based on a Series of Skills and Tricks in Wushu Competition Management System

  25. 国家行政机关举办的体育竞赛的管理,另行规定。

    The administration of sports contests organized by the State administrative agencies is to be prescribed separately .

  26. 介绍了马尔代夫乒乓球运动的训练、竞赛、管理及其运动员、教练员等情况。

    The management , training , competition , players and coaches of Maldives table tennis were introduced .

  27. 区、县体育行政部门负责辖区内体育竞赛的管理。

    The district and county physical cultural administrative departments take charge of the management of sports contests within their respective jurisdictions .

  28. 地方综合性运动会和地方单项体育竞赛的管理办法由地方人民政府制定。

    Measures for the administration of local comprehensive sports games and local individual sport competitions shall be formulated by the local people 's governments .

  29. 选派北京教练员、体育行政管理人员、体育科技人员、体育竞赛组织管理人员出国培训。

    Select and send beijing 's coaches , sports administrators , sports scientists and sports competition organizers and mangers to other countries for advanced training .

  30. 竞技体操优秀运动员要经过一个很长的训练周期过程,是由选材、训练、竞赛及管理等若干因素部分组成的系统工程。

    Athletics gymnastics outstanding athletes to go through a long training period , by material , process and management training , contest of several factors component system engineering .